Political Opinion

WaPo is liberal/progressive.

I agree - we had a similar situation over here - with Nigel Farage and his Brexit Perty - giving the “knuckle dragging stupid racial bigots” something REAL to voe for and tell the “woke” that we would 'oust ’ them !

Again - somebody new - a businessman - a stranger to the “Swamp”

We then got a Labour Party - so “Woke” and Marxist that nobody could possibly vote for them !

Now I’m womdering whether that Marxist Labour Party and now your ironically named Marxist “Democrats” :rofl: :rofl: have similar issues - ie they have been SO SUCCESSFUL in fooling the people that even they themselves cannot possibly accept the consequences of their Woke Policies - which clearly would destroy the whole system which they rely on to milk their huge fortunes out of !

I’m thinking maybe they really DO NOT EVEN WANT TO WIN the Election ?

I suppose what I am really saying is that the Parasite is now so big that it is in severe danger of killing the host - and therefore needs to allow the host some time to recoevr so they can Gorge themselves again on the lifeblood of the genuine people who believe in self reliance and free enterprise !

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Owned by Jeff Bezos ( Amazon) he purchase the WP for 500 million, just weeks after receiving a 500 million contract from the CIA, you think there might be a connection

The death toll continues to mount as the Police have been ordered to stand down in most US cities ran by Democrat mayors

Will BLM have anything to say about this murder, will they offer a reward. We all know the answer to these questions

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You ask why ? Nobody from the Woke brigade takes the slightest notice ?

Well the answer my friend is that they don’t give a flying f**k !

The so-called “Victim groups” are just an excuse for the “Woke Pseudo-Intellectuals” to “Write stuff” (Which is meaningless and self contradictory - should anyone be fool enough to try to read the verbal diahorrea), “sell lectures”, garner fame and make a name for yourself, collect money for your “Charity” and pay yourself huge wages ! - Oh and take a little time to indoctrinate the “useful idiots” and TDS morons ! :rofl:

I’ve been asking the same question about the so-called feminists on this thread ! 1,000,000 white English girls gang raped, trafficked, drugged, threatened, literally branded and racially abused - and deliberately ignored by their teachers, social workers, police and the - “Authorities” and more evilly by the “FEMINISTS” - Now we get the same “Culturally sensitive issues” regarding three Gay men murdered in Reading - under “Culturally sensitive” circumstances - and totally ignored by the LGBTQW ++ “Activists” plus 10.000 Slaves in an English Town - totally ignored by the “Authorities” including their own MP !

SO let’s all “Bend the knee” - before we get Cancelled ! - This stuff HAS to be called out !

What do you think ? - IF you bury your head in the sand and pretend you didn’t see - “it’ll go away” ? - No Sirree - Bullies are Bullies - Let them get away with it and you’ll be running away for for the rest of your life !

[AND More importantly perhaps - thse who read this will KNOW in their Soul that what I am saying is a pretty good summary - and if YOU - dear readers - decide to ignore it - you will KNOW - for the rest of your lives that you are Lying - To YOURSELVES - lie to me, lie to your wife ,lie to God - But feel deep and sincere shame - when you lie to yourself ! :roll_eyes: ]


Smiles. You mean like Trump with Russia and China now? You’re worried about Biden and his foreign business interest IF he becomes president? You have Trump with ACTUAL foreign business interests blurring his presidential policy, and one of his sons actually saying the Trump biz has substantial dealings with Russians.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” Trump has like $500 million in China loans.

Outrage over something that COULD happen. But nothing over something that IS happening. You funny. How is that any different that what Biden might be/do/become?

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Well aware of these claims.

But, yea, there isn’t a Clinton in the White House at the moment, so there’s that. Are you saying Clinton did it, so if Trump is doing it, he gets a pass because they did?

80% of my time is wasted saying “I never said that!” or in pointing out lapses in logic in illogical arguments. It’s seriously draining. That’s part of the reason I tend not to get involved in political and religious discussions.

So, here goes…I never said that!


LOl - see how they pop up - Right on cue ?

It doesn’t matter whether you said it or not - the objective is to frustrate you into shutting up (as you already identified) ! :wink:

Times have changed - Please don’t fall for it now ! - But in order to retain your sanity - it is essential to understand what is laughingly called “the thought process” - It simply is not the same as “ours” (See attached vid at end of this post)

They don’t actually Know what the truth means !

So we have to find a set of defences - which calls out their Indoctrination - Some of my more recent posts - do address this issue - AND it is gratifying to see some success in this endeavour :wink:
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Gotcha. Didn’t get what point you were making sharing Clinton stuff. No worries.

[quote=“QuadPip, post:4181, topic:42247”]
The following articles may interest you


Notice how they are very selective with their quotes - to take the validity out of your position ?

And then they revert back to "oh it’s all a misunderstanding then - you can be my friend now ! " Once they see the game is up !

You have to feel sorry for them in honesty - should be out drinking beer and playing football and chasing girls - not playng “Orange man Bad” ! - on some random forum.

They’re gonna get Soooo angry when they realise all that “college money debt” was just wasted - and their mates who didn’t go are now homeowners with good jobs, pretty wives and young families !


Thanks for the commentary! Why do you feel you need to do this?

You’re also here :slight_smile:

Try a little harder. I’m sure you can figure it out. I can’t be expected to caption every post I make.


Selective quote again !

True (That means my “narrative” coincides with yours ! )

But I’ve done my bit - you’re a young lad who has a whole life ahead of you - IF you choose to accept the challenge ! :wink:

[Oh and stop with the “Victim stance” ! ]

Ah yes, all this during her Presidency. I forgot.

Used to bother me. Now I don’t give much energy to it. Water off a duck’s back. Just not worth the effort.

I know mate - but Jordan Peterson says there’s somewhere between 300,000 and 3 million of them - infesting USA - and growing in numbers every year - You need to learn how to deal with them - or else wander about bemused about wtf is going on in Society - They’re quite easy really - once you understand the basics !

Keep an eye open for my “Arithmetic” (Simple math) thread when it pops up ! :slightly_smiling_face:

LOL. To what end though? I threw in the towel years ago. I mostly watch, bemused by it all.

The sad part is that they are being slowly boiled to death while fighting with those who are trying to warn them of their impending doom. Oh well! F*ck it, I say.

Lot of sense in that :sunglasses:

Funny how we have like three die hard TDS posters on this thread, and they seem to take turns showing off their TDS. It is like being the parents of triplets, two sleep while one keeps you awake all night, I guess we could ignore them, but they are such easy prey

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