Political Opinion

Trump was the most likely winner until covid-19, and his amateur response to the pandemic may have lost him the election, but I still think him the favourite by a long mile.

Even if Biden wins, how long could he be in office? In which case Harris wins.

I donā€™t buy the level of threat from technocracy because Iā€™m not convinced that any of the great leaders of the great tech corporations are actually the most technically minded and most tech-competent people. Even if they were when they set up their companies, and even if they are right now today, they will be overtaken by some kid of 19 tomorrow. Just as they overtook the Xerox guys way back when. And they know it canā€™t be avoided.

They are not a different species and weā€™re not headed for a different world.

compared to just 20 years ago we are in a very different world, and how much different will it be in another 20 years, For myself it does not much matter but I am very concern for my granddaughter

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Quoting a friend:
Yes, this is really happening. Idiot libs gather in crowds to protest against in person voting, and in favor of mail in voting. The reason? Gathering in crowds to vote is dangerous because of Covid19.

You canā€™t make this stuff up

So itā€™s OK to gather in large crowds to protest with NO enforcement of social distancing and mask wearing requirements. But itā€™s DANGEROUS to gather at a voting place where STRICT social distancing and mask wearing will be enforced.

Am I getting this right libs?


And just what do you consider ā€œamateurā€ I seem to remember him being like 6 weeks ahead of the World Health Organization in his response, if anyone is an amateur it is that Chinese puppet running the WHO


Very disturbing case totally being ignored by the US fake news media but my man Viva Frei is on the case doing the US news medias job

He also discusses this case with attorney Robert Barns , you can find that on Vivaā€™s channel

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A Chinese puppet Marxist does indeed run the WHO. But the WHO does not decide US health policy.

5 minutes of superb Katie ! :sunglasses:

Discussing the Agenda for DNC in the Empty room ! - Including ā€œGodā€™s minuteā€ and the ā€œCurrent Clinton Scoreā€


The way i see it is that Pres Trump got caught between a rock and a hard place - the same place that many of us as individuals were if we think about it, difference is that he had to make the calls.

Back at the beginning many of us thought of sars - it was similar in many ways to covid and truth is that we thought it would take the same route, there was nothing to suggest otherwise.

To make a call to pull peopleā€™s livelihood is not easy - having made that call you then hope itā€™s short lived - thatā€™s the reason that the President focused on Easter as the time that the pandemic would recede.

It didnā€™t happen, but it is happening - maybe more slowly than hoped for - but life will return.

The difficulty is that in politics voters have a very short memory - the last 3.5 years of increased prosperity are quickly forgotten - now itā€™s up to guys behind the scenes to do their work.


According to Google, Twitter and Facebook terms of service, the WHO does decide US health policy and if you say anything contrary to the WHOā€™s official position your post is subject to censorship

and I am still waiting for you to tell us what you think the President should have done differently based on the information he had at the time, it is easy to second guess our leaders months after the fact using information not available at the time.

peterma, agree totally, well-stated response

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On covid-19 Trump should have acted earlier and more decisively, He should not have downplayed the severity of the infection or its infectiousness. He should not have confused the public by talking about the internal use of bleach. He should not have placed medically unjustified confidence in hydroxychloroquine. He should have bought testing kits in bulk earlier. Travel restrictions should have been applied earlier and more restrictively and taken in more countries than just China. He should never have claimed to the public that, at any stage, the spread of the virus was under control. He should have focused more attention and resources on closed community outbreaks such as care homes , detention centres etc. He should have led a more coordinated effort to prepare and publicise re-opening plans and timetables. He should not have got involved in the face-mask debate and should not have discouraged anyone from wearing these and should certainly never have politicised the issue.

Thereā€™s no denying other countries also made very weak and belated efforts, but a little better might be expected from the US.

The US people have been let down by their governmentā€™s efforts to deal with this disease. Its only to be hoped they donā€™t put the Democrats in power as a reaction.

Gotta love the Kate!

Saw her a year and a bit back back standing on the pavement talking to someone down here. She lived nearby in the city and sold her place last year I think.

AND your point is ? :upside_down_face:

Cartoons from Dana Summers

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Hey @Falstaffā€¦ Tomā€™s points being that Katie is down to earth and will converse with the average punter on the streetā€¦ and could see the coming cataclysmic financial disaster and got out of the property market at the top while she still couldā€¦ Winningā€¦ :speech_balloon:

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Trump was never a good president, in the end. Should he continue in the next term, then good luck to USA.

My point is to chat online.

Donā€™t worry, the US is fine.

Coronavirus is spreading in schools, but no one is tracking all the outbreaks

Neither the CDC nor most states are tracking and making public data about COVID cases in schools. This could make reopening significantly harder.

An interesting challenge popped up the other day - when someone asked for all the reasons why the citizens of USA should vote for Biden - WIthout using the words Donald or Trump !