Political Opinion

So the dumbfreys at TDS Central thinks the President of the USA doesn’t have a whole department of over degree qualified managers, “Safety” and “diversity centred HR” departments - all chucking their overpaid and useless opinions into what to tell the mechanic man about exactly which tyres to put on the truck and exactly where to buy the diesel from ??? :rofl: :rofl:

You think the President - runs it around to Quick Save himself ??? :rofl: :rofl:

TDS is Becoming bancrupt ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unfortunately, the Kool-aid drinkers and those inflicted with DTS will not

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This reminds me of a few years ago when Walmart made it company policy to NOT say Merry Christmas, all because some atheist group making up like 0.02% of their sales got in their face and coward them. It took a loud 99+% of their customers to get them to change this policy

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Do you guys still do the ‘happy holiday’ greeting?.

The UK generally have dropped Christ from Christmas - they have replaced Him with an ‘X’

Likewise St Stephens Day - no mention of the saint, instead he is replaced with boxing.

They call it secularism - I call it atheism.


Edit - now changed.

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As @peterma says - here in teh uk many of us do not really like the “christ…” part of it - whereas you in the US are more “Religious” than we are - my own reason is that in reality it was just a device by the “original missionaries” to convert a highly attractive and necessary strongly established winter feast festival of Yuletide into a “christian” festival by Hijacking it as “His” notional Birthday !

However having said that _ most of us are highly committed to the Judeo-Christian value system and are quite happy to see our kids brought up in Schools with a mlldly Christian Bias of celebrating Christmas and Easter etc.And happilly join in with their use of “Christmas” names and stories - Carols etc

The origins of the “Father Christmas” myth and his red and white garb and entrance “Down the Chimney” are an import from the Lapland reindeer herders - whose Shamans did indeed visit their camps in mid-winter and entered through the “Smoke holes” in their dwellings (No doors because of the cold) - once inside a “festive board” included the red and white fungus “Fly Agaric” - Amanita Muscari which is a well known Hallucinagen ! - Although quite renowned I believe for “Dark Trips” !

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As an atheist, I don’t have a problem with Jesus. He was a damned good magician for his time. Will they remember David Copperfield or Blaine in 2000 years? The religious zealots hijacked him !
A good hypnotist also - think of the time when he came down from the wilderness after 40 days tripping on Hallucinagenics and convinced 5000 that they were well fed, on five loaves and two fishes. How good was that ? - He could have knocked Derren Brown into a cocked hat !. :star_struck:

Yes it is indeed sad that "they simply will not listen - peter hitchens addresses the “ease of misleading the gullible masses” and Leftist indoctrination here

Also touches on the “God discussion” as opposed to the “Religion of Selfism”

And then there is the fact that “BLM” gets huge support through misreporting and simple use of an apparently noble name when their own websites clearly show the malicious nature of their aims !
Here is Janice Fiamengo in a quick video (De-monetised by U tub for “Heresy” ) - which is entirely self explanatory and leaves one open mouthed and speechless at the audacity and bigotry ! - But then - U-Tub demonetised iT !



Most of this is not even covered in the media, except for Fox News.


and there is the problem, speaking as an Christian/American about America, the political left is on a mission to destroy the value systems of Christianity, it is Christian values that is holding this country together barely, the riots and burning of our cities is what happens when you have large numbers of people with no value system. The saving grace is outside the cities there is still hope.

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Are you deliberately being offensive?

Or, are you just too stupid to realize how you come across?

Nobody here is going to attack you for being an atheist.

But, in return, we demand that you keep your religious bigotry to yourself.


Sadly the infestation of our media and many other institutions with those who have received the “Woke” indoctrination of the non-stem students at the Universities who “Need” to be employed in jobs they are just about capable of performing - guarantees this - AND that it can only get worse whilst the UNiversities and now schools too are allowed to spout this rubbish as the new “Religion”.

It “Got” the BBC decades ago !

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Now It’s “Rule Brittania” and “Land of Hope and Glory” - which are suddenly “Offensive”

OK then _ excercise your freedom of choice :sunglasses:

Be my guest !
BE OFFENDED ! :rofl:


Let’s hear the “EU ANthem” Beat THAT ! :wink:

De-fund the BBC !

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after a rude interruption by one of our resident TDS posters, back to the topic

I have grown to like Neil deGrasse Tyson for not allowing others to pin labels on him

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There’s no deep political comment here, I just love the humour -


Anyone with a leftward limp able to explain why the aftermath of rioting and the new reality in Democrat governed cities such as New York isn’t being shown on lamestream media…

Anyone… Anyone… Anyone…

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It’s because the violence goes against the narrative - they were"mainly peaceful" remember. ?

Just out of interest ;

WW1 was 81% “peaceful”
WW2 was 85% “peaceful”
1963 Presidential Cavalcade in Dallas was 99.98% “peaceful” !

[Sorry no “Leftward Limp” here - just a “Truth seeker” ] :slightly_smiling_face: