Political Opinion

This is why we need Trump for the next 4 years!

And here’s why we can’t afford to have the America hating, criminal, communist left in office (Must Watch)

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Career Politicians All - as requested by @dudebro - This is why they all Hate President Trunmp - because he is NOT one of them !

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Now I may be wrong - but - the Rioting seems to have stopped in Portland (Oregon) and yesterday was the anniversary of "9/11"

Of which we remember AOC saying “Some People did Some Things” !

Speculation has been heard that the real Anarchists are making their way to Washington to start the blockade of the White House, starting 17th - but I just heard on Radio that there are massive wildfires in Oregon recently started - in places where they “do not normally happen”

We know very well that the rioters are versed in the use of “Molotov cocktails”.

And a commonly used quote has been "Burn it ALL DOWN"

I wonder ?..

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They are cornered and utterly desperate. They don’t care if they have to destroy the country to stop Trump. They aren’t even trying to be clandestine any more. They have nothing to lose at this point.

We should expect more violence and destruction as we lead up to the elections and it will get worse after the anticipated landslide victory for Trump. Hopefully mid-January we’ll see some serious arrests being made.

The left are no doubt unconcerned about destruction of the state since their aims include the destruction of the capitalist system, suppression of organised religion and the wholesale replacement of the institutions of state. Their resort to violent means to achieve these ends is not a failure in their eyes, it is a pure Marxist-derived phase in the rotation from capitalist to communist systems.

It is inherent in this that the rule of mass democracy will be quashed as it would be contrary to their views to leave the dumb electorate in a position of power from which they could insist (or in their eyes be led by the nose to insist) on a return to capitalism, social democracy or any other political system which is not socialism.

Once socialists get into power, they can be expected to change the constitution and anything necessary so that they cannot be voted out.

Hmmm… the UK Labour party is ‘socialist’ according to your definition.

So how come that same party was voted out 10 years ago?

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You seriously think the Labour party 10 years ago was socialist? So where does that place Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum?

I don’t think this particular bunch are so much “Anti-Trump” as “Anti-Humans” - Definitely “Anti-Capitalists” - (AntiFa) - Completely deranged - (Just using Trump Derangement Syndrome as a cover for their deep inferiority complex / psychosis ) - Sort of adolescent Pseudo Gangsters - remember “Wolfey Smith” ? - Useful Idiots for the real cynical and malicious people who are using them for profit - we see them over here (uk) too - “Momentum” types !

Anyhow a couple of hours after I posted that I was watching this from Bret Weinstein (Who has now moved to Portland (Oregon)) - listen to what they have to say about this exact subject for 5 minutes or so !

“Wolfey Smith” (Tooting Popular Front ! )

President Trump has brokered 3 peace deals in the last few days/weeks ,received 2 nominations for teh Nobel peace prize - and so what does the extreme left press say ?

  • ORANGE MAN BAD ! (of course) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Really, and where did you read this drivel?

Recent past leader of the Labour party - or am i missing something?

For example Russia.

But really there is no point going through the extensive list of socialist one-party states that exist or which have failed. It is inherent in socialism that is the destined and most essential political state of any country and it is therefore unacceptable in terms of socialism that the electorate can be ever allowed to vote it out.

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Yes you are. The Labour party 10 years ago was a leftist-centrist social democratic party probably akin to such others in Europe, perhaps including the Democrats in the US.

Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand is an unrequited Marxist and has dedicated his life to that cause, finding recent support amongst the Labour party Momentum core. There is little similarity between his political beliefs and those of Tony Blair / Gordon Brown, the Labour leaders of 10 years back.

Have you been abroad for the last 10 years or something? Because I wouldn’t expect to have to point this stuff out to an adult resident in the UK.

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Remember, all this chaos is being funded by those who fund the Democrat party, and all this chaos will stop if Biden is elected and the money funding the chaos will instantly stop flowing. If you doubt this just look at the 2nd term of George Bush where there were war protest just about everyday and those war protest stopped when Obama was elected even as the wars went from 2 to 6 and thousands killed by US drone attacks yet no war protest.


History , you should try reading it sometime

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So funny! Cracked me up! :joy:

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These are the people we’re dealing with. Self proclaimed communists who are teaching our kids to become violent communists. And he talks about violence against those who express thoughts that are a threat to their community.

What actions should we take against them for their threats and actions against America and Americans?

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If you watched a football game in person, or even on television, this weekend, you saw that the antifa/black-lives-matter/never-Trumper/black-power/woke faction within the NFL is still kneeling during the National Anthem.

And they are still claiming that this is not disrespect of America, of our National Anthem, or of our Flag.

I have a suggestion.

All of us who attend one or more NFL games this season should do the following:

When the NFL’s antifa faction kneels, or raises their fists, or whatever,
we should all face the kneeling players and raise two middle fingers.

If complaints come – from the NFL, or one of the teams, or the Players Union, or whomever – that we are disrespecting them or their game, we will politely, but firmly, point out that we are not protesting the NFL, the game of football, or any team or player.

Instead, we are protesting the Burning Looting Marxists who are destroying American cities.

Speaking of which, we, in the suburbs and exurbs of the cities being burned and looted, have a message for the Burning Looting Marxists:

We are heavily armed, and we have a ton of ammunition.
We warn you not to bring your burning and looting into our neighborhoods.
If you do, your lives – whether black, white, or some other color – will not matter.


Watch the full movie here …
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