Political Opinion

Far too simplistic to characterise all Trump supporters as having extreme views like these.

If an American voter I would hate to be forced to vote for Trump - but if it kept out a party that endorses Socialism I guess I’d have to hold my nose and do it.


Lol - their controllers say “Don’t argue with supporters of teh President” - simply because they fear that if the Useful idiots do happen to enter into actual Thought patterns - the likelihood is that they too would become convinced of the deceit which is all the Democrats have to offer and switch to become supporters themselves.

That instruction is simply saying "Don’t think - WE are here to TELL YOU what to think !"

INteresting that so many of them (ALL - it seems) are quite happy to just obey - like good little Proles !


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“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims … but accomplices.”
~ George Orwell

So, I take it that you’re going to vote for Trump? :grinning:


Donald J. Trump


We will be substantially LOWERING Medicare Premiums and Prescription Drug Prices, bringing them down to levels that were not thought possible!

Lies, Lies and more Blatant Lies! There is not much else that they can do. I’m sure it must be frustrating for them. :laughing:

Quick snippet here;

This is why Pink News want you to vote Democrat :slightly_smiling_face:

So that’s why these Hollywood celebrities, like Tom Hanks, are leaving. Got it! I suppose it has nothing to with the sealed indictments against them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s a “Fact Check” (yeah right) by USA Today:

Fact check: Tom Hanks is now a Greek citizen, but pedophilia has nothing to do with it

Notice that they are not denying that Tom Hanks is a pedophile. They are merely stating that his decision to become a Greek citizen has nothing to do with him being pedophile. :laughing:

Food For Thought

Many celebrities and politicians have been accused of pedophilia by Q-Anons and others. There are so many videos on YouTube and articles in the blogosphere. YouTube cannot take these videos down fast enough.

These allegations have been made against very rich and powerful people, not just here in the U.S. but worldwide, including the Dutch and British royals. So, why have they not sued those who have levied such henious charges against them?

Where are the Libel, Slander and Defamation related law suits?

Listen to this interview. The interviewer is not biased in favor of Trump. In fact he clearly indicated that he is not a fan of Trump.


In 2016 President Trump spent half what Witch Hillary spent so I am not concern, what should concern everyone is where is that 364 million coming from and what strings will be attached


New poster boy for the Democrat Party, people like this A-hole is why I vote republican and support our President

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This is a common thread that I see in the liberals. They are filled with hate, they like to bully people and they are totally illogical.

I’ve posted a video above about a psychologist who used to be one of them and then decided to swing to the center. She was also lamenting the bullying from people she’s known for decades. There are many such stories on YouTube. I would be embarrassed to be associated with them.

See also this article. Even 7 year old children are fair game for these bullies. It’s quite pathetic really!



" It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled" maybe Mark Twain



That is SOO true ! - It’s just too much Cognitive dissonance for many people to even think “Maybe I was wrong” - Much harder to say it ! Anyhow just came across this - urine extracion of the Antifa dumbass who set fire to his own people with that Molotov cocktail !

DO read the title below the pic - Perhaps Country Music is the Answer ! :wink:
Good to see the Police beginning to stand up though !

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Trump is spending $100 million of his own money so we know his arm cannot be twisted by anyone. He has also lost 1/3 of his wealth by becoming the president since the Trump family decided not to engage in their International ventures due to any possibility of a conflict of interest (unlike Biden and Hunter). Further, the nonsensical Russia gate allegations also drained his financial resources. He’s the only President to work for free!

So, when the dumcrats suggest that he’s in this for his benefit, that is just more lies. If you’re planning on voting for Trump please consider donating to his campaign.

He’s doing this for us; for our freedom!

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Not only are they exporting jobs to China, but the dems refuse to help the people who were laid off due to the pandemic. They really care about us don’t they?

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Nineteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked by Saudi terrorists, and flown toward their targets in New York and Washington, D.C. Three of those planes reached their targets, and delivered the damage intended by the planners of those attacks.

The fourth plane was heroically taken over by passengers who refused to be hostages. That plane was deliberately crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania, killing all aboard, but sparing its target in Washington, D.C. That target is believed to have been either the White House or the Capitol.

The airliner hijacked after departing Washington Dulles International Airport, in Langley, Virginia, was flown by the hijackers into the west face of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, killing all aboard, together with 125 military and civilian personnel inside the Pentagon. Damage to the Pentagon building was massive, due to the plane’s impact and the resulting fires.

Two planes targeting the World Trade Center Towers in New York reached their targets, crashing into the upper portions of both buildings. Hundred of workers in the World Trade Center were killed instantly, along with the passengers, crew, and hijackers aboard the airliners. A thousand more inside the buildings, above the levels of the impacts, were burned to death, or suffocated in the massive jet-fuel fires which resulted from the crashes. The buildings themselves were severely damaged, but not destroyed.

This was Phase I of the attacks of 9-11.

The total destruction of the World Trade Center Towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2) – and of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC-7), which was not involved in the airliner attacks – would come in Phase II, when controlled-demolition charges, planted in hundreds of locations within these three building, would be detonated by the planners of 9-11. The Saudi hijackers, who carried out their missions so successfully, knew nothing of Phase II, and knew nothing of the persons and organizations within the Deep State who planned Phase II.

After the horror of Phase I had been seen across the country, and around the world, the big show – Phase II – was triggered. Explosive charges, set off sequentially in a process called controlled demolition, collapsed WTC-1 and WTC-2 – precisely as controlled demolition is engineered to do. Similarly precise controlled demolition of WTC-7 followed several hours later.

The U.S. government claimed, and the U.S. press echoed, that the airliner impacts caused the total collapse of three buildings – one of which, WTC-7, was not even impacted by the hijacked airliners. President George W. Bush laid total blame for the attack on the Saudi hijackers and “the people who knocked these buildings down”, who according to President Bush would “hear from all of us soon.” Those people, President Bush led us to believe, were Osama bin Ladin and the rest of al-Qaeda.

The World Trade Center Towers, designed by structural engineer Leslie Robertson, were designed to withstand airliner impacts considerably larger than the impacts suffered on 9-11.

Airliners did not bring those buildings down.

The World Trade Center Towers were steel structures, with massive reinforced concrete cores.

Steel skyscrapers do not burn to the ground.

Some very dark forces within the United States government recruited and directed the Saudi hijackers to sacrifice their lives as unwitting patsies, in a plot designed to blame the attacks of 9-11 on Muslim extremists. If you doubt this, then you need to watch THIS VIDEO with an open mind.

If you are unwilling to watch this video, or if you are unwilling to open your mind to the reality of the Deep State, then you should just keep popping the blue pills.

Here – take two blue pills. Maybe, then, you can double-down on your delusions.

The blame leveled at al-Qaeda for the attacks of 9-11, including the controlled demolition of three buildings in New York, somehow morphed into a plan to utterly destroy Sadam Hussein and his regime in Iraq. A tenuous link between Sadam and al-Qaeda was alleged by the George W. Bush administration, and the American people accepted what they were told to believe.

Shock and Awe, the destruction of the Sadam regime, and the eventual capture and execution of Sadam Hussein represented, in the minds of the American public, retribution for 9-11. In fact, all of that was George W. Bush’s personal retribution for Sadam’s attempt in 1993 to assassinate W’s father, President George H.W. Bush.

The American people need to find out who actually planned and carried out 9-11. We need to find out how high up in our government the Deep State extends. Specifically, we need to know whether President George W. Bush was part of the conspiracy to deliver a serious blow to the United States in a false-flag operation designed to implicate Middle Eastern terrorists.

I invite former president George W. Bush to come onto this forum and challenge any of the facts in the narrative I have presented above.

And I invite him to tell us what he knew then, and what he knows now, about the Deep State and 9-11.

But, I’m not holding my breath.

Some images

Before the attack

The second plane, just before impact

9.11 - 20a

Just after impact

9.11 - 20b

The controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 2

The site where the World Trade Center Towers once stood


And these career criminals continue to terrorize us …

Nobody’s asking why the Dems chose a senile, traitorous, war mongerer to represent them. A 10 year veteran board examiner for psychology and neurology declares Biden to be senile.

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