Political Opinion

So funny! :laughing:

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It must be remembered that the Health Minister who laid the foundations for the NHS was a Conservative, Henry Willink, in 1944. Its not like the NHS was pushed through in a valiant class struggle by socialist / Labour politicians against reactionary conservative opposition, it was the general mood of the times. As soon as the war was out of the way, the plans proceeded as almost everybody wished they would and thought they would.

If Churchill had not lost the 1945 general election its very likely a Conservative administration would have put Willink’s plan into effect.

:point_up_2:t2: This documentary woke up Judith Rose and she in turn was instrumental in waking up others of her generation.

It has been translated into several languages and the worldwide audience is estimated to be 100 million viewers and still growing fast.

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Yup, you can do all those things. Point fingers, call names, it’s your right. Just like the players and staff and teams are exercising theirs. Times have changed. Kneeling, fists in the air, locked arms, its not going away. It’s getting more widespread. It’s not going away.

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Quote of the day

“This is deadly stuff,” Trump said, his voice booming clearly over the telephone Feb. 7, “more deadly than even your strenuous flus.”

Too bad there isn’t audio of him saying this and other profound things. Oh wait.

Its interesting that the pro-BLM gestures by sports players - NFL, English Premier League, Formula One etc. - have taken place in the covid-enforced absence of spectators and fans. I doubt they will receive a supportive response if they do that in front of full grandstands. The hostility seen already in NFL crowds and viewers suggests the sporting governing bodies are going to have to act to quash these displays as risk alienating a huge part of their fan base.

Its good to hear that in F1 the wearing by Lewis Hamilton of a politically-messaged tee-shirt is under disciplinary investigation.


Smoking guns! Where do these links go?




I just don’t see that happening in the US. The issue’s out in the open. It’s everywhere, in every major sports league. And man, I think every team owner is worry about walkouts and fan backlash too. I have to think more than backlash from fans against it.

NBA teams did it. During the playoffs.


Nah - the foundation was set long before that - see the 1909 poor law minority report - headed by Beatrice Webb.

The Conservatives voted against the nhs bill taking the side of the then bma.

Anyways that all a side issue but interesting nonetheless.


The US and UK are very different countries, and the experiences of the black communities within each are not directly comparable. Extending that, its clear that the experiences of the majority white population here in the UK with regards the UK black communities has been very different and attitudes likewise. For European countries probably far more so.

It might be surprising for some Americans to learn that the black population of the UK is 3%, less than a quarter of the US demographic, and of whom more than half live in London alone.

Douglas Murray in conversation - about all this woke garbage - puts it all in perspective and gives permission for those of us “Silent majority” to just say “NO !” - "F’’’’ Off and take your Victim Culture with you ! "

The following images and links are from recent Q posts.

I’m surprised that CBS reported this…

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You’re big on claims but woefully short on proof. Can you backup your statements?

This landed in my WhatsApp today …

BLM Besieges Hospital - chanting "Hope they die"

Yea, that’s really surprising actually. Thanks for sharing.

Q points us to this Tweet by Senator Chuck Grassley

The reference to corn has to do with Biden’s “Corn Pop” story.

Can you back up anything your Q bots have stated as fact? So a guy folds money. Conspiracy!

How about your guy running the qmap website, that is literally running away, hiding? For someone hoping to spread the truth, he sure changed his mind quick.