Political Opinion

Hey, your guy’s deported 8800 kids across the Mexican border since March, alone, including unaccompanied minors, without standard immigration proceedings. I consider that extreme. You?

Attorneys have said the children’s personal information is not recorded in the usual computer systems, making them almost impossible to track.

First, Q is not a bot. And you can verify what they say for yourself.

Umm…Yeah! Did you see what the folded bills showed? Tell me how is that NOT a conspiracy?

qmap.pub is currently down because the criminal Dems forced them to shut down! Unfortunately he was in a jurisdiction that Dems could control. He should have hosted it somewhere where the Dems couldn’t get to him.

But other sites, such as qalerts.app are up. :slight_smile:

“Changed his mind” about what?

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If you believe in the honest self-governance of free people, and if you still believe that “honest self-governance” describes our country and our political process in the year 2020, then you will not enjoy reading the following article in The American Mind, by Michael Anton.

But, you should read it, anyway. And you should consider the very real possibility that this article accurately describes present-day America, and our immediate future.

So, the rabid lefties in the Democrat Party are foaming at the mouth to get rid of President Trump.
And they are contemplating banana-republic tactics to accomplish their goal.

But, do they really want President Biden?

Hell, no, they don’t want that blithering idiot.

Well then, if they succeed in getting President Biden into the White House, and then succeed in getting rid of him (one way, or another), is that because they really want President Harris?

Hell, no, they don’t want that political fly-weight, either.

So, what do they want?

If you think the coup conspiracy discussed by Michael Anton is audacious, I humbly suggest that it is merely Step 1 in a five-step plan to seize control of the United States.

I call this plan The Obama Conspiracy, and I will outline it in a future post. Stay tuned.

Thanks to Jenny Beth Martin at Tea Party Patriots for pointing me to the Michael Anton article.


OMG! I’ve just made a plane out of a$10 bill and it spells TEARS, a clear reference to all the tears shed after 9/11

All these conspiracy theories must be right, and here I was thinking Qanon were all crazy :crazy_face:

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They know that the game is up. They don’t need to hide behind a conspiracy shield, indeed they don’t have time for that. They will do everything in their power to oust Trump because if Trump is “allowed” to be in office for 4 more years he will most certainly bring down every criminal. They face either life imprisonment or capital punishment. The Trump administration has been collecting evidence on each one of these criminals.

IMO, their game is up worldwide. Here in America people have been slow to wake up. The rest of the world is more awake. The criminals will certainly cause a lot of mayhem during their death dance but ultimately they will not succeed.


This is America, today…

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Curious as to the Muslim population in UK. I’m guessing over 3%?

Senator Paul(R-KY) has introduced legislation severely limiting no-knock warrants.

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(continued from post #4523, above)

If you think the coup conspiracy discussed by Michael Anton is audacious, I humbly suggest that it is merely Step 1 in a five-step plan to seize control of the United States.

What if …

What if the Deep State actors who are working so hard to oust President Trump, and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — what if they don’t want either Biden or Harris in the White House?

What if the Biden-Harris ticket is simply a trojan horse designed to carry someone else into the White House as President of the United States?

Could such a conspiracy actually be in play? Could such a conspiracy succeed?

What would we call this conspiracy, and how would it play out?

The Obama Conspiracy

Step 1. The election of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

  • The various methods by which this might be accomplished are outlined in the Michael Anton article The Coming Coup?, and elsewhere.

Step 2. The removal of Vice President Harris.

  • After the Biden-Harris ticket has been certified as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, and after President Biden and Vice President Harris have been sworn into their respective offices, Vice President Harris will be removed from office, most likely by resignation, after disclosing a debilitating illness (probably induced). Less likely, but possibly necessary, will be her removal by assassination.

Step 3. The appointment of Michelle Obama to be vice president.

  • After the removal of Vice President Harris, President Biden will nominate Michelle Obama to be vice president. Subject to confirmation by a majority of both Houses of Congress, Michelle Obama shall become vice president, according to the provisions of Amendment XXV, Section 2, of the Constitution.

Step 4. The removal of President Joe Biden from office.

  • After Vice President Michelle Obama is confirmed, and after suitable cabinet secretaries have been appointed by President Biden and confirmed by Congress, President Biden will be removed from office by one of the following means:
  1. his resignation, or

  2. his forced removal on the grounds of his inability to discharge the duties of his office. In accordance with the provisions of Amendment XXV, Section 4, of the Constitution, his removal shall be on the recommendation of Vice President Michelle Obama and a majority of the cabinet secretaries, and upon the approval of two-thirds of the members of both Houses of Congress.

Step 5. The elevation of Michelle Obama to the office of President of the United States.

  • After President Joe Biden has been removed from office, Vice President Michelle Obama shall become either President of the United States, or Acting President of the United States, depending on the manner of President Biden’s removal:
  1. If President Biden shall have been removed from office by resignation, then Vice President Michelle Obama shall immediately become President of the United States, according to the provisions of Amendment XXV, Section 1, of the Constitution.

  2. If President Biden shall have been forced from office under Amendment XXV, then Vice President Michelle Obama shall become Acting President of the United States under the provisions of Section 4, and shall continue in that office, with that title, for the duration of Joe Biden’s original term as president (until January 20, 2025).

Steps 1 through 5 could be accomplished no later than December 31, 2021.

Thereafter, the command-and-control hierarchy of the Deep State would be:

George Soros > Barack Obama > Michelle Obama > and so forth,
down through the departments and agencies of the executive branch.

The Obama Conspiracy may seem to be a farfetched nightmare. But, it is not impossible.

If we do nothing to prevent it, it definitely could happen.

The way to prevent it is to reelect President Trump, decisively, overwhelmingly, in a landslide of historic proportions, leaving no room for doubt about the election results.

Then, we must support President Trump’s efforts to expose, cripple, and dismantle the Deep State.


If Trump loses this election, whether fairly (unlikely) or by subterfuge, does it really matter who the intended president is? We will be totally F*cked no matter who they choose. IMO it is pointless analyzing further scenarios from that juncture.

Better to put our heads and votes together towards a massive and decisive victory.


It is a fad, it is just part of going with the crowd and fitting in, same mentality went into a few idiots thinking swallowing a Tide Pod was somehow cool. I have never been a go with the crowed person, I like to keep my independence and feel no need to please the crowd.


simple solution, stop showing the players and their political posturing on TV, they are just doing this for the camera , take the camera away

Long term solution; tie 50% of a players pay to merchandise sales, a player does something to upset the fans and they stop buying his Jerseys the player should feel the effects of there actions in their bank account, same applies when a playing does something great, more people will buy his Jersey, seems like a win to me

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According to NewsWeek ( a very left leaning paper) Obama deported over 3 million people with about a half million being children , President Trump is going to need 3 more terms to catch up to Obama on this subject.

How about some real solutions, 1. the US CIA could stop destabilizing these countries that most of these immigrants are coming from. 2. Less red tape to come into the country legally 3. End our hopeless War on Drugs 4. dubebro I want to here #4 from you


That’s how the Chinese govt play it.

It is also how the media tends to react to mass-killings of schoolchildren etc

It is also very effective at silencing any dissent from the hard left view - on Facebook, Twitter, You-tube and Instagram (to name but a few ! )

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Yes but its not a massive percentage, 4.4%.

Its a diverse group - the largest community within UK Muslims are originally Pakistani, but they account for less than half the Muslims here.

I can agree with those.

#4 - Community development and security programs and initiatives funded by US and other south of the border countries that keep migrants from leaving in the first place. It’s not popular with many, because it spends tax money outside of the US, but help fix the problems locally. A lot of the issues I assume are structural or related to government corruption, so there’s only so much you can do there. But if we provide aid, we might have some leverage to get other things done

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As predicted, they plan to contest the election results. I was hoping that Trump would introduce blockchain technology to run the election process. That would have stopped these criminals cold in their tracks.