Political Opinion

Quote of the day

Pres. Trump says he’s getting briefed on TikTok deal tomorrow morning - but that, to his dismay, there won’t be a payment to US Treasury.

“Amazingly, I find that you’re not allowed to do that.”

C’mon people, really?

Nobody nows mate !

2011 Census showed 4.4% - They seem to reproduce at a rate of 3-4 per female and feminism plus the catstrophic decline in white masculinity has reduced outr own rate to between 1 and 1.8.

By 2018 it was reckoned to be around 6% and they are congregated in city areas in their own “Communities” - ruled and directed by their “imams” and voting en block as they are told to - for example London is estimated to be around 14%, but their numbers are being swelled every day as highlighted by Nigel Farage ; (worth a watch)


They are then treated with unvbelievable harshness !

Finally someone making the distinction. And it’s in the UK, not US.
But, I can watch football again!


This was never going to continue after fans got back through the gates. The average man in the street hates being told by an overpaid prima donna that they’re just not a good enough person.

Well, at least they listen over there. All the major sports here in the states, and even the minor ones,
haven’t received that message yet.

We’re two very different countries, more different than similar. We have almost no Hispanic population to the US’s 15%, 3% Black to the US’s 13%. London contains more than half the UK’s Black population: there are small Black communities in half a dozen other cities and apart from in these cities/districts its possible to go years without knowing a Black person by name.

The experience of Black people in the UK almost all dates from the 1950’s: the small scale of this migration is marked by the fact that it was small enough to be popularly (not negatively) known as the Windrush generation, after the best known trans-Atlantic steamer which carried the early migrants - this was just a single modestly-sized passenger cruiser. A significant percentage of the UK Black population originates recently from Africa, not the UK Afro-Caribbean Black community and it would be a mistake to lump the two communities together as one.

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And, yet, there are racist comments still being targeted at black footballers at matches
in England. Nothing like that in US.

Its not common in UK football these days, more so in Europe I hear. Almost every significant UK team has multiple black players, as does the England team, and there’s no swell of fan opinion against this.

Some notable occasions reported recently have featured ethnic minority players abusing players from other ethnic minorities.

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Thanks for that link Stan :sunglasses:

The English Premier League has been using the motto “No room for racism” - For a number of years now - and it’s great to see someone up there has actually done some research and found out the truth about this “BLM” carp ! :sunglasses:

Something btw which @dudebro would do well to research !

Oh yes - It WILL “Go away” ! Whether that “going away” comes from a big Redneck fist between the eyes - or by a different way - The one thing I can promise you is that IT WILL GO AWAY ! Those of you waviing your little fists around and bullying old people just now - Will “Repent at leisure”. Unless the forces of Law and order which you are trying to destroy, manage to regain control with the backing of those in power - then you “Useful Idiots” absolutely WILL “suffer” - just llike the Bolshevics in Russia, and the Students who revolted to bring Mao to power in China - and those convinced by Robespierre in France all did within a very short time after their revolutions !

Maybe not within MY lifetime perhaps - but certainly within yours ! :wink:


What can’t you find on your own, @Falstaff? How can I help?

Quote of the day

“You’ll develop, you’ll develop herd - like a herd mentality. It’s going to be, it’s going to be herd-developed, and that’s going to happen. That will all happen. But with a vaccine, I think it will go away very quickly.”

“Herd mentality”

  • The President, DJT

My post is completely self-explanatory to anyone with a command of the English Language - so we must assume that these words you have written are just “words” - put together randomly to obfuscate the issue without any ability or intention to enter a meaningful discussion !

All good postmodernist stuff - How much are you paying to get this wonderful diseducation ?


:joy: Did he really say that? Honestly, people are already conditioned by Hollywood, so such a mentality will take time to break out of. But hey DJT has seemed to always prove us wrong.

Q post from 9/16 suggests that something big (indictments?) coming soon - 10/8 or 10/18? Or 8 days from 9/16?

Note: Mickey has a “dangle” in an inimitable Disney style. So, indictments for pedophilia?

Looking forward to whatever it might be.

Seriously? I watch a lot of English Premier League online and it was being reported frequently pre-covid and will doubtless pick up again when supporters are allowed back in the stadia. Its something many thought had been eradicated, but has gradually crept back as society in general has become less tolerant of people of different colors or religions

Sadly, yes. In his own words.

The President

2 of my posts were flagged as “inappropriate”. One post was merely pointing users to publicly available information. The other was truthful opinion.

These people have no guts and when they know their game is up they use flagging on BP to censor content that they deem to be inappropriate! Cowards!

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Aye - over 150 incidents reported to police - up 50% from previous season - reported in Feb this year.

It had been on a downward trend - right down to 78 in 2014/15 , 68 next season and 70 in 16/17

Racism in soccer according to ‘Kick It Out’ is on the increase in UK .


Dude, you’re waiting on a Mickey Mouse clock for enlightenment about pedophilia indictments. Talk to family and friends and get their opinion on how crazy that sounds. Don’t take my word.

Just read the most recent flagged, attacking 2 members for giving their opinion - that’s the thing about opinion and debate - if you cannot respect other’s then does that make yours truthful?