Political Opinion

This makes me very angry.

But what angers me more is that no one came to her rescue! They watched as this bully manhandled an innocent woman with her child watching. This is why we are in this predicament.

Don’t they tell us, “If you see something, say something”? This would have been a good time to say something.

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We have the same stupidity going on in Australia as well… Premiere’s (Similar to your Governors) making up laws fines as they go… The Police here just do what they are told by clueless Politicians and aren’t the brightest when it comes to trampling Human Rights… I notice our ADF (Military) is staying right away from any push and shove arrests… I believe they realise that this is way over the top and are in as much shock as the Australian public…

Like the US our Military Personal are highly respected… I just hope they don’t follow the “I was only following orders, it wasn’t my fault!” Victorian Police Force who are fast losing the respect of more and more law abiding citizens…

Even old ladies sitting in a park are classified as a threat to public order??


The following short documentary was taken down multiple times by YouTube. They really do not want you to watch this.

Includes a clip of a VERY well known Hollywood actress (you will recognize her for sure) french kiss a child who appears to be about 9 or 10 years old! These people are truly sick!!! :point_down:t2:

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The reason for my interest surrounding Hilary’s popularity in the US is actually local to here.

Back in the infancy of the peace process in NI Pres Clinton took an active interest - Sen Mitchell was his envoy and both were instrumental in kick-starting the peace wagon.

In the very early days Gerry Adams was granted a US visa to visit the US despite opposition from both the UK and Clinton’s own advisors - the Pres said afterward that he took a chance.

Long story short both the Pres and 1st Lady came to visit - this was ground breaking - NI was visited by very few people - even the Pope a few years earlier decided that he wouldn’t come North - it was like the bad lands.

Of course the Pres had the limelight - lots of smiles and much flash photography.

But the 1st lady was working in the background - she was visiting local women’s groups on both sides of the conflict - discussing, arguing, cajoling - focus was peace - it got little media attention and most likely will be forgotten by the history books.

Anyways she did good over here in a very short time frame - didn’t surprise me that she became a Sec of State later.

Never accept that - get organized politically, then do two things, first have voters vote out the politicians and second have the police accountable - accountability starts from the top down.

If actions like that were to happen here there would be uproar - where are your journalists?


Things My Father Taught Me

Father Taught Me

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Good summary of events.

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Interesting statstics here - I wonder how this applies to YOUR Country ?

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And here’s how the Uk intends to ensure compliance !


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Joe Biden Doesn’t Want You to See This DEVASTATING VIDEO that Should END His Campaign!!!

And this video was made before the senate report on the Bidens, with allegations of criminal activity.

Saagar Enjeti: Media IGNORES Outrageous Hunter Biden Corruption Report. Here Are The Facts

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Hi @peterma, looks like Boris is keen on installing Victorian Police tactics over in the UK…

In Victoria… Police are constantly monitoring Social Media and pre-arresting anyone that even so much as posts going to a protest (for Incitement!!). Due to the harsh “5km Travel Ban” It’s illegal to move more than 5km from your home, protestors have no choice but to announce a location (as late as physically possible on Social Media).

Police then en-mass block access to these locations by checkpointing most arterial roads, train stations, parks etc. right across the city of Melbourne… ensuring large groups are unable to form… divide and conquer… The other factor that stops people protesting in numbers other than the 5km travel ban is the nightly curfew from 9pm till 5.00am… or you’ll be arrested and fined $1600 if caught in breach of either…

So most people are frightened to even attempt to risk travelling say 20km into the inner suburbs to even attempt to protest… The Victorian Government has acquired the CCP’s tactics to ensure complete control is maintained…

Our Premier realises he’s in serious trouble once he removes the 5km travel ban… This is all that is keeping this Megalomaniac and his Court Jesters in power at the moment… I wouldn’t be surprised if these incompetents start making up high COVID case numbers to keep the restrictive lockdown in place…

It’s that bad here now… And it’s getting worse… Take a look at what’s coming next

Our Journalists are near useless… all afraid of upsetting Dan Andrews by asking too hard questions…
God forbid hold him to account of anything he has said… This guy is slippery… “Teflon Dan”

Don’t be surprised if this is what will happen in the UK as numbers continue to surge…

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Police in UK generally and in Ireland act in an ‘advisory’ role - they have been told that fines are to be a last resort - instead advise first.

For example it is compulsory to wear face coverings on public transport. In the period from 15 July to 15 August police stopped 14,726 people for breaking that rule - 14 of those received fixed penalty notices.

Pity about the journalists being so weak - hope there is soon an election.

@peterma, That’s how it started back in May, June… But as of August 26th… Victoria Police had issued 20,000+ COVID19 Related fines… Just across a population of 6mil in Victoria… The media now refuses to release the over all numbers but the revenue is known to be north of $60 Million Dollars…

When you lockdown the public and destroy your Tax Base… It’s the only way to generate revenue…

Next election is set for 26th November 2022!!.. I don’t think they’ll make it to the next one…

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Same here mate - UNbelievable when I first posted it last year - now seems very modest !

Now we have Boris’s Govt apparently encouraging indoctrination of our actual MPs !

A few are saying No !


Yeah, read the UK reports on the arrest - the lady refused to be intimidated.

I’d imagine a police report:

Apprehended 2 dangerous looking suspects today. Our 5 person squad had to use all our skills learned from our training with the Special Forces.

One of our team managed to distract the suspects whilst a colleague applied a camouflage technique and was able to approach from behind unnoticed and quickly disarm one of the suspects who was holding what appeared to be a dangerous recording device - report end.

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2 Whistleblower Shadow Government Psy-Ops Operatives tell us how it all works.

This stuff is better than any political intrigue movie that Hollywood can produce.

In the words of Mark Twain, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

Yet more disgrace - BBC Bias - Defund the BBC !


Campaign to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral

The Clintons have a history of doing nothing that does not benefit them, If you think they did something good I asurre you it was all for show and the real winners were the Clintons

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