Political Opinion

Ehhh … actually the truth is that left, right, centre or whatever label you can think of is highly interested in the tax affairs of wealthy corporations in particular.

For this reason the current UK government (hardly could be described as ‘left’ - although you never know) have introduced a ‘digital’ tax that applies to companies such as Google.

In the year past that particular corporation had UK revenues of £1.6bn

Corporation tax is 19% on profits (not sales) - Google Ltd paid £44m in tax for last year - Generally it makes 21% profit on sales -

All this is perfectly legal - point is it’s not a ‘leftie’ fixation on taxation :slight_smile:

Elected Democrat Caught Offering ‘Good Reminder’ To Use Molotov Cocktails

[Such inspiring leaders the Dems have :rage:]

Democrat Rep. Attica Scott Arrested For Rioting After BLM Mob Try To Burn Down Library


My question to Biden would be “how many millions of dollars in property damage has this concept caused”

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Has anyone heard if Tulsi Gabbard has personally endorsed for vice president the very woman she single handedly force to drop out of the presidential race before the first vote was cast.

Side note; if Tulsi would run for president in 2024 as a Republican she would win in a land slide

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‘CNN Is Fake News!’ CNN Drops Live Shot Outside Supreme Court After Crowd Turns Against Them

[ LOL. Truth burns the criminals, better than throwing Molotov cocktails, no? :sweat_smile: ]

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She was the most reasonable of the 26 D’s…

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Clinton Foundation Now Being CRIMINALLY Investigated by US Attorney John Durham

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Dems in Seattle want to Defund the Police & Fund Pimps Instead!

[ Have you commies had enough already? Anyone wanting to move to Seattle? Surely he will keep your daughters, sisters, wives and mothers safe. ]

George Soros Is Actively Working to ‘Undermine The American Political System’ Says Newt Gingrich

[ More BLM, More Antifa, More KKK ]

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Just came across this excellent commentary on the “Debate” - and - well It’s Funny !


Well yes it seriously is a leftist principle that higher taxes mean a fairer society, and that higher taxes on the most wealthy simply amplify and accelerate that beneficial effect.

The right does not claim that taxation changes society and generally does not wish to use the tax system to do so anyway. A core belief on the right is that smaller government is preferable and that means lower taxes.

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That is a good find! I had totally overlooked the division among Biden supporters. Here’s how it stands now as I see it:

Blacks - majority favor Trump by a wide margin
Hispanics - majority favor Trump by a wide margin
Bernie Supporters - sidelined and probably won’t vote for either candidate
Young Voters - low turnout; couldn’t be bothered to vote
Middle of the Road Registered Democrats - Many have seen the light and are flipping in droves by the day

Biden should concede before the elections to save face. And still the MSM will claim that the polls show Biden in the lead. LOL.

If I was optimistic before, I’m Super Optimistic now!

Pennsylvania Sheriff Converts to GOP: ‘the Democratic Party Has Left Me’

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I have to say @Markaria - There is no doubt that your knowledge and experience on drug paraphenalia - seems to be quite encyclopedic !
What with this
Marky and more drugs stuff.1

And This -

Heroin Scales

Yes quite exceptional ! :slightly_smiling_face:

where did you learn this stuff ?

Fox News Shut Down Newt Gingrich For Linking George Soros to Violent BLM Protests

I love the bit where The Don says "You just lost the left…"
Then the Mod asks him whether he is in favour of “the green new deal…” - First he says “Yes.” - then he says "No…" when asked again ! - Then he says "It will pay for itself … !"

Then when pressed on whether he will remove the Fillibuster and whether he will swamp the Superior Court with “New Judges” - He cannot and WILL not answer - Just turns to the camera and instructs the dummies "You Get out and Vote …"

So from your post, it seems all he has left is the "Never Trumpers, the Rampaging Feminists and the “Trannies”

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BLM Connection to Witchcraft

BLM is not just an attack on freedom, property, statues of great Americans, history, and Western civilization. We now know it is a dark spiritual movement and an attack on Christianity and God.

Marxist BLM Activists Take Over Trader Joe’s Store To Denounce Capitalism

Marxist Black Lives Matter activists occupied a Trader Joe’s store in Seattle this week, claiming to be protesting “ lack of access to grocery stores” and explaining to patrons “ how capitalism exploits the working class.

[ What?!? And people actually subscribe to this nonsense? Unbelievable! ]

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30 years ago I rented a shop with A.N.other - who used to say

"When the Conservatives (Republicans) are in power - Everyone is 'On the fiddle. ’ - When Labour (Democrats) are in power - They want to keep ALL the Fiddles for themselves and massively increase the Regulations and Inspectors - to make sure Nobody Else gets ANY !"

I found that rather Profound and quite truthful ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Joe Biden’s Eye Fills with BLOOD During CNN Town Hall

But even the most blatant political hypocrisy was no match for the eye. “ Look, Biden haters, sometimes your eye is gonna spontaneously fill up with blood, okay ,” one user joked. “ Twitter furiously deploying algorithms to keep Biden’s bloody corpse eye from trending ,” observed another (it appeared to work – while #ClimateTownHall was trending, #BidensBloodyEye and variations thereof were noticeably not).

Is Twitter stating that Biden is sexually exploiting children? LOL

[ Watch the banned Twitter video linked in the article below ]

Violent Rapist Killer Who Squeezed Victim’s Testicles With Pliers Speaks at DNC as ‘Impactful Community Leader’