Political Opinion

Thanks for that link @Trendswithbenefits - That explains quite a lot about Why exactly the drive for more “education” is so strong and the drive towards actual learning is so weak !

Interesting too that boys and young men are refusing to go to “College” in ever increasing numbers.

It cannot last of course without actually destroying the financial systems of every Country in the “Western World” !

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The scam started with the federal guaranty student loan program, before that you could pay your college tuition by working a summer job it might take you a year longer to graduate but you would do so debt-free.

And don’t forget the Text Book scam, when before you could buy used textbooks, now most classes are taught from a new textbook every year making old textbooks worthless and costing students hundreds of dollars in new books every semester

look at everything the government gets involved with and cost go out of sight

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Biden had every opportunity to beat him to it… :wink:

What an absolute waste of Police resources… Total social control coming to a City near you…

“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause…” The Socialist Police State of Victoria 2020.


In case you missed the debate.

A short word from a woman who is growing into a person well worth listening to !

Katie Hopkins: Come Home To Our Side and Feel Better

“We’ll be ready for you this time…”

Katie Hopkins: Come Home To Our Side and Feel Better


Stunning and Brave… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That should be in the Jokes Section !


Ted Cruz warns if Dems win they have the votes to make this ‘radical’ change

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Listen to Joe Biden repeat what he just heard from his earpiece during the debate—HYSTERICAL!



Google Poll :grin:


UK PM today announced increased spending on affordable housing, improve access to low deposit mortgages for 1st time buyers, fix care home funding, increase green energy, one to one teaching for kids who are behind, renew infrastructure etc etc.

Sounds like what you guys call ‘socialism’ sounds more like common sense from a Conservative PM to me.

That’s the thing about labels - they belong to the past century.

I think its a little fanciful to conclude that conservatism has undergone a conversion to socialism. Bear in mind that the Conservatives held power for about two-thirds of modern times before these current policies were found to be appropriate.

And why were they found appropriate right now at this very time? Maybe recent circumstances that got us where we are were a little untypical - global financial crisis 2008, resulting in 10 years of highly unpopular Conservative austerity causing massive damage to public services, followed by Brexit referendum decision
followed by covid-19 pandemic, prompting a shut-down of almost the entire UK economy probably resulting in a new recession. All in all, the UK’s 2020 situation is possibly only comparable with that in 1939. Small wonder the current government is deploying extraordinary emergency measures.

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Former Twitter CEO ■■■■ Costolo says those who don’t conform to activism in business will be shot

Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps?


there are lots of diseases that kill people so they could keep this going for the next most deadly disease and the next one after that, there is no end game except for our freedom


[quote=“peterma, post:4912, topic:42247”]
Sounds like what you guys call ‘socialism’ sounds more like common sense from a Conservative PM to me.

That’s the thing about labels - they belong to the past century.

what socialism really is, is politicians buying votes, both the right and the left do it. This is why I support a balanced budget amendment. Take away the ability to print and spend money made out of thin air will go a long way toward fixing the problem

I do agree with you on the labels crap, also known as Identity Politics


Jeff Dunham blows away SNL,

Look at the SNL skits from the 80’s and early 90’s ten times funnier,

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Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for $50m over ‘Russian asset’ smear

You go girl!!! :grin:



It has to start with term limits at the Senate and House level…
And THAT will never happen! Politicians voting themselves out of office?

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