Political Opinion

I was wrong about the Democratic Party #walkaway

She’s so articulate. It was a joy listening to her insights and her journey to enlightenment…


I thought Jill Stein had a better case as Clinton slandered Stein in the same interview as she slandered Gabbard and Sanders, and Stein was not running for office or in the public debate at the time which would lower the bar for proving slander, and people wonder why we voted for Trump over Witch Hillary


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Democrats are running campaign ads with images of Civil War Confederate Generals and videos of 1930’s German Nazis, that is what you do when you have no plan to improve American lives you double down on race bating and fear mongering. #don’t walkaway RUN!!!


It is sad Americans will not rise up and vote these people out of office, I here talk by some that we need a revolution , I say if people will not do something as simple as vote do you really think they will take up arms against their government. Yes we need term limits, and yes it will never happen

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It is one of the true faults of our Founding Fathers. Of course, they could have never imagined that this would be a cushy job for many, as opposed to voting for the good of the country, when these people vote to get money to keep them in office.

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Yep. Hillary just an innocent victim again…

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Sadly I have to agree with this geezer ! ;

Biden wins - we deserve it

We are already seeing Intelligent Boys refusing to take on the “University Debt” scam - President Trump has given them a glimmer of hope.

If the SJW neo-Marxists do as they are encouraged and "Vote early - Vote Often " enough to register a majority, Then a LOT more of these young men WILL abandon the Dream of “progress through self-reliance and competence” and simply take whatever menial jobs they have to - to survive, work a minimum amount of time to earn enough to survive - and simply “Leave the SJWs and their indoctrinated victims” to mend their own Power Stations and Weld their own Pipes - Mend their own cars. And just go fishing and build themselves a moonshine still ! :rofl:

And Who can blame them ? :roll_eyes:

Watch the aeroplanes increasingly flying themselves into the ground, More bridges fall down, see nobody there to pay taxes, build office blocks. Watch the “Police” become “Woke numpties” as the quality of the recruits drops through the floor.

When a civilisation ends there is little to be done to stop it, so we shall just let them “get on with it” and live solely for ourselves without “ambition” - just acceptance and calmness. :slightly_smiling_face:

One huge threat, if Biden gets to the WH, is that China will get a foothold in the US once again. Trump’s policies have effectively stopped China from economically raping the US.

China is currently desperate to correct its economic collapse. See this very insightful interview to understand exactly what is going on in China right now. They are confiscating wealth and company ownerships from some of their top billionaires as a desperate attempt to stay afloat.

In short, Trump will destroy the CCP while Biden will revive them. And the CCP is the nastiest organization in the entire world. :point_down:t2:

Exiled Chinese Billionaire’s Accusations of China (w/ Guo Wengui & Kyle Bass) | RV Classics

What China lost in the last 2 months

This is how the Democrats run their states. Can you imagine what they will do to the nation?

What It’s Like Living in California Now

Fleeing California

CALIFORNIA EXODUS | What Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro Leaving Means To People? Will More Leave?

Meanwhile, in New York City …

Gutfeld on the New York City exodus and De Blasio’s response

Why is Everyone Leaving New York?

interesting Take there @QuadPip and good video.

Note - some are frightened of “Russia” (Eurasia?) and others of “China” (Eastasia ?) We are what could be thought of as “Oceania” and "Oceania is perpetually “At war” with one or other of these “Enemies”

Interesting comparison with an old book which all should read ;

Quote from “Brittanica” ;

… * **Nineteen Eighty-four

  • novel by Orwell
  • Cathy Lowne
  • Cathy Lowne is the author of the “Children’s Fiction” section of 501 Must-Read Books (2014), where an earlier version of her entry first appeared.
  • See Article History
  • Nineteen Eighty-four , also published as 1984 , novel by English author George Orwell published in 1949 as a warning against totalitarianism. The chilling dystopia made a deep impression on readers, and his ideas entered mainstream culture in a way achieved by very few books. The book’s title and many of its concepts, such as Big Brother and the Thought Police, are instantly recognized and understood, often as bywords for modern social and political abuses.
    George Orwell George Orwell. *BBC Copyright
  • Britannica Quiz
  • From Moby-■■■■ to Space Odysseys
  • Who wrote James and the Giant Peach ?
  • The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance.
  • The book’s hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary living in a London that is still shattered by a nuclear war that took place not long after World War II. He belongs to the Outer Party, and his job is to rewrite history in the Ministry of Truth, bringing it in line with current political thinking. However, Winston’s longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. He embarks on a forbidden affair with Julia, a like-minded woman, and they rent a room in a neighbourhood populated by Proles (short for proletariats ). Winston also becomes increasingly interested in the Brotherhood, a group of dissenters. Unbeknownst to Winston and Julia, however, they are being watched closely (ubiquitous posters throughout the city warn residents that “Big Brother is watching you.”).
  • When Winston is approached by O’Brien—an official of the Inner Party who appears to be a secret member of the Brotherhood—the trap is set. O’Brien is actually a spy for the Party, on the lookout for “thought-criminals,” and Winston and Julia are eventually caught and sent to the Ministry of Love for a violent reeducation. The ensuing imprisonment, torture, and reeducation of Winston are intended not merely to break him physically or make him submit but to root out his independence and destroy his dignity and humanity. In Room 101, where prisoners are forced into submission by exposure to their worst nightmares, Winston panics as a cage of rats is attached to his head. He yells out for his tormentors to “Do it to Julia!” and states that he does not care what happens to her. With this betrayal, Winston is released. He later encounters Julia, and neither is interested in the other. Instead Winston loves Big Brother.
  • Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today
  • Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism. Its depiction of a state where daring to think differently is rewarded with torture, where people are monitored every second of the day, and where party propaganda trumps free speech and thought is a sobering reminder of the evils of unaccountable governments. Winston is the symbol of the values of civilized life, and his defeat is a poignant reminder of the vulnerability of s…"

Well worth the read mate !

However I think the matter is quite a lot deeper than a siimple case of “Are we all going to be ruled by the Chinese ?”

I came across this simple quote today and found it quite convincing - I do feel incredibly lucky to have lived through this period :slightly_smiling_face:

You may care to listen to the argument ? It explains much in a convincing (to me) way.

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Don’t forget Michael Bloomberg has like half of his 60 billion personal wealth tied to China and is why he is spending 500 million in anti Trump ads,


I agree, it should be required reading in school. Orwell’s 1984 is a wonderful read and beautifully written. The word “doublespeak” has been derived from “newspeak” and “doublethink”.

Another wonderful book is “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. It too depicts a dystopian world. Read both books multiple times many decades ago but it took me a few years to appreciate their message. :slight_smile:

Edit: @Falstaff you may also be interested in reading Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. He also wrote an interesting essay titled “Politics and the English Language”. This essay will assist you greatly in your effort to create your postmodernist’s language list.

Indeed it is. I don’t believe that the Chinese were meant to rule the world. They are but a pawn in the larger game, only they don’t realize that as yet. I also believe that they have been duped into releasing the virus but they brought that upon themselves by choosing the wrong side to bet on. Duplicity is in the CCP’s very nature; bent tail and such.

We all are but only the few awakened among us can truly appreciate the front row seats that we occupy to witness the historic events currently unfolding to transform humanity.

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Some more reading when you have time. From the guy who released the memo, about intelligence collected by the Russians.

But in his letter to Graham, Ratcliffe noted that the U.S. intelligence community “does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”

Not sure what you’re trying to point out. The issue isn’t about Russia’s fabrications but rather about Hillary’s fabrications and false allegations.

The relevant portion of the article you’ve linked is the last paragraph.

The president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was among those on the right who spotlighted Tuesday’s disclosure, writing on Twitter: “The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan, and the Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it.”


Dinesh D’Souza on Trump Card Documentary & Democratic Socialism



They haven’t been involved in politics for over two centuries. Trump changed that.

The New England Journal of Medicine avoided politics for 208 years. Now it’s urging voters to oust Trump.