Political Opinion

no one is going to know who this is so I fixed it, now maybe he will be found



I wonder what the reaction here and elsewhere would be if Biden had a Chinese Bank account and paid more taxes to the Chinese than to the US?

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this is all fine and dandy but I would rather have answers to how Jeffery Epstein was able to commit suicide while in a prison designed to prevent that from happening, cameras turned off, guards sleeping, cellmate transfer, the list goes on and on, and why was he suddenly arrested in the first place. The unanswered questions go on and on and outside of FOX news the rest of the useless media acts as if this guy never existed

Even Wikipedia questions the suicide claim


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I don’t think they tax you on bribes and payoffs, but Biden is not the worry here, it is the people controlling Biden, Like Michael Bloomberg who has Billions tied to China. We have seen how being overly connected to China is harming Australia, I do not want to see that happen to the US


A federal judge today slapped the Internal Revenue Service for what amounts to a massive cover up to protect the Clinton Foundation from having to pay as much as $2.5 Billion in unpaid federal back taxes.

The judge uncovered damning and alarming documents and facts in the case — which until now has been sealed and kept secret from the public — which amount to a federal cover up by the Justice Department and the IRS to protect the Clinton’s.

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The Left have turned our once fine cities into ghettos. And this is what they will do to the rest of our beautiful country if we let them.

Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York - all are in ruin !!!

Seattle police officers’ exit interviews cite lack of support, ‘political agenda’

Seattle police officers’ exit interviews cite lack of support, ‘political agenda’: report | Fox News

Poll results show majority of Americans are getting ready for civil war

‘The city will be on fire’: New Yorkers prep to flee homes to avoid post-election rioting

Remember: It Is Your Fault that We Attacked


Too funny! Must watch. :point_down:t2:

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EXPOSED: Google Tactics to Influence Presidential Elections

[ Watch Video ] :point_down:t2:

Chinese nationals are creating censorship software at Facebook

And they call Trump a racist …

Hilarious. Just so I’m clear, the point of the cartoon is we all need to be in lockdown?


Right, the entire intel community is out to get Trump for no reason. Sound logic. Much like your masks edit. Remind me who got sick and infected those close to him? Exactly.

Like the US, who has trillions tied to China.

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The title of this Thread is " Political Opinion" so where is your opinion on this post. I find it very alarming that all these groups are pouring all this money into Bidens campaign, that means he is going to be owing favors to a lot of people, your silence suggest you think this is a good thing


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I’m thinking, Dennis, that the lawyers know that part of the “R’s” health care reform will be Tort reform. Not going over real big in the attorney community?

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Indeed it is alarming on both sides. But Trump raised $1 billion with a B, since becoming president. You mentioned favors.

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Are you really going to tell me with a straight face Clapper and Brennan have not been involved in a coup against the President of the United States for the last 3 1/2 years , I don’t understand where your head is

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Yes. Straight face.

In my opinion (okay Denny?) its 2 weeks to go, 2 weeks to President Joe

Hollywood sign-style Trump letters appear on side of California freeway for second time

Trump Sign in Los Angeles