Political Opinion

I Presume when you say “funny” that you use it to mean “Odd” - rather than humorous. :sunglasses:

  • It is also telling that The ‘BIG - Crayon’ picture is posted showing a part only of the Clickbait headline saying "Ex-Hunter Biden associate’s records don’t show PROOF of Biden’s business …"

Which he over - exaggerates to conflate with PROOF of Lying !

Whereas we all (at least those of us who can think in more than one dimension do) that

Lack of Conclusive and Absolute proof (which is all the article actually says) DOES NOT Prove - nor even Imply PROOF of Lying ! -

There is little doubt in any reasonably open mind that there is masses of evidence that the Hard Drive of the Laptop shows something quite dark and severely in need of Formal and deep probing by the Law Enforcers - And that the likelihood is that t is something which the Voters need to be well aware of and probably to take into account in their voting

  • ie that the person putting themselves forward as leader and protector of your great Country - Does indeed have a lot of very difficult questions to answer as to his integrity and fitness to be allowed to direct your Counry’s future.

The more important when you consider that those whose money seems to have drifted through the hands of a totaly inexperienced person who seems to have a severe drug addiction into the pockets of “Sleepy Joe” himself.

Those it seems at the moment to whom Biden could well be severely indebted are at least;

  • China
  • Russia
  • Ukraine (A country where he is likely to be arrested for corruption should he ever go there)
  • And Iran !

A full complement of those to whom you definitely Wouldn’t want your Head of State to be beholden ! It seems the Bidens - don’t mess about with small fry !

Although it also seems Joe might have done so in the past

The poster then goes on to seemingly use this same weak post - to seemingly imply that Everything contained in @QuadPip 's is a LIE ! (But we await clarification as to that )

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Laughing My Ass Off. Soooo FUNNY !!! :point_down:t2:

Joe Biden RALLY for Latinos BL0WN AWAY by Latinos for Trump :joy::joy::joy:

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Given how much Chump loves boasting about how well the stock market does under him, the record of Republican presidents lags behind Obama and Clinton.

Chump isn’t even the best of the last 8 red presidents

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Brilliant !! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It seems that Latinos are fed up with being told they are useless incompetent VICTIMS - as well ! - Judging by some of those cars - they are VERY Competent and want to keep well away from BIDEN TAXES !

Welcome in Guys and Gals ! :sunglasses:

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Senility Sometimes Makes Joe Unwittingly Speak the Truth :grin:

Massive MAGA Sign in California

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Why isn’t Joe behind bars already? Listen to this. :point_down:

Biden is a threat to our National Security


Someone a few posts ago made a claim that the Stock Market has performed poorly during Presidents Trump’s first term, here is a monthly chart of the S&P 500, box on the left is the market during Obama’s first term, box on the right is the market during President Trump’s first term so far. It seems pretty clear to me who the winner is, but I will leave everyone to make up their own minds


I just watched Rudy Gulianis youtube podcast.

It’s damning to say the least. Id like to think anyone voting democrats would watch it, but that’s not likely - most live in their own echo chamber


Someone a few posts back implied that President Trump is responsible for all the Coronavirus death in the US. If that is true then who is to blame for the now over 1 million deaths outside the US, Just asking


Hi John, I have not seen you here before, welcome to the thread, be warned we have a few echo chamber trolls that hang out here looking to make trouble, I choose to ignore them but others will pull their chains just for fun

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At the election time I tend to take a renewed interest in US politics - usually focusing on British politics

In trading I’ve always found it’s good to try to invalidate our own thesis - it makes the case stronger if you can’t

So stepping out my own echo chamber isn’t that hard when it comes to my political preferences.

Though it can be painful reading or viewing.

While I don’t want to tar all the left with the same brush my talks with anti trumpers I know almost borders on the irrational.

Most recently I was told because I’m not american I just butt the ■■■■ out and not have an opinion.

Which is why I’m saddened to say that despite all the evidence against the bideno mafia family few will ever get to truly understand it


Then, they must also ask Soros, the Rothschilds, the Royals of England and many others to also butt out of American politics and stop funding the radical left. Oh, and ask them why international banks have ownership in the Federal Reserve. Why does the Fed control our currency and money supply?

This is a global war! Trump has said many times that if America falls, the rest of the world also falls. Falls into what? What is the threat?

Carry on soldier and don’t let anyone tell you what your fight should be. They are your enemy and they will lie and cheat and try to make you feel that you are insignificant, while all the time dreading that you will join this war on the side of the good.

The world is waking up! We all have a voice! Their game is up and they are in total panic mode. Let’s finish this once and for all! Enough already!

Watch this speech :point_down:t2:

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Besides Fox, Sky news australia are the only Tv network covering the Bideno Crime syndicate

It’s funny, because Sky Uk won’t touch it with barge pole, but Australia all over it.


Bon Jovi was featured at Joe Biden’s rally in PA.

He played for 12 people and 7 pumpkins. :smile: Watch the video !


The Plot Against The President is available for FREE on Amazon Prime

Winner sure isn’t Trump!
According to your boxes, under Obama price went from c850 to1500, an increase of 76%, so if you invested $1000 it would grow to $1760.
Under Trump price went from 2250 to c3600, plus 60%, so $1000 invested under Trump grows to $1600.
Looks like another Obama win to me!
Thanks for pointing that our to us Denny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Why are left controlled media and big tech censoring pedo related stories so vigorously? Because it is the one crime that is indefensible. It brings Democrats, Republicans, Independents and the undecided to unanimously denounce these monsters.

This is also the reason that the single letter anonymous poster is banned everywhere online, including here at BP :exclamation:

100% with you there.
Left, right, or whatever, the world needs flushing of pedos and no sentence is too harsh for them.

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