Political Opinion

the will of the american people was ignored in 2016 and they gave it to trump, but not this time, game over

EDIT: you can take away 3 million votes from biden and biden still wins the popular vote. :ok_hand:

Of all the dumb stuff heā€™s posted, this has to be the dumbest :rofl: :rofl:


Politics aside for a second as a trader do you think Biden is going to do well with the economy?

Bullish for stocks? Bullish for the dollar?

Besides green energy where do you see things headed?

Latest projection

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No, Joe tax plan might sound good for the average american but it might hurt big business and of course the wealthy americans :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

America needs unity more than anything else, no country stays on top with a divided people, that country will tumble sooner or later, so i pick unity over division

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I really donā€™t share your optimism for the country coming together - I think its well past that

Hope Iā€™m wrong


yeah i know sad but true, i guess i can hope :pray: :pray: :pray:

countries are moving forward while america goes backwards

Asia forms worldā€™s biggest trade bloc, without US


I think one thing we can all agree on is the fantastic job Trump did in eliminating
the Russian interference in our elections from 4 years agoā€¦ :wink:ā€¦at his own
defeat too!


If you were an US citizen you would know the US does not pick its president on a Popular vote but on the popular vote of 50 individual states. Think of it like the Baseball World Series, it is not who score the most runs but how wins the most games

on the subject of Clinton/Trump how long did it take for Clinton to concede? And did she not claim fraud in the form of Russian interference of which none was proven

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It is pretty clear what the AOC side of the Democrat party feels about coming together


Do you really think your post are doing anything to promote unity even within the small group that participates in this forum ,

You think the Identity devisive Politics fostered by the Democrats is unifying the Nation ?

Basically the US / Western Civilisation has had itā€™s ā€œ10 Generationsā€ - Spend a little quality time in understanding this ;

[Oh ANd Note also Stefan Molyneux - is another of those Deplatformed by U-Tub with no reason nor explanation ! - Destite having a Million Subs + ]

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Think you are about 4 years late for that.


The Type of unity the Democrats want


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The political elites of both parties are only interested in expanding their wealth and power at the expense of the middle class

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well we did it to ourselves, it took one guy to bring america down a deep dark hole thatā€™s gonna be hard to get out of, america is falling apart right before our eyes

In the early hours on Nov 9th she called Pres Trump to concede.

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