Political Opinion

you got it keep up the good work,it’s your platform have at it :ok_hand:

It seems I was in error again !

nah your good and doing a good job, never second guess yourself

Have a new set of crayons :slightly_smiling_face:

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More like one guy exposed America’s deep dark secrets, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 because Middle Income America saw their standard of living decline under 8 years of Obama, Trump was the only candidate to speak to middle America and that is why he won in 2016 and grew his voter base by 9 million voters for 2020. This is not hard to understand, but your TDS is blocking you from seeing what the rest of us have had to endure


again this is the Left projecting their hate onto the right, I never seen anyone speaking form the right talking about hate, it always comes from the left,


What is killing middle-class America?

Healthcare cost ( these tripled under Obama)
Student loan debt
Loss of jobs due to Automation
No financial Education

Until these are addressed and no longer pose a drain on people’s finances the middle class will continue to decline. And middle-class decline seems to be what the political elites who bankrolled Biden want.


but he didn’t win the popular vote, hillary clinton did, that’s twice he didn’t win the popular vote, 2nd time in history

“Populism” is BAD - isn’t it ?

. :crayon:

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then proceeded to undermine the new President with the lies of Russiagate


and trump is challenging the popular vote but didn’t challenge it when he lost it in 2016, how many times you gonna lose the popular vote and still be elected president at some point the will of the people wins. good luck

He won the Popular vote in 30 states, we have this system so a few large states do not control the president, I am guessing you are not a US citizen and do not understand how our government works. Which leads to the next question why do you have such a love affaire with Trump. You will not see me going after leaders of other countries, so why do you

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30 states and sill came up 2.8 million short

The ‘Million MAGA March’ Didn’t Meet Its Target Number, but Brought Violence to D.C. as Expected

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are we talking about the will of the people or the ability of the Media to be able to control conversation, ban people that go against their agenda, and brainwash people with such an endless stream of propaganda that they believe 2+2=5

There is no will of the people in the US any longer, it is the will of the political elites and the media

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so that same machine is only good when it fits your agenda but when that machine goes against your agenda it’s becomes evil, it’s like everybody hates lawyers until you need one

AND called upon the proto - president to

“refuse to Concede Under Any Circumstances”

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Maher Fights With Trump Campaign Lawyer Jenna Ellis Over Her Nonstop Falsehoods: ‘Just Stop It’


goes both ways :crazy_face: