Political Opinion

that’s what happens when you get a president who wants to divide the country and ruin a democracy

you seem to see your self as the smartest person in the world and know what everyone else thinks, why don’t you tell me just what is my agenda?

It’s so sad that you can’t understand :roll_eyes:

no i’m not smart i just call out evil when i see it

nothing to understand when you see a evil person

True - but how do you recognise “Evil” ? - Yahoo.com ? :wink:

we can agree to disagree, enjoy your trading :pray:

What - In your view - represents


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sit back and watch what’s going on and ask yourself how did we get here

That is a lie, I have yet to see you call out any evil from the Democrat party, the party of endless war, forever poverty, massive student loan debt, racisms, and the list goes on and on

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i can respect your point a view, we all have one :+1:

Do you see evil here



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There is no asking, it is a historic fact

I am still waiting for your all knowing explanation of Evil


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Perhaps not - but there is nothing to prevent you from trying ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Consistency is a good indicator of a “True Believer” - :rofl:

[quote=“Dennis3450, post:6005, topic:42247, full:true”]
Do you see evil here



Jeez there’s some ugly looking ferret there ! :smiley:


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dude they all evil, it’s about picking the lesser of 2 evils but that’s person opinion :ok_hand:

you don’t have to be smart to know never argue with a dummy, maybe you the smart one and i’m the dummy :face_with_monocle:

So you are picking Endless Wars, forever poverty, soul crushing debt and end of free speech as a lessor of two evils, please entertain me with what you see as a greater evil