Political Opinion

Do that and then post it here and I will answer your question
I do not recall seeing any Trump memes that could be classed as racist, but since you seem to think some were then please show them to me or stop talking nonsense.

It is kind of like asking Apple’s Siri a question, just to be entertained by the crazy answers

Best you and I can do is keep our cool be the adults in the room and never ever stoop to their level

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I am not the one talking about

‘Racist Watermelons’ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Easy enough to silence my comparisons between the indebted student you clearly are and 10 year old children of my generation -

Just answer the questions ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Do let me know if this is racist

What’s that saying, “there’s no fool like an old fool”

I will pray for you

That’s just irrational Hatred !

so you want me to post the racist meme, haha

here is a challenge , take Trump’s head off your Avatar and replace it with Harris, You refusing to do so tells us all that your avatar is racist and should not be allowed on this sight

What is racist about it?
It mocks his behaviour, not his color or creed.
Do you even know what racism is?

do tell us, as the goal post seems to change with every situation

That phenomenon has been obsreved by a number of authors and commentators - it is part of the Postmodernist indoctrination system to lower the bar for “thought crime” to a level where it is pretty much impossible to avoid tripping over it - then to “punish” suchan error as though it were the most heinous crime imaginable using the OLD definition !

They don’t use words in the same way we do - they just use them as WEAPONS - intended to evoke emotions rather than understanding !

Fascinating subject really and we should thank them for demonstrating to us their “thoughts” in operation. :upside_down_face:

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“show - off” :roll_eyes: I don’t have Anything “Apple” - being something of a cheapskate ! :wink:

Eyy - Upp ! - He’s SHAPESHIFTING - Again ! :roll_eyes:

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Trump Is a terrorist - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

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From the Oxford English Dictionary, a definition of racism

And why watermelons are regarded as racist when used to depict persons of color

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We know that definition is disputed and flawed Oxford dictionary are aware ;



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Anyone else going to buy this book ?


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Politics and Religion is a endless debate, everybody wants to be right and nobody wants to be wrong, you can waste your entire life in a endless debate or you can go live your best life and be happy. :fu: im out

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That is the Webster definition, Oxford have not changed but may do at some point.
Anyhow, den now has 2 versions to choose from. Perhaps now he will understand better.
And perhaps now you will understand why the watermelon “joke” was deemed offensive

Happy to help

I have said this many times but it is truly the plot of the novel 1984

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Republicans launch Pennsylvania lawsuit that argues GOP-backed bill allowing universal mail voting is unconstitutional

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