Political Opinion

I’m busy - I’ll deal with you Later !

Yeah. Let’s wait till Trump is long gone so he doesn’t get any credit! The hell with the people that die!


Why would you assume that the illegal votes are from brown/black people.
THAT sounds racist!


The timing is uncanny, and was always going to be politicized whether the vaccine was announced before or after the election

“Uncanny” would be one way to describe it.

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nothing wrong with being proud and white it’s just the racist comments after saying i’m proud and white that gets them every time. you can say it loud i’m white and i’m proud :ok_hand:

Pfizer acted outside of politics - they waited until after the election to make the market announcement re their vaccine test results - they are a PLC and required by law to publish data that affects or likely to affect their share price.

Had they published before the election then they would have been accused of political interference - which is def not good for business.


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Jimmy Dore talks about Biden appointment of a lobbyist for DuPont to head the EPA

Talk about butting the fox in charge of the hen house,

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So saying " white Lives Matter" or " All Lives Matter" is not racist, that clearly is not the case


It is like the much needed stimulus bill for people out of work that is being held up by Pelosi, they would rather see Americans starve than get them help before Trump leaves office


I was referring to Fauci and the February date.

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Are you a board member for Pfizer, if not how can you possibly know that

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people think saying black lives matter is not about other races live, it seems and look like only unarmed black people are getting killed by the cops and the cops takes black lives for granted, that’s when BLM came into play, but yes all lives matter and should be treated equal but that’s not the case

Trump election challenges sound alarm among voters of color

glad to hear you say this as there have been people fired for saying this

Not true, more white people are killed by cops in America, but there is clearly a problem with the use of deadly force, I have been a long time advocate for replacing police sidearms with a non-lethal device,