Political Opinion

people should not get fired for saying all lives matter but they should acknowledge there is a serious problem in america that needs to be addressed, i think people say all lives matter to spite the black lives matter saying and do so in a mean spirit.

EDIT: saying all lives matter is like saying everybody is treated equal when clearly that’s not true

does anyone here find anything racist about this sign, it was removed shortly after going up, I wonder why


nothing racist about that billboard and that’s the way america should work, i also notice the media does a good job stirring the race pot, makes me wonder what’s their hidden agenda



some do but you can not say all do

My issue with the BLM movement is that it only applies to white cops killing blacks, and not to blacks killing other blacks which account for 99% of the blacks murdered in the US

Don’t forget the 3-year-old black girl murdered by black gangs during the Atlanta riots, there were no protest or marches for her, and BLM never offered a dime to bring the murderers to justice, Sad

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if you do not remember the case, here is a news update after an arrest is made

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I don’t think there is anything hidden about it, they want to keep us fighting each other, Think of the movie Hunger Games

Which is what racism is really all about, Government controlling us and convincing us through the media they control that we should not like that person who looks different then us. This why I find it so offensive when someone here calls someone a racist, when you do that you are playing into the government and media’s hands

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you do know cops are meant to protect and serve and not carry out killings of it citizens, your comparing civil workers to the average joe who committing a murder. come on dude your smarter than that

calling somebody racist base on their racist behavior is not playing into any government game if anything being a racist is playing into their game, one does a act and the other is just words

There you go again we were having a civil conversation and out of the blue you attack me, and I don’t even know what you are talking about.

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i said you are smarter than that are you implying i’m call you stupid?

and there is the problem, who get to decide what behaviors are racist, just like my billboard example, some people will call just about anything racist if it fits their agenda

dude go and enjoy your life, life is to short for you to be defending racism.

there again, why do you keep saying such things, I am trying to have a civil conversation then you say something like that,

trying to make since of why some people behave as they do or examining their motives is not defending their actions.

Put clearly having a civil conversation with you is not possible so we will leave it at that, please do not respond to any of my post and I will do the same for yours

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Dear haters, I couldn’t help but notice that “awesoME” ends with “ME” and “Ugly” starts with “U”.

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Hogan responds to Trump tweet: ‘Stop golfing and concede’


I think the word racist has changed its meaning - certainly in the UK

If you wanted UK fisherman to have complete access to their own waters you were labelled a racist.

If you wanted the UK government to be in charge of UK laws you were labelled a racist.

If you wanted the UK to stop sending billions a year to Brussels politicians you were labelled a racist.

If you admired Winston Churchill for standing up to Hitler you were labelled a racist.

If you were from the industrial north of England you were labelled a racist.

If you were on the front bench of the Tory party under Boris government you were considered to be a neo nazi.

If you did not have a university degree you were a racist.

If you were old and from the north it was suggested you shouldn’t vote because you were a racist

So in light of all that is it any wonder people get confused with the meaning of the word ‘racist’ these days


Hello John.
I have spent a fair bit of time in the UK over the years and I don’t recognise any truth in your statements above.
Can you give some examples or are these just your own opinions?


If you had followed the Brexit debate as closely as I did you would recognise all of those points.


I see alot of similarities with what happened with Brexit and the current situation in the US.

It certainly doesn’t help matters when Ilan Omar calls all trump supporters Klan members.

No wonder both sides cannot agree on anything

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Hello John.
I did and I dont recognise most of those. Some of them were issues, reasons for leaving the EU, but I have not seen any instances of people calling others racist for wanting fishing rights, the right to decide your own laws, the right to stop paying Brussels every year, and all these were Brexit topics.
Please show me anyone saying Churchill was a racist for standing up to Hitler, and explain what that has to do with Brexit.
How does not having a University degree make someone a racist, look forward to seeing who said that.
Again, I would like to see who accused Boris’s front bench of being neo nazis and why
Ditto regarding people from the industrial north of England being called racist.
Being old and from the north is probably covered by the above, since that seems to claim all from the north are racist.

I am genuinely interested in why/where these notions have come from.