Political Opinion

His actual words, as shown in the subtitles were "Michelle Obama looks like she’s from the cast of the movie “Planet of the Apes”
I can understand her complaint, but maybe a warning to be more careful about his choice of language would have been more appropriate.
TBH, I was expecting an example from the US not from Spain.

The request to change behaviour came from Dennis and seems to have been agreed by some.
If you cant/won’t change, that is your choice.

She conceded by noon the following day, so 12 hours after the election ended, with a slimmer margin of loss in some states, compared to Trump’s margin of loss in this election.

Then there was Roseanne Barr being fired by Disney/ABC for a tweet ,do I need to pull up the details or can you search them yourself, I don’t need to prove it to myself, but why don’t you do some research yourself

who said anything about conceding , my post was about legal challenges which went on for weeks after the election ,

Which legal challenges are those? Why legally challenge an election after you’ve conceded?

Just shows you don’t need to be an English speaking white boy to be a target

Here is a challenge for you Carlos, show me an example of one of this race baiters ever excepting someone’s apology and giving forgiveness

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I gave examples and links in my original post, look it up

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She was sacked for a series of tweets about one of Michelle Obamas assistants/advisers were she likened the woman to an ape.
That is a racist comment, and as she had previously been warned about the foul content of some of her tweets I’m not surprised she was sacked.
So, Dennis, what is your opinion? Do you think its okay to call African Americans apes?

Not at all, in fact English speaking white boys can be the target of racist comments as well and are entitled to protection by law the same as anyone else.

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A country without borders isn’t a country, its just some land.


You mean an article written by a political commentator/writer pleading to the EC to vote with the popular vote outcome? Sounds like all the states electors changing the vote hoodwinkery that was going about this election.

I wouldn’t compare that similarly to what Trump built in a legal team to challenge the election, 30+ lawsuits, etc. Did I miss another article you posted about Hillary herself and her legal team challenging the 2016 election?

do you not watch or listen to anything ?

This guy has not worked since - where’s HIS protection ?

The actual clip - quick one !

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I am not going to relive 2016, you can look it up, but we had a whole month of this stuff right up to the Electoral Collage which they tried to change as well. And it was not just Clinton, Jill Stein was involved, the media, and of course the low life Hollywood types

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if only it were so in my country

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And then there was Don Imus, he was just trying to be funny and miss using some black ghetto language, He was then a victim of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, , Again not allowed to apologize and no forgiveness by two people who claim to be Christians.


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No i don’t and i never said anything about trump and right wing policy

was you a victim of racism, you sound like a victim are you ok

Do you think it is Okay to call President Donald Trump an Orangutan?

The name-calling comes from both sides but those on the left are allowed to apologize and go about their business while those on the right are fired

And no I do not approve of the name-calling be it from the right or left

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You asserted that Trump divided the people. But now you don’t find his enacted policies to be particularly extremist or right-wing.

So how is it possible such a moderate politician could divide the people as you said he did? Surely the only logical answer is that either the American people are not divided or if they are, someone else or something else is responsible.