Political Opinion

GOP Congressman Suggests Trump Voters Mimic Post-WWII Japanese Soldiers Who ‘Kept Fighting for Decades’

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Trump shares bizarre videos and tweets by actor Randy Quaid about voter fraud, Fox News


I don’t think Trump started the fire.

To quote Billy Joel, “it’s always been burning since the world’s been turning”


Serious question. “Socialism” is a thing here in the US. Or fear of socialism is a thing. I imagine it’s why Trump did well with many voters, simply because of the socialism messaging. Serious question, again - What does socialism mean to you, and why do you think it is/will be an issue here in the US because of Biden? Or maybe it’s already an issue to you? Are we talking social programs? Expansion of Medicaid? Universal healthcare? Handouts to the poor? Covid aid, so like the Cares Act - is that socialism in your mind? Tax increases?

I keep hearing Venezuela thrown around and Cuba and this and that. I’m failing to make the connection with the fear that apparently this is around the corner.

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“Out of the mouths of Babes and sucklings” !

The company’s that gave Biden 3 billion dollars are not socialist, but they expect to be repaid many times over through huge increase in government spending

I don’t like the socialism argument, after all we have the largest socialism program in the world with Social Security,

We are also entering a time when 25% of all jobs will be automated in the next 10 years, something has to give

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no trump didn’t start the fire there always been crazy people waiting to latch on to a president to sput their carzines onto the world and all it take is a president to talk the language they like to hear

it is what it is :vulcan_salute:

[quote=“Falstaff, post:6388, topic:42247”]
Out of the mouths of Babes and sucklings” !

I still say this is not a real person, but a low level A.I.

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yes i am a robot where do we go from there :rofl: :

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It has been said that every country deserves the leader it has


true. very true

Well it’s low level ok ! :roll_eyes:

But I think it’s real - judging from the way it goes ‘wierd’ - after a smoke or two !

[PS Square bracket missing from your post after /quote ]

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yes it goes to weird very weird, the sooner you realize politics is a endless discussion the better your life will become and you can live in peace with yourself

This is not politicks thow - iz itt ? - we’re just watching the “r’s” terminate themselves - or at least the “male” ones ! - the females WILL reject them and leave them as INCELs - whilst operating Hypergamy once they have exhausted the resources of “Daddy State” - the females will be desperate to attract any passing ‘K’ male - the ‘r’ males are destined to genetic extinction ! = :sunglasses:

Enjoy the Grass :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sounds high to me, but if accurate, pretty frightening, and we need an overhaul of training and education programs to get people into industries in need of skilled workers.

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“Protocols of the Elders of Zion”- - I would suggest you mean - if you could understand such a concept ! :roll_eyes:

But you’d be wrong it’s just “r/K” gene wars - that’s all !

President Trump is an admirer of that prophetic author Ayn Rand -

Who is John Gault ?

OOd Od - ee’s back !

in 1999 or thereabouts - Gordon Brown (UK Govt) said

*by 2020 there will only be 600,000 low skilled jobs in the UK" !

If the “Green New Deal” gets it’s way - there’ll be 300+ Million low skilled jobs in US and still mass starvation !

Well _ YOU Voted for it !

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Fox paid seven figures to settle lawsuit over bogus Seth Rich conspiracy story

Who is John Gault ?