Political Opinion


gotta love america and the american people :ok_hand:

Ask your Dad ! :wink:

good come back :+1:

Billions? Really?

I fear the ideology and its effects. An individual Democrat president could facilitate a move in that direction and I see that as bad for the US, bad for any country’s people. Of course, US presidential power is limited.

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That is not a racial slur, its mocking his fake tan.
So, back to my question, do you think it’s okay to call African Americans apes? A simple yes or no will suffice. Saying you do not approve of name calling while at the same backing people who racially abuse others misses the point.

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The use of social support programmes like benefits and health care are not uniquely and inherently socialist though they will always be present in a socialist state. For example, in the UK, it was a Conservative government Minister that proposed and set up the National Health Service, and this was universally supported across all parties at the time, it still is.

Trump played on the fear that the introduction of such programmes might be a stealthy way to convert the US state to socialism, which is just not realistic. The fear of socialism is justified, the fear of efficient national health care as a pre-cursor to socialism is not.

As far as the ill effects of socialism are concerned, its only necessary to consider the words of Karl Marx etc. and the conditions under which many populations of the world have suffered at the hands of socialist regimes.

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2 very good examples there.
My view is that what each said was due more to their age and upbringing than outright racism.
Snyder was, in his own way, praising black athletes.
The problem for the broadcasters is, if they allowed them to remain in their positions where their views/comments are broadcast to the general public, what happens if there is a repeat behaviour? The law is the law and by facilitating this the broadcasters may in effect be breaking it.

I have looked it up - the Greens took legal action to force some re-counts.

Cannot find any legal challenge that attempts to overturn the election itself - many instances of Clinton being urged to do so.

In fact in 2017 when asked if she would mount a legal challenge she replied “I don’t know if there’s any legal constitutional way to do that. I think you can raise questions,”

She further commented "such a move would be unprecedented and legally questionable"

The reporter took that to mean she wouldn’t rule it out.

This might be relevant -

Amazon is using union-busting Pinkerton spies to track warehouse workers and labor movements at the company, according to a new report

It could be much higher if they figure out self driving, we do need new training and education for jobs that cannot be automated , carpentry, masonry, electricians. But kids are told they must take on 100k in student loans to go to college for a degree that has no value in the work place

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In 2016 there were 4 who actually did not vote there pledge, one for Trump and 3 for Hillary, which was funny as all the efforts by Hollywood to get electors to not vote Trump it was Hillary who lost the most votes

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And yet we still don’t know who killed the man, and there are a lot of democrat party paid lawyers ready to sue anyone who investigates it

So what does this prove?

Its not news to me that some employers break the law, I used to work in enforcement against employers. In this case, I am sure that if the firm broke the law wherever they are operating, they will be dealt with by the authorities. If they didn’t break the law, then this is just gossip.


That was the idea of race-integration busing, an idea to help integrate communities. Hardly you being discriminated against. Why were you denied employment as an adult?

Ultimately, all these things happened years ago and times have changed. We have to move on and let go of the anger we may have had.

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The concept of Charity (Helping people who are down on their luck) is fine and as a Choice for individuals praiseworthy - there are many organisations to whom Charity is a main aim. However when charity becomes compulsory - it becomes a problem of whether it is appropriate to steal money from one set of individuals and use that theft to support another set of individuals.

In order to allow charity, wealth must first be accumulated through competence and ability - this is the principle of Capitalism - one might suggest. Stealing from one set of individuals and giving the proceeds of that theft to another set - promotes incompetence and the propagation through breeding of that incompetent set - It cane be viewed as “disgenics” since under a “Welfare” system - people are PAID according to their breeding choices.

Those in favour of competence, delayed gratification and taking responsibitity for their own actions (K’s) will choose to have fewer children and devote more resources to ensuring the success in life of each of them , as and when they can afford to do so - Those who choose to breed in order to gain extra resources (r’s) to the detriment of Society as a whole. - a little publicised fact is that in the US the average IQ of single mothers is 93 ! (Peterson says that “at IQ 90 a person is just about capable of reading a set of simple instructions and carrying them out !” )

And we DO KNOW that IQ is highly heritable. So the disgenics of the Welfare system - encouraging “r’s” to breed is self - evident. (if not Popular to actually state ! :wink: )

Now we have to concede that in a Compassionate Society - there will always be a pressure to support the disadvantaged so we can Feel good about ourselves but in a system which Pays people to make inferior life choices - and allows everyone to vote - is it any wonder that the “r’s” vote for anyone who offers to steal more from the competent and dole it out to the disadvantaged (AND to those GAMING the system by pretending or deliberately aquiring such “Disadvantage” )

There are already many signs that many intelligent Men in particular are refusing to go into debt to be treated in perpetuity as “Tax-cows” in such a system, both in the USA and here in England.

A young man without children or a wife to support - really does not need to work very hard to support himself and many are choosing to sit in their parents house and play video games - or start their own business - acquire a trade (as mentioned by @Dennis3450 earlier) and just opt-out - let them r’s fend for themselves ! :rofl: When the resources do run out they can be nimble and re-emerge into whatever is left of Western Society to re-start the “K” comback again - as has happened so many times before.

This set of thoughts and actions - variable in scale and effect - give us the loose semi-community known as MGTOW.

Molyneux notes that from success to collapse a civilisation takes around 300-400 years as the Beaurocracy and tax systems become too much of a burden for the competent to support and the parasite kills the host (and by definition, itself !)

It just seems that in the West - our time is up !

Popcorn anyone ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bussing had nothing to do with integrating communities, For me, it meant getting up early for an hour-long bus ride where the bus drove through black neighborhoods lined with rock-throwing black kids, we were told to keep the windows up. Not a pleasant experience and one I swore would never be experienced by my own kids.

Unless you live in the US and have experienced this then you cannot judge

That is enough on this subject the past is the past, the future is Bitcoin, do you own any?

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Geraldo Rivera joins fellow Fox News host Laura Ingraham in urging viewers to accept Trump’s defeat, saying he can’t 'continue denying the results of the election