Political Opinion

you’re opening up another can of worms with that one, good luck on trying to get a bill pass stopping legally america citizens from voting because of their condition

Lol - you’ve posted that Hilary cannot fill a High School gym - Now Joe Biden likewise - so around 140 million voters over the last 4 years in America have voted against a candidate.

Only 2 possibilities - either a lot of strange voters in the US or the High School Gyms are the largest in the world by far :slight_smile:

Can they legally sign a contract? Seems similar to me?


like i said good luck with that one, the law states if you are legally allowed to vote you can, no law will every go into what your talking about and nor should it.

Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann says Trump should be investigated and charged with potential federal crimes after leaving office

at least you and a few others who think and dream Trump 24/7 will have something to cut and past about after he leaves office

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Not sure what your point is, but history has shown the candidate that draws the largest crowds on the campaign trail wins at the ballot box, it was the case for Obama in 2008 and 2012

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and where still in the same position,to think that america have been great again is delusional

the candidate that get the most votes should win, that wasn’t the case 4yrs ago, who cares about crowds if they don’t show up to vote

Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump

MAGA one human at a time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One could expand that question somewhat - to those who are IQ deficient in many other ways ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Or simply Indoctrinated ? :wink:

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yes i agree, once we go there we now have to evaluate all americans if they are mentally capable of voting

A New Political Force Emerges in Georgia: Asian American Voters

The USA forces preclude anyone with an IQ less than 83 from joining - as there is NO useful work they can do - that’s 10% of your population - why anyone would consider them capable of an informed decision on voting - I have NO IDEA !

Personally I would also exclude ANyone - who does not have a positive fiscal investment in the mechanism ! :slightly_smiling_face:

man do i lover america when we all can agree all americans get the same treatment, MAGA :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:

As far as I know that was over-ruled in 1976 !

AND has been continually expanded ever since.

MAGA was over rule. well we must eliminate all so call americas who are anti-america even if it includes our fellow americans including you bucko


it is what it is don’t get your feelings hurt again and start pushing buttons, :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:

I bring up the question as these would be the people targeted for ballet harvesting , something that is not an issue when all votes are cast in person and ID checked

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