Political Opinion

The House seats really tell the story, How is this not right out of the Hunger Games

Will Trump ever concede to Biden? Approving the transition may be as close as he gets to that, aides say

and 2.5 million less than hillary clinton and yet he still won.

I was surprised at an all blue New Mexico. And ALL of New England. And you can see why
eastern Oregon wants to become part of Idaho!

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So if we are to believe these numbers more people voted in this election than were registered to vote in 2018. Seeing how past elections saw around a 60% voter turnout one has a right to question just who are all these new voters


I think more Natural born Mexicans live in New Mexico than Natural born Americans, the question needs to be asked, was it only American citizens voting

]you can ask that question on all election not just when it donā€™t goes your way

I would think that American citizens, even if born in Mexico, would want strict immigration laws(read:Republican) if for no other reason then to protect entry level jobs. So, yes, I would have to agree with you on that. Hey, but what do I know?(Thatā€™s rhetorical, meaning that I donā€™t want an answer!)

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yes you would think so, i know i do but the problem is bigger than what we can imagine

Iā€™m willing to explore that ā€œproblemā€ with you if you can be more specific.

So based on this, you donā€™t need to show ID to vote, which means I could send someone to vote for me.

Even Disney has a simple fingerprint scanner to verify you are not using someone else Annual Pass

Put propose this and watch how the Democrats will oppose it


that has always been a problem and still havenā€™t been address

if it wasnā€™t a big problem we would have address the issue by now, clearly something is wrong that we donā€™t know about

Are you referring to voter ID laws which Dennis just pointed out?

For fear of turning THIS topic into a crap sessionā€¦
In Florida, and correct me if Iā€™m wrong Dennis, we are required to produce an
ID for voting. For mail in ballots, which Iā€™ve done forever, you have to request one.
Itā€™s not just mailed out to everyone. Once voted, you have to sign the envelope you
send your ballot back in.
Now, mind you, we have had a ā€œRā€ controlled legislature forever, too.


I have never voted by mail, I always do it in person and we are required to show a State approved Photo ID to vote in person , they can now scan the strip on our DL so it is a quick painless process

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shouldnā€™t all states have this law voting

Here are some questions, should nursing home patients be allowed to vote, I am talking about people that are totally dependent and unable to do even the most simple task on their own and would be considered by the state as not being of Sound mind and Body in regards to their finances, and if a family member legal gradian of that person voted for them, would that be voter fraud, How about people in homeless camps, could someone collect their votes in exchange for a pack of cigarettesā€™

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You would think, but there are state legislatures blocking it. Iā€™m not telling you anything you donā€™t already know.


Uh, no and no.