Political Opinion

Thank you for proving my point, we have not seen you in a while, Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, eat lots of Turkey, I know I put on 5 lbs


UK has just made largest increase in defence budget since end of the Cold War. Still, that will only partially help restore the armed forces here to capability and the spread of commitments the government expects of them. I really hope the increased defence R&D effort brings benefits, and not just in defence too.

In my younger days I supported large increases in defense as we had a real threat from the Soviet Union, today where is the threat, and while our military gets larger back home the middle class is shrinking, our infrastructure is falling apart, government mandated health insurance is killing families, something has got to change, but Biden has made it clear he supports the same policies that made people turn to Trump

None so blind as those who will not see?

ā€œNo matter if they have five eyes or 10 eyes, if they dare to harm Chinaā€™s sovereignty, security and development interests, they should beware of their eyes being poked and blinded,ā€ .

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian - referring to the 5 eyes alliance which is led by the US.

Any conflict between the US and China would be fought on the sea and China is no match

Besides the new President and Michael Bloomberg have huge financial ties to China. Expect new trade deals overwhelmingly favorable to China

Once again, comparing the Navy Seals to Trumpā€™s bogus claim of mass voter fraud is a fraud against the Seals.

Thereā€™s not giving up and then thereā€™s you knowā€¦ reality.

Uhhh, this could be for literally many reasons. Like, why didnā€™t I drink chocolate milk this morning instead of my regular coffee? Iā€™m sure Clinton took her loss as an indication that thereā€™s just too much hate/dislike for her and the family name. And Iā€™m sure the party wouldnā€™t have gone along with another run against Trump. She wasnā€™t the candidate to bring voters over away from Trump.

The point here is that the margin of victory is so much in Bidenā€™s favor, that the likelihood of any fraud found, let alone mass fraud, isnā€™t enough to overturn the election. Trump isnā€™t looking for fraud just to look for it, in a show of election security or safety of democratic ideals. He doesnā€™t care about security nor democracy. If he was on the winning end, heā€™d claim this election was the most secure election ever on the planet, in the history of the world. Heā€™s never accepted loss in his life. Heā€™s acting like a child. What does he do when heā€™s cornered? Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers. All being paid for by his supporters. Thatā€™s fine as long as they know where their money is going.

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Ha, those deals will have lost power now that China already has a deal in place with the ex TPP countries. Nice work, Trump. TPP was supposed to put China in itā€™s place and reduce reliance on China by all parties involved. But guess what happenedā€¦

Howā€™s that US/China deal doing?

How many good people on the right and left have had their careers destroyed in the last 4 years for daring to express an opinion contrary to the opinions of the Trump administration?

Letā€™s not make this only about the EVIL LEFT.


Arizona certifies Bidenā€™s victory in the state

There are many states that have laws in place that bind elector votes of electors. Stacking the electors wouldnā€™t be a guarantee of anything. 32 and D.C.


But why even support that? Remember, if one party can do it, so can the other.

Had a great time, thanks.
A week with family, off-grid, totally relaxing. Highly recommend it.

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Weā€™re still talking about rigged elections, right?

wtf is this world coming 2?
i ain t a trump supporter or fan, heck i ain t even an american, but biden has been known for beeing as crooked as they come for years, for the bribes he took and connections that he has and that put him there lolā€¦he shouldn t even be allowed to run for presidentā€¦but i guess getting people to finish atleast highschool it s a difficult task in most of the world countriesā€¦
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I guess thatā€™s a matter of perspective.

The bar is low these years.

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Not what was reported to Congress and published in Sep past by the DoD.

Edit: yeah I know fake news blah blah.

Take care.

One of the many things I have learnt in my many years on this planet is that if you argue foolishness with fools they will beat you with experience every time.

Have a great day.



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You are delusional.

Care to name names.


How about Flynn. Donā€™t see him working in the US ever again.

Half the State Department. Thereā€™s a list of indicted Trump Admin folks.