Political Opinion

Another FBI agent whistleblower tells about FBI corruption, and by electing Biden we have given the FBI a blank warrant to do as they please

Another part of the defense bill only a jacked off comedian on Youtube will talk about is how the defense bill bars troop reductions, this means endless wars

Biden’s America, you can have it

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Here’s another little Gem about their Super- Hero and other slime !


There are always those exceptions that do not allow for some to take up arms and fight for their country.

However there are many, especially in some countries, that these excuses are nothing more than the excuses of cowards.

I live in a country that has a very proud heritage of strong fighing men and women who will stand up and fight. Not only in defence of Australia but in defence of others facing attack from those who persecute them in their countries.

The ANZAC spirit is legendary and Australia lost 60,000 lives in the First WW and 27,000 lives in the Second WW. Not to mention thousands more in Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan.

Australia is blessed with proud people that stand up for what is right. We are also blessed to have other like minded countries as our allies. Countries like Britian the USA, Canada and Japan.




Attorney General Barr: Justice Dept. finds no evidence of fraud to alter election outcome

Facebook sued by FTC, 48 attorneys general alleging it operates an illegal monopoly

Glad to meet you falstaff ! Thanks for your kind comments.

Well concerning the yellow vest, its the same manifestation of fedup but with french culture. We could observe that english just cut all relations while the french make noise, mumble and show their anger

Yellow vest could be the last expiration of real french people if we dont do nothing. because they are being replace by the same cockroaches that in england, they have the same problems with EU immigration policy. :monkey: :rat: :dromedary_camel:
They was described by the betrayors as people who are “poors” , who are the “lost” of the capitalism system. but in fact its not true. yes there is people who have problem to eat food , to give gift to their children for christmas but not only :face_with_monocle:

Yellow vest is the true spirit of france where Bosses, employees, cops, fireman , lawyers, medic, etc come together and say “NO! we dont want this anymore”. :handshake:

Their goal is not only to have more economic freedom but also and moreover to save the country until its too late. Our governemnts betrays us for 50 years, by selling our airports/institutions for crumbs of bread, by letting invaders entering and commiting crimes without being punished,etc :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Its almost same protest that in england but within french version :grin: would be much longer to say all about but i thinks that resume well

French people went out of the streets to reclaim their sovereignty. to reclaim the death of betrayors and to reclaim the remigration of invaders + claim more economical freedom


like in all revolutions , there is 3 waves

the first wave was the yellow vest, they was being hit and destroyed by the cops because they was too pacific (a.k.a lots of young people lost their eye because cops shooted them with flashball)

then will come the second wave with more angry people and more organised, maybe with weapons (maybe the last wave)

and then at the end there is the third wave were the people win their fight after so much sacrifice

Honestly I think macron should have submit his demission on the yellow vest protest, because when they will win they wont be cool with him as the same he wasnt being cool with the real french people. they will condamn him to death , this is sure. the first wave of the revolution always get destroyed(the poor people always finish being hit)

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Trump has said he would veto it because it didn’t remove Section 230 that protects Twitter, etc.
I think you found a better reason…

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Now running at 10 states !

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Finally a post worth responding too, it will be interesting to see if Biden supports Facebook as payback for their part in election interference helping Biden’s victory. Also worth mentioning this suit only involves acquisitions and does not address censorship, sometimes congress seems to be fine with as we saw in the defense bill.


Wow! Sounds like you expect this to end with the guillotine, let’s hope it doesn’t need to come to that, we don’t want to become the evil we oppose

Here is a subject that no one talks about, No mass shootings in the US since the pandemic started, now there is no shortage of shootings, but most of these are domestic and gang-related, what I am talking about is the psycho who walks into a mall or school and just starts shooting everything that moves then shoots himself.

Also, notice below how different news sights spin the mass shooting narrative to fit their agenda. This is why you can’t believe the news media, Do you own research and form your own opinion


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honestly i really think death by guillotine is too soft. too humanitary for them

they must be tortured until death. the longer and the more suffering possible, and the better it will be

just give me the raper attached unto a chair and a toolbox for 30 minutes. ill take charge of it

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have you heard about the grooming gang in Birmingham and Telford?


the media can do as they please with total immunity part of the free press bill

An important Electoral College deadline has passed. Here’s why that’s bad news for Trump

President Trump seeks to join Supreme Court lawsuit challenging election results in 4 key states

Nope. Doesn’t look good for BLM so it won’t get reported on

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