Political Opinion

Blue state, Red state it does not matter, when you exercise your constitutional rights to oppose the government in the Divided States of America , this is what you can expect. And I don’t care what the back story is, this is wrong

Bipartisan 335-78 bipartisan vote.

Carlos my friend did you watch the whole video attach to that snap shot you posted, the Restaurant owners were very happy as they saw double their normal sales, and the city was paid for use of the property including cleanup after the event, Now I make no excuses for anyone littering but I would be curious if the city failed to provide adequate trash receptacles , and what is with all the chairs left behind that is weird

well since you have the vote count why not share with us the breakdown, how many of each party voted for and against, And remember no vote goes to the floor unless Ruler Pelosi approves

No excuse for leaving rubbish.

Supporters of soccer in europe get a bad name - here’s what Irish fans do after a party (Euros 2016 in France)

Clean up for the Boys in Green! - Irish Fans Clean up - Euro 2016 Paris Bordeaux - Ireland fans - YouTube

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Has anyone noticed how similar they are to each other ? - They have been Trained and coached to such an extent that They WILL NOT Answer any question at all - unless it be with another question - Therefore I think we have every reason to refuse to answer ANY of their qiuestions - I certainly intend to adopt the premise that I will Not do so for exactly that reason.

Yet they shriek and shout in the most abusive terms when we do not answer theirs - All intended to Attck us emotionall and instil Fear and Embarrassment and in an ettempt to inflence the casual reader that we are being “Dubious” in our methods (Projection in a way)

Part too of their training to give No (Deliberate :wink: ) Detail about themselves. However we can still get plenty of detail frome their posts - for example we can infer that Dudebro is lying when he says to @Dennis3450 ;

From the fact that he uses “dudebro” as a screen name (Look it up )

Then after being asked multiple times where he is situated he converts his passive aggressive secrecy into an apparent accusation agaiinst Dennis with the question which forms the second part of the quote I just posted.

Thanks for teaching us all this stuff lads :sunglasses:

Have a prize :slightly_smiling_face:

crayons 1


I still think more than one person is posting on the dude screen name, same with diaper boy, I definitely detect two or more different personalities posting on each of these screen names, anyway I am sure they are having a good laugh and if that is all they want then all I can say is Bless Their Heart

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Wouldn’t it be a nicer world if more people behaved like that.


I did watch the whole video. The restaurant owners may have been happy but, as you well know, my post was in response to your “Trump supporters don’t even litter” comment.

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The police usually don riot gear c/w helmets and truncheons especially when soccer fans start to sing and chant.

Promise that’s my final one :slight_smile:

Irish fans sing to policewoman “we love you” during Euro 2012 - YouTube

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Such a thoughtful reply Falstaff. I look forward to more of it.

Please tell me how your wisdom is coming to this conclusion from a single post?

But remember, you don’t live in the US so why do you care so much? See what I did there.

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At first I thought they were singing to the female officer, but towards the end they seem to be singing to all the officers.

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well if proven me wrong on trash is your goal in life then I will concede you on that, ( had I been their my trash would have gone home with me including my chair)

Ironic how most of what he has to say could just as easily be about himself. Shrieking, shouting, abusive terms, instilling embarrassment, trying to influence others, etc
No surprise really, he’s been like that for years.

No ! - You don’t answer questions :slightly_smiling_face:

instead of taking swipes at each other how about we focus on the real evil CNN, I would love to here everyone’s comments on how CNN silences voices that do not support their agenda

It isn’t a goal, Dennis, and I’m sure you know that. It was just too outlandish a comment to ignore.
On a slightly different theme, I find it contradictory when teenagers/twenty-somethings protest about saving the planet and reducing waste then leave behind piles of garbage themselves. I don’t know who clears up for them at home, maybe they need to take their parents with them on protests

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I’m half thinking about taking a nice long drive to DC just to take a picture in front of the White House holding an index card with Falstaff’s name on it, maybe holding a newspaper with the date on it, standing arm and arm with Mitch McConnell. Probably wouldn’t be enough truth, but then that would be caring too much about what he thinks about my internationally-run, multi user bot account.

C’mon guys really? I guess in the age of conspiracy theory, it’s more likely to them that the above is true versus me just being a random dude on the internet sitting on my phone yapping at said believers.

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Well I set myself up for your wrath as I should never assume others to be as responsible as me, and you are so correct about the the planet savers, they are the greatest polluting generation ever, and by that I am talking consumerism , they have no idea the harm buying a new iPhone every years does to the environment, did you get a chance to watch that CNN video

Interesting - Straight to Supreme Court - Obviously !

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