Political Opinion


You are correct.

But it wasn’t always so. I recently did an Udemy course by Dan Rather the old news reporter for CBS.

In the course it said the news department was always the loss making part of broadcasting - but was doing a public service by being impartial.

These days we have editorial content over factual reporting and as you say it’s about profits - with the main channels being controlled by around six conglomerates.

Of course the newspapers are slightly different - they’ve always been editorial and about profits but the nightly news should never be as partisan as it has become.

Throw in the censorship from facebook, twitter and now even youtube and the US resembles the media landscape of China

This is a very worrying trend.




I think the perception there is no fraud is because of some the lawsuits that have been thrown out.

The majority read the headlines only and fail to read between the lines or indeed the actual case summaries.

Most of these cases have been tossed because of technicalities - the evidence was not even allowed to be shown.

I doubt one witness has yet taken the stand. But things are changing.

The acting new head of the DoJ is aware of interference in the election process.

God only knows what Barr was doing all this time.

The very latest is subpoenas being issued for Dominion voting machines in Maricopa county - all because there IS enough evidence.

The Kraken will be in source code - just as it was in Antrim county.

After the White House, Trump faces uncertain future and legal threats

Trump’s future, like his presidency, is likely to be loud, brash and brazen.

It will also not be entirely under his control. He faces a range of civil and criminal legal actions related to his family’s businesses and his activities before he took office, which could accelerate once he loses the legal protections granted to the occupant of the Oval Office.

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Mitch McConnell acknowledges Biden as president-elect

McConnell is the most prominent Republican leader to acknowledge Biden’s win. His remarks come after the 538 members of the Electoral College cast their ballots on Monday, confirming Biden’s victory.


Inside the Right-Wing Media Bubble, Where the Myth of a Trump Win Lives On

Jeez. Just to let you know, I’ve cancelled my subscription to News.yahoo.com since you post
all those good Trump articles here, anyways. Thanks!


Democracy wins!

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You Boys must feel really disgusted by Pres Trump - to spend so much effort on him.

Judge rejects Trump Organization’s claim of privilege to shield documents from New York attorney general

the same effort you had promoting him

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Hey @Falstaff you get picked on quiet a lot.

It’s not very nice.



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you should cuddle him might make him feel better :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Yep @Blackduck - but hey I used to play tight head prop - so I can lean back a bit too :wink:

They come and go - we had a real good one 2-3 years ago - taught me a lot - MA Econ he was & lived in a flat in Hamburg - these don’t even have the self confidence to engage properly.

See this one won’t even answer the implied question as to why they feel so disgusted by Pres trump.

But I persevere - I’m still learning from them - I find them a fascinatingly wierd phenomenon :slightly_smiling_face:

I know you like Peterson and I came across a vid of his today - one of his lectures from University in 2017 - which is particularly apt just at the moment. I’ll pop in a link - Particularly as he addresses the apparent link between diseases and Authoritarianism among loads of other stuff include Hiler and the Jews, which he explores really well - I always wondered why Hitler Hated the Jews so much and also why everyone thinks of him as “Extreme right” ? - I’ll set it up to start at minute 41 or thereabouts and the Jew thing is from minute 58 to the end.

The whole thing is really good but the bit I’ll link to is a sort of “Aha - Oh sh*t” moment - Anyhow give it a watch or don’t but it’s one that I’ve saved and will probably watch it a god many times in future.





I find him and Douglas Murray just refreshing to listen to. They let me know that there are still a sprinkling of sane people in the world.


Stay strong. The one thing in your favour is that you know your stuff and that stands you in good stead.



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Jealousy is a curse.


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i don’t know you or him to be jealous :face_with_monocle:

yes - but this one is one of his degree level instructive lectures and he goes quite deep - He syas “Nazi-ism (National Socialist German Workers PArty) as a disease of civilisation” -

One thing ? One thing ? :face_with_monocle:

  • but I know what you mean and thanks :sunglasses:

Sadly they don’t :roll_eyes: - They don’t even know why they’re doing this :rofl:

Just that it’s what they’ve been told to do :slightly_smiling_face:



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Oh come on @SmallPaul just admit it. You have a man crush on @Falstaff

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:


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