Political Opinion

Oh Ok



BREAKING: Technology Expert Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds


Note how this TDS crayoner Uses what he KNOWS is a simply typo to give an impression of answering a post without addressing a single part of it !

Many have complained about Mis-quotes, people deliberately taking things out of context, addressing one or two words in a lengthy post - but here we have a whole post from what is clearly an EXPERT in matters of Spelling, punctuation and grammar, wholely concerned with the typo which caused me to omit a SINGLE LETTER ! :rofl:

Is this a record ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh and in case you would like to see the actual post he chose to evade addressing in such a devious and dishonest manner, it is this one


Is evidence going to matter? So far not one court has heard witness testimony (so I believe) do the courts actually give a damn?

Interestingly enough the Hunter Biden stuff is starting to appear in the msm with a full force now.

I wonder why?

Is it so Democrats can make a smooth transition to a Kamala presidency?

Itā€™s weird why the media and intelligence agencies would even bother to inform the public of this at all.

In fact even stranger that intelligence agencies are investing him at all given the Bidens seem to be untouchable.

Iā€™m just hoping Trumps 2018 executive order is acted upon and all the swamp can be drained at the same time.

We only have a few days left for that

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Hunter is under federal investigation. Therefore, Joe Biden is also being investigated. Joe is so compromised that he will never be able to get the required clearances to become president. The evidence on Hunterā€™s laptop also implicates Kamala and Nancy.

Trump has no opposition at this point from an electoral candidate perspective. He is now engaged in warding off the raging coup against the US by the Chinese and the international cabal. It will all be over soon and the outcome will be decisive and in his favor. Things may appear to be going against him but he will emerge victorious. Trump and his team has it all planned out.

True - Having worked on US Bases - he wouldnā€™t even pass the security - to do a clerical job on a base !

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Yes Iā€™m thinking the same of sorts.

The Antrim county judge has now allowed the Dominion software audit to be made public - thatā€™s nice.

Also the only reason Scotus knocked back the Texas suit was lack of standing not lack of merit.

Trump has since brought forward four cases himself rather than Texas.

If the president is deemed to have a lack of standing I donā€™t know who has standing.

These are positive steps - Iā€™m still hoping for the executive order coming into itā€™s own though - nothing more Iā€™d like than to see a military court and for all these corrupt players to be up in felony charges and have assets seized - that includes the likes of Dorsey and Zuckerberg.

We will have to wait and see if it comes to that.

My thinking either Trump is an expert at 3D chess or heā€™s all bluster - only time will tell.

If Trump were all bluster he would not have lasted this long. Heā€™s the real deal. Heā€™s certainly my hero and he has the respect and reverence of not only American patriots but of people all over the world. Trumpā€™s team has received a lot of help from International freedom fighters.

There has never been a US election that has garnered such international interest in the outcome. This is the final and seminal battle of the war. We lose this and the entire world is fooked! This is not just about the US. Some people donā€™t understand the gravity of the current circumstances. This is literally a war between good and evil. Failure is simply not an option!


On a lighter note: I bet you this is a Biden voter! :smile: :point_down:

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Puerto Rico wants statehood ā€“ but only Congress can make it the 51st state in the United States

Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses Trump election lawsuit

Yea, thatā€™s one way of looking at it. Hereā€™s another - quotes from the actual audio if you care to know what was said:

ā€œI also donā€™t think we should get too far ahead of ourselves on dealing with police reform in that, because theyā€™ve already labeled us as being ā€˜defund the policeā€™ anything we put forward in terms of the organizational structure to change policing ā€” which I promise you, will occur. Promise you,ā€ ā€œThatā€™s how they beat the living hell out of us across the country, saying that weā€™re talking about defunding the police. Weā€™re not. Weā€™re talking about holding them accountable,ā€

Regarding ā€œdemandsā€ of civil rights leader to create a national database of police conduct, Biden said

ā€œI am not going to violate the Constitution.ā€

ā€œWhere I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guyā€™s done by executive authority,ā€ Biden said, according to the audio. ā€œBut Iā€™m not going to exercise executive authority where itā€™s a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. Thereā€™s no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me. You canā€™t do it by executive order.ā€

Nice click bait though.

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Could not agree more.

I believe that Americans will rue the defeat of Donald Trump as Biden and bunch of leftist loonies begin to send America broke.

I have heard a rumour that Alexandra Ocasio Cortese is going to be in carge of the energy portfolio.



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And Barr is out. Must be for spreading the truth. :joy:

Trump says Barr resigning, will leave before Christmas


Electoral College results confirm it: Joe Biden is the next president




Supreme court ruled against the Texas case for lack of standing - not merit.

Trump since issues individual cases for each state.

Winsconsin court ruled they should have brought this case before the election (lol) and there was no time left

If you read the summary there were decenting judges all who said fraud was present

Antrim county results from forensic dominion software are out - clear fraud.

Yes Biden is drowning in evidence of fraud - not to mention the China connection which is resurfacing

Barr resigned because he kept the disk drive from hell investigation secret during the election.

This is far far from over.

Not surprised if RICO cases are next

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Hi John.
Guess weā€™ll just have to wait and see how this pans out.

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Sure - donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m not suggesting a Trump presidency and although that is my preference Iā€™m trying to see this through non biased eyes.

My big issue is the media who are far from reliable.

As you are an anti Trumper its probably hard to read right wing press - I get that - one source I personally like is the Gateway Pundit.

Make of it what you will - but much of what gets reported there is not making the CNNs of this world.

I think itā€™s always our job as traders to dig deeper than the easy to follow headlines.

I had this discussion earlier today somewhere else. The media are there to sell newspapers, attract viewers/subscribers, and eye-catching headlines and articles with extreme or highly unusual storylines do this better than true-to-life stories.
Reporting on protests, even with only a few hundred protesters, can give the impression that these and their views are shared by the majority. A dangerous distortion of the truth.

The only newspaper I read regularly is The Times. Its slightly right of centre but I feel it gives a very balanced viewpoint politically.

BTW, not all anti-Trumpers are left. Some are Republicans who just donā€™t like him or his ways.