Political Opinion

Trump will soon leave. But his Republican enablers haven’t learned their lesson

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Trump’s Twitter rant includes retweet of Covid-19 conspiracy theory

Donald Trump: Get the baby out of here

McConnell warns Senate Republicans against challenging election results

McConnell warns Senate Republicans against challenging election results

I see the TDS crowd is on a caffeine high, let them have their fun, ( like a three year old using crayons on the walls) while the rest of us get rich on Bitcoin, not only did it slam through 20K it took out 21K and is still rising as I post.

No matter who is in the white house, markets will still trend and I plan to profit from them


Great video.

I’ve know a few women who have slept their way to the top in my day. They are not the sweet inocent angels that they are perceived to be.





I think your going to be rather upset when things don’t quite pan out as you expect.

I’ve said countless times you need to go deeper than the headline click bait for the anti Trump crowd.

CNN are nothing but the propaganda arm for the party of Davos.

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Another great video. I am certainly not a feminist and in fact hate the whole idea of feminism.

She talks with a lot of sense and she is right when she says that the narrative around toxic masculinity is so distorted that it may never rebalance.




it don’t matter if trump in the white house next year or not, it doesn’t stop me from enjoying my life :+1:

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watch this today - Rumours of mass de-platforming on Friday !

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you lived so fast, and died so young

Something tells me that this Christmas will be a glorious one! :christmas_tree:

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Unfortunately Carlos I think you are going to be on the wrong side of history.

The ongoing seizure of Dominion Systems machines in Maricopa county and subsequent audit will be enough to turn the outcome of this election.

Riddle me this - how on earth is Joe ‘China’ Biden going to get security clearance with all this investigations into Hunter going on?

And no these are not purely tax investigations

Joe is the ‘big guy’ and 10% needs to be kicked up to him.

I simply cannot see him ever become President under such questionable circumstances

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Hi John.
Not convinced this will actually happen, but if that’s what it takes to prove there was no fraud then so be it.

FYI, Maricopa County officials were actually planning an audit of the county’s Dominion Voting Systems machinery earlier this month, along with a hand count of all votes, to try to satisfy the concerns of Republicans who continue to believe that skullduggery was afoot.

But Clint Hickman, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, said he had to put it on hold because state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward keeps dragging the county into court, crying fraud. The machines and ballots would be considered evidence, and no lawyer worth his salt is going to allow them to be audited while the lawsuits continue.

Lets see what happens



Now, why would anyone in their right mind question this? :thinking:

After all it was a basement operation!


look good to me, some counties have more people in it

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Nov 28, 2016 · President-elect Donald Trump’s loss to Hillary Clinton in the popular vote means that Republicans have lost the popular vote for six of the last seven presidential elections.