Political Opinion

2016 trump wins by electoral college vote and not the popular vote.
somehow in 2020 trump thinks he lost by popular vote. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah. That’s gotta be it…



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Hi @Falstaff

I have seen some takedowns in my life but that has to be the best I have seen for a long time.

I think his takedaown could very well apply to some of the sad sacks on this thread who are afflicted with serve Trump Derangement Syndrome.

“F off and tell someone who cares because WE DON’T”.

Excuse my french it is normally beyond me to use offensive language however there are appropriate times for such vulgar vocabulary.



The Numbers Don’t Lie: Data Scientists Break Down Voter Fraud in Arizona and It’s Shocking – 790,000 Laundered Votes Injected Into the System

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Wonder why Texas’ case was dropped? Here’s why:

[ Roberts also appears on the Epstein flight logs :bangbang: ]

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That’s why I posted it - as analogy to perhaps spark an ember of understanding :wink: among the crayon crew - but hey - no !

So he referred to a-nother comedy which also relates to “Religion” as a parody of everything ! From a time when we could laugh at ourselves !

So watch this little people - and tell us who exactly is the “Victim” :rofl: :rofl:


When Obama ran he had Trump size events, far greater then Romney or McCain, History has shown that large turnout on the campaign trail equals large voter turnout. There is just no way more people voted for Biden than Obama

What was happening 4years ago, we saw the beginning of the Russiagate hoax


4 years later and they are still blaming Russia


Judge orders the Trump Organization to cooperate with NY attorney general’s fraud investigation

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Time to start a conversation about what is really going on in the world “Technocracy”

We see it all around us as the big tech firms collect our data and limit free speech, this is only the beginning and an ideology we must understand if we are to combat it


Some members here love to cut and paste yahoo news, is this news or just political propaganda.

Well here is one from just a week before the election and we now know everything in this story was false, there was a vaccine before the election but that information was withheld from the public and President Trump was 100% correct in saying there would be a vaccine before the end of the year


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But it’s from Yahoo news…

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Jesus Christ could have run for president and not overcome all this


Good list except for Alex Jones. He’s a NWO shill.

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We all are aware of TDS ( Trump Derangement Syndrome) some on this thread are infected with it.

but is it correctly named, I would point out many of the big name people infected with TDS were fans of Donald Trump before he ran for President, so maybe the correct term should be PTDS ( President Trump Derangement Syndrome) I know it is all semantics but does explain why Oprah Winfrey and all late night talk shows could not have Trump on their shows often enough but could not say one good thing about President Trump

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