Political Opinion

There must be a reason why Trump ignores any Russian wrongdoings, whether they be poisoning citizens of other nations or hacking the US.

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Hi John

This has been mentioned many times and has been rejected, I see no evidence that this is going very favorably for Trump, can you enlighten me?

The Hunter Biden issue will run its due course. If heā€™s broken any laws then throw the book at him, likewise his father if heā€™s involved. However, I donā€™t see much happening before 20th January.

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Funny how Reagan , was said to have been polarizing, and Obama was too. I see it less about the person in the white house and more about the media polarizing the public.

You are very correct about the politicians, they are their very own elite class, and Trump is not one of them

hard to point to any politician on either party who is working for the people


I donā€™t understand how any American could actually approve of and support Donald Trump. Do you not recognize a con man when you see one? Remember when he said he would release his taxes? Still waiting. Is it okay that he utterly failed to divest from his businesses or establish a blind trust while being president? No problems that he stopped disclosing white house visitor logs? Remember how those 26 different women accused him of sexual assault, and he was caught on tape bragging about said sexual assaults? You donā€™t mind him filling department head positions with formerly hostile lobbyists, including a coal lobbyist to the EPA, and like 60 other people with direct ties to fossil fuel companies? Talk about draining that swamp!! Remember when they promoted Melaniaā€™s jewelry line on the white house website, and Ivankaā€™s products during interviews? Remember the lies about Obama wiretapping him? Remember when he fired the FBI director and then told the Russian foreign minister, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. Thatā€™s taken offā€ or the time he gave the Russian foreign minister highly-classified US intelligence? How about the ethics waivers to almost 20 senior officials? How about that Paris climate accord? Remember when he tried to get congress to soften Russian sanctions, or the time he tried to get the G7 to be the G8 by adding Russia, or maybe the time he publically sided with Putin over our own intelligence agencies? Remember when he tried to hold an international summit at his own golf course? Totally cool with the millions of taxpayer dollars heā€™s pumped into his own properties (pocket) including from foreign governments like Saudi Arabia? Remember when Don Jr. met directly with Russians because they said they had dirt on Hillary, and walked away disappointed cause they didnā€™t meet his expectations? How about that transgender military ban? Remember when he was talking to the UN, and praised the non-existent state of ā€œNambiaā€? How about the non-existent ā€œBay of Pigsā€ award, or Michiganā€™s non-existent ā€œMan of the yearā€ award he claims to have won? Remember when he said reporters should have their ā€œNobleā€ prizes revoked, or the bleach injections? Remember the multiple times heā€™s denigrated POWs and fallen war heroes? No issues with all the rolled back emissions and clean water standards (yay mercury!), or the drilling rights for the arctic national wildlife refuge in Alaska? Remember when he put an attempted rapist on the Supreme Court? Remember when he threatened NBCs broadcasting license? Who could forget the hurricane map sharpie episode, or the suggestion that we fire a nuke at the hurricane? Speaking of nukes, what about all the times heā€™s threatened to nuke other countries, and failed to renew a treaty that constrains US and Russiaā€™s development of nukes? Hatch act? What Hatch act? Remember the times he used the office of the president to promote products, or when he said he wants the FDA to approve the pillow guyā€™s oleander plant coronavirus cure? Would you like your president to grasp the difference between climate and weather? Did you know he literally speaks at a 4th grade level and has to have daily briefings in picture-form? Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. How about the time he paid a porn star to stay quiet about cheating on his wife? Remember when he defended Mohammed bin Salman after he killed Jamal Khashoggi, and then sold the Saudis 8 billion in arms? We have new restrictions on fetal tissue research, he wants to cancel SNAP, wanted to buy Greenland, and removed LGBT statuses from the census. Remember the robust, strong response to Russian bounties on American soldierā€™s heads, or to the recent Russian poisoning? Me neither. Also havenā€™t heard much about the recent Russian cyber-attacks, have we? Remember when he kicked his translator out of a meeting with Putin? Is it okay that there are several Trump-Putin meetings that we donā€™t have detailed records of? Remember when Rudy said in defense of Trump ā€œThereā€™s nothing wrong with taking information from Russiansā€? Aware that Russian ā€œinvestorsā€ have purchased around 100 million in Trump Florida properties, as recently as 2016? Are we all good with his secret bank account in China? Totally cool with all the security clearances given to people who could never pass them? You donā€™t mind his crap ton of shell companies that are used for tax evasion and money laundering? Remember when we found out heā€™s totally been committing tax fraud by inflating and deflating values as convenient, or when we learned that he only paid $750 in taxes for 2016 and 2017, and heā€™s 400 million in debt? Remember that time he bragged about knowing Jeffrey Epstein for years, called him a terrific guy, noting how he liked girls ā€œon the younger sideā€? How about the time he wished Ghislaine Maxwell well, or endorsed Roy Moore for senate? Oh god, remember Scott Pruitt? Remember when he withheld 4 million from NYC firefighters for 9/11-related medical illness? All the personal email accounts used for government business, the utter disregard of constitutionally-mandated congressional oversight, the talk about abolishing birthright citizenship, all the times heā€™s accused people of treason, the government shutdowns both real and threatened, the Joe Scarborough murder conspiracy theory, the demands of personal loyalty, the attacks and pressure campaigns on judges, treating the DOJ like his personal law firm, pressuring law enforcement to go easy on his friends and go after his enemies, employing undocumented workers, teargassing protesters for a photo opp, mocking handicapped people, youā€™re good with all this? Remember the Central Park 5? Did you notice when he ran around purging inspectors general all over the place and fired almost 50 prosecutors? Did you know that Muellerā€™s investigation actually produced 37 indictments, and found numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign? Really! Read it! He also cited multiple examples of serious obstruction of justice, the likes of which would land a non-president citizen in jail. Remember when Roger Stone worked with Wikileaks and thereby also Russian intelligence to time the release of info damaging to Trumpā€™s opponent? Roger Stone was indicted on one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering in connection with Russiaā€™s involvement in the 2016 presidential election. Trump commuted his sentence. Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about Russian contacts, defied subpoenas, and Trump outright refused to answer some of the questions he was asked, answering ā€œdo not recallā€ for over 30 of them. Remember when he actually tried to get McGahn to fire Mueller? Speaking of foreign election meddling, remember when he publically asked China to open an investigation into the Bidenā€™s, sent Rudy to do the same in Ukraine, tried to extort their president, and got impeached for it, defying subpoenas and obstructing justice all the way? Remember how he separated thousands (we still donā€™t know how many) of innocent children from their families and locked them in cages like animals as a deterrent ā€œzero-toleranceā€ policy, then tried to claim Obama did the exact same thing? How about those threats to veto military funding unless congress punishes Twitter? No issues with the documented 25 thousand and counting lies heā€™s told that weā€™re expected to accept as ā€œalternative factsā€? Remember that time he encouraged people to vote twice? Remember when he tried to rat**** the postal service to cheat the election? When that didnā€™t work he tried to stop the vote counting, then the vote certification, then he took meritless lawsuits to court, then the supreme court, and now heā€™s trying to get congress to overturn a free and fair election, all while providing zero actual evidence of widespread voter fraud. You havenā€™t found it shameful to watch the brazen attempt to usurp democracy and the will of the voters by any means necessary? Remember when he cheered on his supporters for blockading the Biden campaign bus? Heā€™s got over 300,000 dead Americans on his watch, many due to his utter mismanagement of this pandemic, and still all he can think about is whether someone on Fox News said something mean about him.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is exhausting. I could go on, but why? If you happen to get your news primarily from the right-wing outlets, you may not be aware of some of this, or you may have been conditioned to disbelieve it, but take anything in that list and do a little Googling. I promise you, it all really happened. Youā€™ll find plenty of reputable coverage. If ANY Democrat president spent a SINGLE day as Donald Trump, conservatives would be out of their minds for decades. This is not Trump derangement syndrome. Americans are aghast at what we see a wannabe autocrat doing to the country we love. If you canā€™t believe that many of us showed up to vote him out, read that list again. We did.



Lots of minor things going on but Iā€™ve listed a few of the bigger ones

The 69% error rate in Dominion software (legally it was supposed to be no more than 0.03%) from Antrim county was one.

When the forensic auditors do eventually get into Maricopa county to check ALL Dominion machines (they have subpoenas already but are being refused by local staff) they are likely to see the same.

The Texas case which was refused by SCOTUS for lack of standing has now been re issued with Trump as plaintiff individually in four of those states.

Dominion ā€˜Krakenā€™ case now docketed at supreme court.

Executive order from 2018 into election interference - report now complete and gives Trump sweeping powers including martial law.

Itā€™s just the tip of a very long iceberg - and the polls on the ground are now suggesting more agree that fraud took place than didnā€™t

Supposedly even 18% of democrats think that too.

Just in closing the courts may well decide to not rule on these cases for fear of opening a can on worms - which is what Rudy Giuliani actually wants - the end goal is for this to go back to legislatures to decide with a simple 1 state one vote.

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enickma my friend I was hoping you would add some new perspective to the conversation but instead you gave us a Manifesto that could be written by anyone who gets all their news from Rachel Madcow, and it saddens me that you have bought into the whole russiagate lie. It is a free country (still) and if you want to post this non-sense here it is up to you but donā€™t expect many kind words from the other members

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I suggest a few spaces in between your rather detailed sentences please!!!


John, I thought about spacing, but how do you break up all the different kinds of fraud and criminal behavior? Chronologically, by subject matter? I dunnoā€¦ decided to go with wall-o-text

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And see Dennis, thatā€™s the problem. It really happened, but Trump and his enablers screaming ā€œNo collusionā€ a billion times has actually resulted in people believing there was no collusion. If you havenā€™t read the Mueller report, give it a go!

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Sure I get it but no oneā€™s is going to read that properly - you are making it too hard for the reader.


Hi John.
Its all fine and well quoting numbers like this but where did this come from?
Has your source explained how the Dominion software was manipulated or hacked?
If you can tell me, Iā€™ll check this out for myself.

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Perhaps youā€™re correct, but I think it appropriate for the endless stream of crap weā€™ve had to endure from this administration.

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Interesting that all we have heard surrounding Covid 19 is the need for science, hard evidence and statistics.

And yet now we have it for voter fraud many just donā€™t want to know



Hi itā€™s 3.30 in the morning here where I am now - I will try to dig out tomorrow some of these reports although the Antrim county one was conducted on behalf of a court by a proper forensic auditing firm.

One thing I donā€™t like about this election is how far down the rabbit hole Iā€™ve gone - should have been in bed hours ago!


why because he donā€™t have the same perspective as you?

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go and enjoy your nap donā€™t let this thread hold you up :+1:

Also my point overall was just that Trump is clearly a trash human. Even if you take issue with some of the horrible crap listed, how can you get behind a person like him? Havenā€™t we learned that smart people donā€™t run around calling themselves geniuses, strong people donā€™t have to act like tough guys, honest people donā€™t end so many sentences with ā€œbelieve meā€ ā€œtrust meā€. Havenā€™t we learned that bullies are actually cowards? Why would anyone admire, promote, defend, or support someone like that?


trump tweet and throw rallies to make his supporters feel good and really havenā€™t done nothing good for this country but tried to destroy it.


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By whose definition ?

Two possibilities there I think John
a - as you suggest "for fear of opening a can on wormsā€¦"
b - Just plain Fear !
Lawyers are not generally renowned for personal courage - Sure they may take some cases for Brave Clients - but thatā€™s not putting themselv es at personal risk % we know that the ID Politics Idiots will attack using whatever means they choose anyone who dares to stand up to them.
A Lawyer who dared to act for menā€™s rights was gunned down in his own driveway earlier this year just before his clients case was to be heard (He was expected to win it and it would have been a landmark case) - Every lawyer and judge in USA will know his name, the circumstances and the personal risk they themselves would be taking by standing up against the morons.
Judges make their decisions in Public and also have friends, acquaintances who they may think could shun them and their families, who may also be put at personal risk.

Rather then to find an excuse however implausible to avoid the issue - and even to rule contrary to the intent of teh law and/or natural justice - than to put themselves at severe risk of harm by excercising a degree of courage which they have never been called upon to excercise before.


So when you said you wanted people to join in the conversation what you really meant was to agree with you. :rofl: :rofl:

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