Political Opinion

Classic Trump Dreangement Syndrome.



The Evergreen fiasco was disgraceful and the reason a dedicated Democrat Brett Weinstein (not sure if that’s how you spell his name) became a conservative.



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Started by a few individuals then paused at the request of one of them, only for him to start again after a week or 2.
I’d like there to be none of it, but it began long before I started posting here and will probably continue long after I’ve gone.

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So thats the brand you use. In adult size, of course

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That didn’t age well, did it.

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Not true, we have the most polarizing media in history, as I stated before Businessman and reality show host Donald Trump was popular across party lines and Hollywood celebs wanted to be on Celebrity Apprentice and Snoop Dog and others even had his name in their rap songs, it was not until he ran for president the media would call him “Hitler” “Racist” and every name in the book.

We saw this back in 2008 when the most popular Republican among Democrats John McCain ran for president, McCain had an excellent civil rights record, and one of the first to call out President Bush for torturing Iraqis, but as soon as he became the Republican nominal for President he was labeled a racist by the Democrat party and Media,

This has been happening every election cycle since Ronald Reagan, the only difference now is as you correctly pointed out is social media

This is the type of conversation this thread was meant for, I wish we would have more of this and less cut and past


I some how doubt the “adult size” but the question everyone wants answered, is do you use both sides of the diaper

From someone who name calls just with his Avatar, and why would it had been so wrong to mention me by name as the person who called for the name calling to stop, then back to the Avatar, you say that is not name calling but “Mocking” and mocking is okay, but when I mock you, you call it name calling.

Again I invite you to put on some big boy pants and join in the conversation,

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The avatar is here to stay until I choose otherwise, so get over it.

The title of this thread is “Political Opinion”, not “Political Conversation, Discourse, or Debate”. If choose to proffer my opinion via cartoons, memes, videos or any other media, that is my choice- I am not the first to use any of these methods, the first video and cartoon here date from 2012, before I became a member.

I have no overwhelming desire to discuss or converse with some here who lie, make or support racist remarks, or who refuse to condone law-breaking.

If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t dish it out.

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I was hoping you would say that as it shows President Trump lives in your head and supports that you have PTDS

And just who are the “some” and do you have an example. I might point out I was the first here to post and call out the cops for the murder of George Floyd, where were you in that conversation

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What do you think is the % chance Biden is inaugurated on 20th Jan right now?

I personally would say it’s 30%.

Nice to know your take on it.


For what it’s worth I do believe Trump is polarizing. Many people simply get upset when someone talks so straight and from the hip.

But one of the biggest groups to be offended by him are the politicians at all levels both republican and democrat who have had their gravy train taken away most notably from sweet China deals

Trump must be stopped at all costs so that the feeding at the trough can resume as it was before.

There is no room for a politician that works for the good of the people, only neo feudalism and marxist globalism is allowed


Barring illness or accident, I see no reason why he should not be inaugurated in January.

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“There is no room for a politician that works for the good of the people, only neo feudalism and marxist globalism is allowed”

This is a problem that the lefties cannot see that they are being used by the cabal.



Fair comment unfortunately I can list a whole many reasons why he will not become president

Of course these reasons will be considered the wild fantasies of a crazy Trumper - however neither am I a crazy Trump voter or a fan of conspiracy.

The goings on in Arizona and Georgia in particular and also the other swing states none of which is EVER mentioned is starting to go very favourably for Trump

Throw in the Hunter Biden scandal and clear China links to the ‘big guy’ himself, quite possibly Joe is one security risk too far.

In trading it always pays to look at the internals rather than just staring at the charts in front of you - well I see the ‘internals’ of this election are not good for the ’ kid from Scranton’ despite what the mainstream media would have you believe


The Russians are at it again…but this time it’s true…:wink:
Que Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff!


if true you think a U.S. politician gonna change that

Quick story -
There is a bar in Siem Reap ‘Picasso’s’ , it’s like an anarchist salon.
I was there frequently in 2016 and a lot of American anarchists (Chomsky style not leftie rabble) would come in, so I did a little survey on their election thoughts and asked 10 of them, individually, ‘If a gun was held to their head, who would they vote for - Trump or Clinton ?’
9 out of ten said they would vote for Trump, one said they would take the gun !


Secret Chinese bank account remains a problem for Trump

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  • President Donald Trump has often claimed he has “nothing to do with Russia,” but that’s far from the truth.
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