Political Opinion

Conservatives will never under any circumstances concede that they’re better off under a Biden administration, as they will probably not believe that they are. Let’s be honest, no matter what happens in the Biden administration, Fox News will find a way to make it seem terrible, and that’s how it will be viewed. I’m actually fine with that. That would be a return to normalcy. Much more than Republicans embracing Bidenism, I’d much rather see them reclaim their party from Trumpism. As a progressive person who believes in the strengths that lie in differences, I need a functional Republican party out there. Remember when y’all looked upon blowing massive holes in the federal budget with disdain? Remember when you expected your leaders to represent the “moral majority”? Remember when Russia was not our BFF? This cult of personality is destroying y’all, and it’s not good for any of us!

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They think we’re as stupid as the manic leftists

Politics is being divided around new lines.

It’s really the plebs against the elite.

This is happening across the globe - particularly in western countries

The elite are in both parties republicans and democrats.

However imperfect Trump is he is taking a stand against the Davos set. Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised if there is split amongst Republican party.

Across the pond Brexit was a sign we don’t want the elite running our lives - Trumpism is also an attempt to do the same.


So convince me. What type of policies, IE; economic educational, security (military) foreign immigration trade, is Biden going to implement that will make the American people better off.

What is Bidenism?? Describe Bidenism.

My guess is you just don’t know. All you know is that the evil man Trump is gone.


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You are right. The most important thing to me is that the evil man Trump is gone. I’ve been a politics nerd for a long time and I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s horrible in so many ways. This is just my opinion, but Bidenism represents the Democratic party’s establishment old guard. Understand I come at this view as a Bernie Sanders progressive type. I’m not particularly enthusiastic about Bidenism. It will be centrist stuff. He’s an old school old dude who still holds quaint notions like compromise and negotiation. I don’t think he fully realizes it’s all about power now. He’s gonna do very little. He’s gonna try to work with McConnell and fail, cause Palpatine does not GAF. He’s gonna have an unremarkable first term, and there may not be a second. Totally good with all that. I’ve watched an unqualified man-baby abuse the office of president for personal gain for 4 years while 300,000 of my countrymen have died. You’ve gotta kinda put it into perspective.

Enough said.

So have I. I don’t live in the states but I can tell you what is going to happen. Biden will be punted soon after he is inaugurate and Kamela will be queen of the USA. She will implement the wishes of the radical left and the USA’s economy will collapse once they introduce their medicare for all, radical climate change policy, open borders to illegal immigrants and sell out their manufacturing to the Chinese.

It’s all about power. These clowns praised Chavez for bringing economic reform that started the Venezuela on the road to ruin. When you praise communist lunatics like this it does not say much for their understanding of basic economics.

The cost of all their promises is tipped to be around 32 trillion dollars far more than the US economic produces.

They are all about social changes not ecomomic changes. Social changes do nothing to help poor people put food on the table or pay their electricity bill or help with their health and wellbeing.

Under Trump wages for the poor of America rose by $6000 a year. Manufacturing had increased. America was self sufficient in oil and gas. For the first time in decades thanks to Trumps tariffs on Chinese steel the US steel manufactures could once again viably produce steel empolying thousands of workers.

Bidenism is jobs for the boys. The rich get a lot richer while the poor get screwed.



Here’s the thing, though. Kamala Harris is not exactly the progressive icon either. Even if she were to become president it would certainly not be the Trojan horse of progressive policies. I wish it was! We’re one of the only nations in the world NOT in the Paris climate accord, and let’s be real, our budget deficit has been financed by the Chinese for decades. Trump’s trade war with China has been a net loss, and the steel industry has suffered as a result of his policies. It’s all BS.


Bidenism represents stunning long bull markets in gold and silver.

The Wall Street mob will make fortune and hopefully so will I.

Meanwhile for main street it will be like the last days of Rome - before descending into a new dark age

China will rule the world - the cultural marxist will have won their long slow march through the institutions.

Got to hand it to them for taking such a long and measured approach.

They know that the white man is crazy for excess power, Asian broads, and narcotics which has been their three pronged attack into the higher echelons of US government.


THat’s not what the terrified dancing infants on this thread are projecting - as they gleefully build their execution pyre !

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Quad Erat Demonstrandum - Jee-Zuss !

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One the few who actually looked at the reality and Facts !

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Exactly! Give us Merrick Garland’s supreme court seat back after stealing it and we can surely get there!

Ot of the Goodness of their Hearts - no doubt !

School of AOC Economics !

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This has for a long time been a case of mutually-assured destruction. Imagine, so many of their investments rely so heavily on our success…

Was that one of teh reasons for accessing your present location John ? - or is it just coincidental ?

{{{[hyena noise}}}}

raaahh, raaaaaahhh attack him. he said something “politically incorrect”

flag him , raaaahh raaahhhhh

Too many brackets. Stop being confrontational. You are loved.

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Actually not so much I’m half Malaysian Chinese and have been coming to this part of the world for years - thats my excuse anyway!

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Having just read a veryy level and measured and indeed worthy set of posts from @enickma on another thread - I find it so hard to believe he can come up with the blinkered indoctrination I just read on this one.

To think My kids are destined to live in a world populated by such delusional fools !

I’m just a redneck from Illinois, but I got to go to Japan last year, and it was the best **** ever! :slight_smile: