Political Opinion

Wow man, I would hope you would not think me a fool. I try to make logical arguments and treat everyone with dignity and respect. If you think I’ve somehow conducted myself shamefully, please point it out, and I will try to be better.

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its not against you personally, but for the police of the tought being everywhere today

you just say something out of mainstream tought and there it goes. they flag, report, harass you etc. these people are against the development of intelligence and against the research of the truth since they dont let people express themselves according to human rights
thats pretty fun to see these hyenas never trying to elevate the debate. only stopping the debate and threatening you

I’m sorry Lad - even I cannot fix stupid ! - Sadly it’s not your fault and I cannot even get to the culpable parties - but President Trump had his sights on them - I just find it so disgusting that so-called educators could willingly and with glee distort so many young and innocent young minds !

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I think I understand. If you’d like to talk through any issue at all I’m always glad to do that. I feel like I can defend my positions with virtue. But as Metallica said, “Open mind for a different view…and nothing else matters” :slight_smile:

You have got that right.

I see today that China is trying to intimidate Taiwan by sailing there aircraft carrier inside Taiwan waters.

I sense a takeover attempt very soon.



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I think there is an hidden sense between the so called > great reset which is announced everywhere since this year

great reset ,in the mainstream definition, mean a new management of industries in order to preserve the environment. so this will involve green energy and alternative meat for sure :grin:
but the word > reset comes from re and set. meaning seting again. we all have this particular image about the reset button of our playstation, we just push it and the playstation light off then start again automatically :thinking:

so in the term of economy that could announce by a metaphoric word, the krash of the stock market which will possibly happen in 2021 which will be followed by an other bullrun :thinking:

tell me if you think im wrong and what do you think about this new policy measures implementing right now

according to fundamentals that could be the case. because even if the fed saved the market in one sense. now the market is broke because decorrelated with real economy. the return to reality have to be made. fed actual exceptionnal policy cannot stand for years

I think you just suggested “gaming console theory” that isn’t any way connected to realistic economic trends. Green energy is inevitable, and why shouldn’t it be? Can someone explain to me why we shouldn’t leverage our best technology to pivot energy consumption to a model that won’t rat**** our living environment?

No i mean it could be an other hidden message between the word great reset. because why using this term when we could use a more precise term about passing through green energy like >>> Protection of the Environment Plan or Development of a sustainable world

great reset is a confusing word, because not enough expressive

and the Elites always had like symbolism

Yeah for sure we need to be more careful about environment

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Holy Crap… TheLabo is making a cogent argument. /bow


Are you kidding. She is best buds with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ihan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaaib and they will wrap her around their little finger.

AOC has already said it is time for Pelosi and Shummer to go. If she wants them gone why wouldn’t she want Biden gone as well. The squad have zero economic policies other than giving away everything for free. Free health care, free university, a living wage for anyone that does not want to work, free passage to the USA for anyone who calls themselves a refugee. Any thinking person would know that these policies cannot be paid for. Bearing in mind that AOC will be elegible in 2024 to run for president and is the darling of Bernie Sanders.

This website is a website for traders and traders are suppose to be smart people but geez some of the opinions expressed in this thread alone suggest to me that there are people here who are very poorly educated in basic macro economics.

Trump had unemployment as low as 3.5% and GDP at 3.8%. Those are phenomenal figures. 5% unemployed is considered full employment. Obarma in a speach whilst campagaining for Hilary said that the USA wpould have to get use to 2.5% GDP because that was the best it could get and yet Trump got GDP to 3.8%.

You cannot argue with facts. Unless of course you don’t believe the facts.



Good post, Mr. Duck. Well thought-out. Understand that those of us on the left recognize that the US economy is primarily consumer-driven. Consumer spending is what fuels our economy, without doubt. When you enact policies that shift wealth to the most-wealthy you actually remove momentum from the primary economic engine that makes our nation successful. When the average American has less discretionary spending available all manner of economic indicators suffer. Republican policies have for years favored the wealthy, and contributed to an unprecedented wealth gap that has created an existential threat to our republic. Can we get a little Bernie up in here?

found this for the people which have interrogation of what will be the true consequences of great reset for economy (not only passage to green energy)

picture attached, found on World Economics forum :

sounds like we are heading to a 1929 scenario or Japanese scenario. where stocks will be much less profitable for 20years

No really.

China have a policy of Rob, Rplicate, Replace.

Steal intelligentual property, replicate at a cheaper price and eventually replace that company.

They don’t need the USA they want to dominate the USA.


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You are a red hot socialist. Maybe you should be living in China or Cuba or perhaps North Korea.



IP and China is a HUGE problem no doubt. Let’s not accept foreign nations stealing our ****. Guess what, Russia just did an unprecedented amount of that. Can we focus on that?

What’s your timeframe on this doom and gloom?

Why? Because I believe in universal healthcare like Bernie and the rest of the civilized world? Jesus, dude come up for air!

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Universal healthcare will turn us into Cuba and Venezuela. Didn’t you hear!?! The haters would rather go bankrupt because of a medical bill.

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Typical you want socialist policies but don’t want to live in a country that has socialism. Why is that??

What about all the other radical policies?? Problem is that most socialist have no concept of proper economic management and you have demonstrated that in spades.


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No it will not. That’s ridiculous