Political Opinion

Guns Drawn in House Chamber after Trump Rally Crowd Breaks through Capitol Security

I don’t know, I see a lot of “Trump” in that picture.

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This is so much fun! :smile: :smile: :smile:

UPSA: ARREST John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr , Warrant 2021-1-6.1

BREAKING: Watch this LIVE channel (beyond the veil) are decoding the false flag that is happening right now in DC basically the protesters that led the breach are all antifa (agent provocteurs) and this is all staged to make Trump supporters look violent and bad and to attempt to block the Justice against the stolen election… If you notice the DC police and capital police let the antifa folks come right in they were the ones with the maga hats backwards and dressed in black.

This is an absolute disgrace and drags the USA’s name through the mud in front of global media.
Shame on all who are taking part in this and shame on anyone who finds these scenes enjoyable.

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You Communists are perpetrating this nonsense and we patriots will enjoy every moment of pain that Trump showers on you in the next few days!

Mayhem was planned ahead of the events :bangbang:

You’re no patriot.
You’re a twisted individual with a warped sense of right and wrong.
A typical Qanon keyboard warrior, full or s###, lies, and propaganda

I’m now unfollowing this fool. I have better things to do than read the outpourings of a lunatic


Obviously I spoke to soon!


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Trump claims he’ll lead march to the Capitol, only to slip back to White House in motorcade

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What is the book??

Mmmmm No It may indicate shouting to you as a post modernist libertarian, however to me, a conservative the idea of using capital letters is to highlight a point. So sorry if I have hurt your feelings. I know that most liberals have difficulty with their emotions and are easily offended.

Did you read all the paragraphs or where you you too shocked and upset over the capital letters used to highlight what was said?? Perhaps I should have put what was said in inverted comers. Would that have helped?? In this “woke world” (note the use of inverted comers, don’t want to offend you) the goal posts change so regularly that we conservatives cannot keep up.

You are right God is merciful.

Try to have a nice day.


And I thought you liberals were all peace loving and kind. Yet here it appears you are using, by the lefts own definition, a form of hate speech towards @QuadPip



There certainly will be lots to talk about on the forum tonight

I’m guessing this tweet from Boris Johnson is just the first of many from world leaders

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Not only on this forum but you can bet CNN MSNBC PBS ABC will have wall to wall coverage of this protest. Sad thing is that whilst BLM prorestors destroyed property and terrorise residence this incident will be touted as white supremacy and vilified as domestic terrorism. It will play right into the hands of the Democrats.

Although Gandi did say. “First they ingnore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”




All Hail to our DICTATOR, Donald Trump


President Trump’s Chilling Message to Violent Mob Overtaking Capitol: ‘Go Home. We Love You, You’re Very Special’

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Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?

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I see our trolls are all here with matches and gasoline

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