Political Opinion

"I hereby call for the immediate arrest of Michael Richard Pence, 48th Vice President of the United States, for Treason."

[ :point_up_2: Author’s conclusion. See article :point_down: ]


I’m thinkin’ Trump won’t pick him for VP in 4 years?

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Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?


Not sure what you mean by this - but I DO think Pence is going to step up today and kick this decision back to the legislatures.

Lots of deplorables waiting with baited breath right now though

Lots of deplorables waiting with baited breath right now though

Would that include Senator John Kasich ex Governor of Ohio?

I certainly hope so!

Pence is part of the swamp though. He will likely not serve as the VP in Trump’s second term.

The swamp consists of DemonRats as well as Republicans! This is not about D and R.

I’ve just been listening to 2 Republican Senators , Rick Santorum and Todd Young and it’s all very confusing.
Are these men on some kind of hallucinating drugs? or are other people?

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Patriots are Pissed! We’re not going to accept this assault on our Constitution and our Country :exclamation:

RINO Mitt Romney faces the wrath of Patriots

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Never read that book or heard of the author - the sentiment you have quoted me is from a different book.

The first portion you quote I use the word ‘intention’ - since I cannot know anyone else’s intention then it has to be mine (your ref to YOU)

You do know that using caps means you are shouting,

What you are saying is that since equality is impossible to achieve then why bother even to look for it or try to achieve it.

Not sure why you talk about pigs etc and why the need to shout that stuff - sounds offensive.

Not sure either why I’d expect anyone in any country to act like me - the only expectation I have is for me to act like me - how you act or think is your business and def not mine.

Anyways, end of conversation - slán.


Democrat Raphael Warnock defeats Republican Kelly Loeffler in Georgia

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Trump loyalist fighting with police in DC. Classy. Not helping the cause.

Live commentary including life video of the Congressional debate provided by the NYTimes.

Proceedings have stopped as protestors have entered the building illegally, and are breaking windows.

Police are firing flash bangs at protestors outside of the building. Nuts…

Protestors in the Capitol and this is what Trump just tweeted.

Hard to believe that any individual who can write would support these thugs and their leader.

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Sadly for those that want that, that’s not actually Constitutionally possible. And he’s already come out and said that no such thing will happen.

Oh, and the police has just detonated a suspicious package outside of the Capitol. And tv news is reporting shots fired in the building. Guns drawn.

What a mess.

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I wonder why! :point_down: Enjoy the show!


Eye witness reports that the first individuals who stormed the Capitol where “dressed up and had knee pads.

[ ANTIFA and paid provocateurs have been activated to intimidate ]

And who controls the National Guard. Not the Mayor. The President.

Communists and criminal Pedophiles are the ones causing the mayhem

Communist symbol

Pedophilia symbol for “boy lover”