Political Opinion

and there was no outrage from people like you and the ones who storm the capitol because the election went Trumps way, but now you wanna throw a hissy fit, Oh the hypocracyCake

People like me? No outrage? You canā€™t have it both ways, matey!

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Cry 1

But waitā€¦thereā€™s more


Tucker carlson made a great comment last night when he said about Jack Dorsey, "Just because you make yourself look like Abraham Lincoln does actually make Abraham Lincoln.

Dorsey is a goose.




To put it mildly.


Letā€™s show the hypocrisy, does this make Pelosi responsible for the violence that took place in DC following the 2016 election,

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If we are to use Clintā€™s first post as the rules for this thread then letā€™s look at what he actually said, and on the subject of ā€œpolitical debateā€ he simple said he was not here to ā€œmoderateā€ one. So I am not sure how some ( or one) has come to the conclusion that political debate is not allowed here.

If I present my political opinion as 2+2=4 and you want to debate that then by all means give it your best shot. But if you come here with the political opinion that 2+2=5 then be prepared to have your toes stepped on


What violence? They were ā€œpeacefulā€ protests, werenā€™t they?

These guys have raged a constant war of vile hatred, violence, lies, bullying, thuggery, deceit, civil chaos and social division over the past 4 years becauseā€¦they could not accept defeat. They have pulled every conceivable trick out of the book in an attempt to deny democracy to those ā€œdeplorableā€ Trump supporters that simply want to ā€œMake America Great Againā€. They cannot fathom the idea of a leader that says ā€œthis is what I will doā€, and then goes right ahead and does itā€¦how terrible! These are the most dishonourable men and women to exist in modern times, whoā€™s deeds donā€™t even come close to matching their words. Fakes!


With Mitch McConnell joining some other Republicans in supporting impeachment, it makes this slightly more likely.
I donā€™t think impeachment helps the Democrats, I think they should be concentrating on other subjects and looking forwards.
I am not convinced that it would help the Republicans either, whatever the outcome.


A thick young lad from Newcastle - has his say !

Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him ā€œthe stupid manā€™s smart personā€.

How does it feel to be part of this group?

"ā€¦ Heā€™s already concluded that the entire fields of ā€œwomenā€™s studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groupsā€ ā€œhave to go,ā€and that sociology, anthropology, English literature, and education are all ā€œcorrupt.ā€

And your point is ?

[ that reminds me - must get around to posting the ā€œArithmeticā€ Thread :wink: ]

She is a Neville Nobody who has done absolutely nothing and the article she wrote "the stupid manā€™s smart personā€™ is nothing more than a left wing diatribe.


How does it feel?

How does what feel??


Iā€™m hearing that prison food isnā€™t very good and he wonā€™t have access to hair dye either.




I think he;s been smokinā€™ that cheap stuff again ! :roll_eyes:

Yep I think you are right.

