Political Opinion

I am seeing more and more of this, combined with an assault on our freedom of speach

What is going on?


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Note; what made Jordan Peterson famous is standing up against stupid people on the left

The interview that gave Peterson a world wide audience

Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism - YouTube


so you wanna excuse the capitol riots by posting the BLM riots, does two wrongs makes it right? or does one wrong makes it more serious like a government take over and traitors to the country

At least 7 notable companies are planning to cut ties with Trump’s businesses

Veterans Groups Plan to Expel Any Members Who Took Part in Capitol Riot

You guys just hate being called-out for your hypocracy and double standards. No one is excusing anything, and I think deep down you know this, but you just can’t help yourself. As I said, “Violence is violence!”

i’m not the one who’s mad, but it’s all good on my end

Stop the Steal’ Organizer in Hiding After Denying Blame for Riot

Jimmy Dore calls out Big Tech for attempting to end free speech in America


there are rules and policies every company have, doesn’t matter if it fits your agenda or theirs, stop relying on and using a platform that doesn’t fit your agenda and create your own platform

I guess this is your “get out of gaol free card.”

In other words you don’t have a clue. All you do is come onto the site and post pretty pictures that you think are funny.

Not an issue. If you do not have the ability to support your argument then I guess that says a lot for your credibility.



That can only come from someone who has never bothered - to watch, listen and miore to the point - to


Sadly you just lost the major part of any credibility - you may have started to muster !


My link to “better bachelor” - in that post = pretty much goes along with your post here - but in a FAR stronger way !

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I post this - as a response to a sneaky attack from “under the covers”

  • Please note -

I do NOT think @CarlosRay flagged this post - I believe he is more robust than that !

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I’ve seen this and as usual it is very good. What these people who criticise Jordan Peterson don’t realise is just how many people watch his youtube channel, read his books and attend his speeches.

His books are best sellers in 50 countries fo heavens sake.




Where TF are you getting this garbage from ???

Those who “criticise” Jordan Peterson on some aspects of what he says - may have a point - nobody is perfect (Except ALLAH !) [OH and CAMEL Harris !]

However - taken as a whole throughout his Thousands of hours of videos - The man is probably the very best thinker we have - to listen to !

Those who simply copy and paste garbage from “DEBUNKING” sites - are simply not capable of thinking for themselves ! :roll_eyes:


Oh the hypocracy…


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Yes. funny how things come back to bite them on the butt.




Capitol riot: Police release photos of man wanted in connection with killing of officer