Political Opinion

Signs of personality or mood disorder

To any first-year psychiatric resident, Trump’s sleepless nights filled with ranting tweets suggest irrational exuberance and lack of control, possibly a sign of a mood disorder called hypomania. His life-long history of disregard for others and deceit, if correct as reported, are characteristic of a personality disorder on the narcissistic and even sociopathic spectrum.

To be sure, definitive psychiatric diagnoses cannot be made without an in-person examination And certainly, psychiatric diagnoses themselves don’t make someone unfit to be president. But President Trump’s particular history and actions create a high index of suspicion for destructive mental processes which are putting the country and its safety and security in jeopardy.

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One of us is a psychiatrist, the other a political scientist. We have watched the fiasco since the election with mounting trepidation, from two very different perspectives. But we have a common bond: For more than a decade, each of us has worked to advocate for people with serious mental illness to get treatment. We are coming together now to advocate for immediate intervention for our president.

Boy, they won’t have to miss a beat with Pres Joe! But, I guess, dementia wouldn’t be considered a “serious mental illness”, so carry on…

Trump supporter dead in suspected suicide days after being arrested at Capitol riot

QAnon believer who plotted to kill Nancy Pelosi came to D.C. ready for war

“I predict that within the next 12 days, many in our country will die,” wrote Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr., who had threatened to kill Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), according to federal court records.

Republicans are dead as a party if they go through with this , in 2022 they will lose 50 seats in the house and at least 6 in the senate.

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Free Speech !

"I missed the Brighton Bomb (IRA) by 20 minutes ! "



Free Speech

" And Roar we Will ! "



FBI arrests New York ‘Proud Boy’ plotting second attack on the Capitol


I think somebody needs to tell this judge that there was NO voter fraud - he needs to get with the mainstream narrative.

MI Judge Orders Dem Sec of State To Release All Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google (thegatewaypundit.com)

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And while there at it the CEO of Gab needs reeducation, skinning alive, or wiping out (to use every day left wing parlance).

GAB CEO: “I had very close relationships with Facebook and Twitter…”I got to see the evils of their business model for many years”…”What we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism” [VIDEO] (thegatewaypundit.com)


Utterly seditious that anyone would dream of trying to impeach Joe ‘come on man’ Biden

I mean uncle Joe is the most morally upstanding individual in US politics today

BREAKING: GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden on January 21 Over Abuse of Power (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)


She is brilliant.



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Wow this is big. Go girl!!!



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The worst thing about Donald Trump was his complete ineptitude at employing sound people in his team.

Luckily Joe "capo de tutti cappi’ Bideno knows how to choose the most ‘stand up guys’ there are.

EXC: Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies (thenationalpulse.com)


This guy is an absolute crackpot.

Just because he is one of the most respected data scientists around, how dare he even suggest that there could even be a hint of voter fraud.

HUGE: Jovan Pulitzer Releases Report – Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election - Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election (thegatewaypundit.com)

The guy needs de platforming NOW!

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Nothing to see here folks.

BREAKING: Texas Election Fraudster Caught in Project Veritas Undercover Sting Arrested For Widespread Vote Harvesting - Faces Up to 20 Years in Prison (thegatewaypundit.com)


Kildee said the incident shows Trump can’t be trusted to calm tensions after his electoral loss to President-elect Joe Biden.

“This president has shown that he will do whatever he has to do to stroke his own ego and serve his own purposes,” Kildee said. “You know, 24 hours ago I couldn’t have imagined what happened in the space of the last day. I can’t imagine what he might do in the next couple of weeks, but I do know one thing for sure: One of the ways to minimize the damage is to take away the keys to the car. He is a danger to the country.”


Communism is perhaps the wrong Ideology to explain what we are seeing, a more fitting Ideology would be Technocracy. Here is a short video on just what Technocracy is

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