Political Opinion

Removed after explanation received as explained in next few posts

Goodwill @1odi


Well then please explain in what way so ?

i ain t in no way shape or form a supporter of the left wing nor trumps for that matter(nor american) but i do think this is gonna go viral all over the world soon enough…
my quoting his post was just to show he is instigating for actions to be taken upon people that aren t communists or sorry, democrats. it s either u see things like they do or u aren t. there s no 2 sides of the coin with these people, no freedome of speech as per his quote. that s what i meant. as for u trying to look at my profile…i dunno why is hidden, i m not logging in babypips each and everyday.

OK MATE You answered my post and quoted his - That made me think you were backing his position.

Benefit of the doubt - I see English is not your first language - I’ll take it down :sunglasses:


english isn t my first language, altho i did college in english language. it s ok, sh it
happens, hope u atleast understood my view now on the matter. it s crazy the amount of cenzorship i m seeing these past weeks, and the fact that they are trying to kill free speach just speaks volumes about theyr so called democracy.


there u go mate, nothing to hide


i tottally respect other peoples views,
be it communism, republican, fascism, nazi or whatever else there s out there, as long as you (you meaning in general and not refering to any1 in particular) don t try to enforce or impose them on others. that can t be called democracy. i think this should sum it up. cheers

just saw this lol, apologies if u guys knew about it already

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Thanks for that !

It seems that at least Some are unhappy to have their children Indoctrinated ! :sunglasses:

Not sure - but it does seem they’ve backed off a bit :zipper_mouth_face:

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this reminds me of back in the '90s when the organization responsible for promoting the sale of Florida Orange Juice bought commercial air time on the countries 5 highest rated radio programs, and #1 at the time was Rush Limbaugh. In response, the governor of Florida ( a democrat of course) called for a boycott of Florida’s #1 agriculture export. talk about Stupidity


Was that Lawton Chiles? Buddy McKay?

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or as I called him, governor prozac

Same governor who totally dropped the ball after Hurricane Andrew, by far worst governor in my 50 years of living in Florida

And that’s living through the R, turned D, turned I, and is now a D representing our neighboring district, Charlie Crist!

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In real news


This ted talk by Nick Hanauer was 6 years ago and is more relevant now than ever

Nick said

Full ted talk

Not long to go

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I seem to recall some here calling Trump a dictator for his executive orders, so I guess we are just trading one dictator for another.

This is even more alarming when you consider the democrat’s control congress

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“President-elect Biden will take action - not just to reverse the gravest damages of the Trump administration - but also to start moving our country forward,” incoming White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain wrote

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"I don’t know why Biden wants 25,000 Troops to protect Him ! "

Some Reports say it is 30,000 - they are trained and disciplined killers - Many of whom will have voted for Trump ! :wink:


You can conquer Nations with 30,000 men !


Talk about Paranoia


They sure aren’t Acting as though they won a Free and Fair Election ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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