Political Opinion

No it won’t ! He’s a "progressive " - It won’t get him barred any more than

#Kill whitey - will !


They can’t even conduct themselves in a Reasoned discourse - any more !


Now that is really fantastic - you both deserve a round of applause ! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Hey @Falstaff

That is a great episode of The Rubin Report.

:clap: :+1:



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Nothing to see here - Orange man bad !

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Strange how none of our enlighten trolls did not beat you to this story, but if you only look for negative stories about Donald Trump then that is all you will find, which will make them a class 2

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Dave Rubin is a great example of a liberal/progressive with a brain. He could see all the lies and B.S. being told by the Young Turks and finally had to call them out and left the channel. Jimmy Dore is the latest former TYT stooge to finally call them out for all their lies.

There are lots of former msm people that could no longer take the lies and finally had to break ranks and become real independent reporters.

While I may not always agree with what these media Mavericks have to say they all get my respect

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Isn’t it very sad to see the USPGA have called a halt to any future golf championships on 'yer man’s ’ courses and cancelled any that are scheduled. You’d have to wonder why these lefties would take such drastic action against a great American “patriot”?
Do the Trump lovers here ever stop to think?

The cancel culture is alive and well in the good ole’ USA!


And you resemble the proud mother at the passing out parade whose son had two left legs while marching.
“They are all out of step, except my Johnny”…ha ha ha

Yeah. Hilarious.
I hope they never come for you…

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And I love you too

You still think this is ONLY about Trump, don’t you?


Has he a double?

Armed man arrested near Capitol with unauthorized inauguration pass, 500 rounds of ammo

Forget the great American Patriot rubbish. In their efforts to be virtuous and righteous the USPGA think they are hurting Donald Trump. But seriously who are they hurting?? Not Donald Trump but the good people who are members of these clubs the clubs themselves the towns that these clubs are attached to who benefit from spectators who come to the town to watch the tournament.

Stupidity at its best.


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Those who believe in cancel culture, and the very notion that it is a legitimate way of dealing with who and what offends, really shows the level of stupidity the left possess.

How can you erase the past?? You cannot, and to think that these fools believe that they can just cancel the past and it goes away. It is like the ostrich theory, “Put your head in the sand and if you cannot see or hear anything then it does not exist.” it’s like tearing down statues believing this will erase history or re-writing history to make it better or worse, it’s delusional.

I just cannot believe that there are people who believe cancel culture is is a great idea.




Can someone please answer me this

Who called into DC the 25,000 armed troops - from what I believe only a sitting president can do this?

Yet reports are out it is to protect Uncle Joe and his VIRTUAL inauguration.

Something dont add up here - is Trump going to have all the treasonist politcians arrested in one swoop or have we gone full hunger games where the party of Davos live in an entirely different world than the great unwashed?


How about this guy?

:smile: :smile:

there s a taste of democracy now comin ur way …

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