Political Opinion

I’m no fan of Star Wars, but this is an improvement

However, those on here opposed to the cancel culture may disagree

They are already doing it when it comes to lying , no matter how many times we catch dictator biden lying they will say " but Trump lied more"

Yes #pardonAssauge

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Speaking of lying, Forbes and Jimmy Dore call out dictator biden for lying about his support for 2K stimulis check just to win Georgia


Baseball Bat-Wielding Far-Right Militiaman Charged Over Capitol Riot


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MyPillow is being dropped by stores after its CEO has continued to push false allegations that the election was stolen from Donald Trump


U.S. soldier accused of wanting to plot ISIS strike on NYC 9/11 Memorial

Thousands of police and soldiers – people professionally trained in the use of violence and familiar with military protocols – are part of an extremist effort to undermine the U.S. government and subvert the democratic process.

Still hoping for that plan from Trump on healthcare. The one that was ready to go! Greatest health insurance ever! What happened to that? He’s got a couple hours left.


Simplify the system. Private, public option, medicaid, medicare, PPO, HMO, fee-for-service, it’s crazy town and the administrative burden to business and states is expensive.

Cost controls. Whether that’s more input/control given to the public option/government, or price caps across the board for services and drugs. Hospitals and insurance companies are having a free for all, charging what they want. States have no leverage, because if they ask for concessions, a provider will just get up and leave the region/state. Part of that is government mandates and regulations, or lack of flexibility at the state level to try new things because federal regulation is getting in the way. So you need federal reform as well.

Single payer could be the future, but there needs to be something in between first. But of course the healthcare industry won’t let that happen without a fight. Too much money and politics involved to let that happen.


Dude, you are wasting your time with poor old Dennis. He keeps on printing that Biden is a dictator among other infantile opinions about how this world should operate. He sees nothing wrong with Trump or Rudy or countless other lunatics who are soon to be kicked out.
There is no point in stating the obvious to Dennis, and the other sad people here who see decency as weakness and believe the weird lies of a narcissist.
Somehow I find their stuff here amusing, so thanks for the entertainment lads and not forgetting the drakes mate.


Every now and then I see cracks. But maybe that’s related to all the booze we’ve had to consume to keep from going insane over the last 1-48 months.

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still suffering from TDS, you still have a few hours left

gee dude, that might be the best post you have ever made on a real problem in America, now you clearly have an understanding of what is wrong with American healthcare, what I do not understand is why you defend the number one cause of all these problems, Obamacare, Until Obamacare is repealed then nothing will change, Trump could have presented the perfect plan that addressed everything you mention and Democrats in congress would still not let it come to vote

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your straw man arguments are following on death ears, if you want to know what I think about something just ask

For the record Trump was not even in my top 5 among Republicans in 2016 but when he won the primary and Bernie Sanders did not have the balls to stand up to Hillary Clinton when it became known ( thanks to Julian Assange) that Hillary and the DNC rigged the Democratic Primary, Voting for Trump became my means of giving the middle finger to Clinton. As President, Trump has set the corrupt political machine of Washington DC on its head and for that reason he won my vote for 2020.

America’s political machine is broken, some will tell you it has been broken for decades, so when we get a candidate so good or in Trump’s case so bad that he serves no purpose but to throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the political elites then you can bet your ass that person will get my vote

does this answer your question


The US coronavirus death toll eclipsed 400,000 on Tuesday in the waning hours of Donald Trump’s presidency.
The running total of lives lost, as compiled by Johns Hopkins University, is almost equivalent to the population of New Orleans.
The grim milestone comes as thousands more deaths are expected in a bleak American winter as a more transmissible strain spreads across the country and a mass vaccination campaign gets off to a slow start.
A widely cited model by the University of Washington projects the death toll will reach nearly 567,000 by May 1. While the Trump administration has been credited with Operation Warp Speed -, the crash programme to develop and distribute coronavirus vaccines – the outgoing republican has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus, mocked masks, railed against lockdowns, promoted unproven and unsafe treatments, undercut scientific experts and expressed scant compassion for the victims.

The Biden administration will have to right the wrongs of the outgoing President, including persuading his followers that they need vaccination if these deaths are to be suppressed. Only time will tell.

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I don’t think you are supposed to remember or mention this!


You forgot to mention the two men most responsible for these 400,000 deaths and 2 million world wide

Screenshot 2021-01-20 at 6.47.21 AM Screenshot 2021-01-20 at 6.46.01 AM

  1. what wrongs, please spell them out
  2. what should have been done differently using the knowledge at the time

and why do you continually put this all on Trump’s shoulders, there are a lot of governors, mayors, and even the Speaker of the House who in February were encouraging social interaction. I seem to remember a lot of push back by the above mention on early action the President did take. And what was the US congress doing in January of last year, they sure were not addressing the coming pandemic.

Bottom line, if you want to play the blame game then there are plenty of people that need to be called out not just the US president


Questions, Questions ! - You keep asking him QUESTIONS ! :roll_eyes:

WAR on half of the American Population !

Trump voters are Terrorists !



WHen an entire Nation succumbs to fear and superstition !


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