Political Opinion

I sometimes feel sorry for someone like you who stupidly states the obvious believing you are the only smart kid in class.

The stupid response you posted was not the point of my post. So to explain it in simple terms if investors believe that Biden will make America great again then the USD should be reacting accordingly and it should be gaining in strength.

Do you actually trade??



And just wait until the US becomes a net importer of oil again, and higher taxes push manufacturing back offshore. Back to the good old days. I guess perpetual warfare will be back on the agenda too!


You have yet to say anything worth listening to ! - why should anybody “listen” to your typing ?

Define “educate” - in this context ?

Presumably that is intended as a racial Racial slur ? - Bigot !

This is a Trading website ! - What precisely “should” we be “Thinking” about ?

It is perhaps worthy of note that your own “Screen-name” contains an implied claim to your own superiority as a “Wallet stuffer” by it’s self comparison to one generally held to be rather good at “Wallet stuffing” ! - But that of course is ok - because you are exempt from criticism (in your own mind) !

THAT - we are all “Agreed” about - Sadly !

Not true - YOU watched some fantasy production - surrounded by a huge and calculated, threatening military presence which bore no resemblance to any previous event of the kind. - Or indeed to any real “threats” :roll_eyes:

Yes I have published previously Peterson’s analysis of Hitler’s propaganda team - using that same “Disgust” emotion to vilify the Jews and manipulate “public opinion” to “accept” his vile persecution of that racial group. - That YOU so called “educated” (Indoctrinated) people should so willingly accept that same manipulation of your own emotions - says a lot about your own “Education” :roll_eyes:

Ditto last item.

Which you have all been asked to demonstrate without any meaningful response innumerable times !

I’m sure we “Deplorables” are only too happy to bow to your natural superiority and willing to accept OUR position as inferior to your natural and demonstrable class Superiority ! :roll_eyes: (In the name of “Equality” - of course ! :rofl:

Well your new Super-Hero will be putting a stop to the use of any form of “Fossil Fuels” within this term (At least for we - “Deplorables” ) :rofl: :rofl:

Your post seems to demostrate the superiority complex of a pompous supercillious ARSE ! :slightly_smiling_face:

(In my humble opinion - of course :wink: )

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‘I’m About to Puke’: QAnon in Chaos as Biden Takes Office

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Politics is a scam. Prove me wrong.


There’s so much ill-informed nonsense posted on here I take nothing for granted.
I do trade. Knowing that it is in the interests of the US to let the dollar go lower is enough for me to currently short it.

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Sorry to see you are so bad at math or is it history or you are not the US citizen you claim to be and just ignorant of our government, I will try to help you with all three

Here is your history, math, and social studies lesson for the day, and no need to thank me I am happy to help out

Democrats have had since 2009 to fix the problem ( your math lesson is 2009 to 2021 = 12 years) , In 2009 a dude name Obama was president and he came to power with his party having a filibuster ( do I need to explain what that is) proof majority in congress. This made him the most powerful president since FDR. ( that was your SS lesson)

Now for the history lesson, In 2009 Obama came to power promising to fix healthcare, His plan that carries his name was nothing but mandating all US citizens must have private health Insurance, This made the insurance cartel very happy as they could charge whatever they wanted and we the little people had no choice but to buy it or pay a penalty, There were zero provision to bring down cost, which is why over the last 8 years we have seen 8 to 12 % annual increases in premiums and out of pocket healthcare cost

Bonus History lesson
Obamacare was signed into law in March of 2010, yet knowing how bad this law was congress and the president held its effective date back until after the 2012 presidental election

In summary, Dems have had 12 years to fix healthcare and all they did was make it worst

class dismissed

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Hi Petezza, I have not seen you here before, welcome to the thread.

You are so correct. It does not matter if they claim to be left, right, Republican, democrat, liberal or conservative. Once they are part of the political system there only goal is to enrich themselves and their all ready rich donors. That sure sounds like a scam to me

Please feel free to join in on the conversation as we have a few here who actually believe that politicians are working for the good of the people,



Carlos my friend, You do realize a falling dollar only helps exports which is only 12% of US GDP. for the other 88% of the economy a falling dollar is inflationary. For the average US citizen and particular people who are retired and trying to live on their savings and Social Security the falling dollar is devastating to their future buying power as their savings is eaten away by inflation

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi Dennis.
The benefits are broader than this.
A falling dollar not only makes exports cheaper, it makes imports more expensive. This does impact consumers, as you say, but it also makes US-made products more competitive against these imports and makes it an easier decision for those companies considering bringing their manufacturing facilities back to the US to do so.
This all supports and provides employment, putting dollars into peoples pockets and increasing tax revenue which can then (hopefully) be spent improving the lives of Americans, among these the approx. 45 million retired Americans who receive Social Security payments.

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so the crazy crew don’t believe politicians are working for the good of the people but yet they are crying and complaining in this thread like that’s gonna change something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


wait, do you actually believe the US government uses tax revenue to improve the lives of Americans, WOW! You truly have no idea what the US government is all about

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our taxes goes to the central bank / federal reserve to pay our debt for borrowing money from them

QAnon’s Big Inauguration Day Theory Was Proven Wrong. What Comes Next For The Group?


QAnon believers are realizing their entire conspiracy was a hoax as Biden is sworn in

Sen. Ossoff was sworn in on pioneering Atlanta rabbi’s Bible – a nod to historic role of American Jews in civil rights struggle

Now it makes sense. You don’t know truth versus fiction. There was almost an accurate fact there. I’m sorry for you. Be best.

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Do you??? Or are you just a victim of fake news yourself??
