Political Opinion

White Fragility I have read this book. I give it a 1 out of 5. Left wing diatribe.




ā€œYouā€™re a better ā€˜manā€™ than I am - Gunga-Din !ā€ :sunglasses:

I have Birch bark and some old ā€œForeshotsā€ to light the fire with ! :slightly_smiling_face:

And I remain grateful to Douglas Murray and several others who write "We read this rubbish - so you donā€™t have to !"

Iā€™ve got the other 2 I cite and they are both impressive. - Dawkins (selfish gene) is still regarded as ā€œTHEā€ go to book on evolution and he solved some of the problems which Darwin could not solve - to wit - ā€œAltruismā€ and ā€œSocial insectsā€ - like wasps and ants. Sadly there seems to have been nowhere else for him to go and his ventures into ā€œAtheismā€ and whatever heā€™s up to just now - seem to me to be just a way of making some cash out of his genius ā€œSelfish Geneā€

I do not recommend this book unless you have a genuine interest (and some knowledge) of ā€œEvolutionā€ / ā€œNatureā€

The other one ā€œthe Bell Curveā€ - works on 3 different levels - and is really a great dissertation although it has a few (very small) parts which certain elements of the ā€œSJW - Intellectualsā€ find somewhat in contravention of their doctrines ! :wink:

And it is certainly true that it does highlight some ā€œproblemsā€ which are true but cannot be accepted without some soul searching !

It does however expose (with some thought from the reader) the absolute futility of the directionality of current foolishness !

A bit perhaps like Petersonā€™s discussion on ā€œSkavlanā€ regarding the true nature of male and female choices / personalities.


Yes I agree. However I have always believed in reading books and deciding myself on the validity of the context of that book.

What I should elaberate on is that when I said that books are usually more accurate, what I meant by that is that the author believes and professes that what they have written is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

Whether in fact the context of their book is true and accurate can be debated, unlike content on youtube twitter facebook Wikipedia google and any other social media platform. This is because the author of the book is writing what they believe to be fact unlike the other mediums where vexatious people will post absolute lies in order to create confusion or spread rumours on mass.



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I believe that division is all there is in a global environment. There will never be unity as unity is just as elusive as equality.

If there was true unity there would never be wars. There would never be disagreements of ideas there would be no need for a two party government etc etc etc.

People just need to live with division. The paradigm of good and evil will always create division.

Just a thought.




Want a better idea that is not inflationary

how about lowering corporate taxes and eliminate senseless regulations that are at the root of American companies moving production to other countries. Make it easier for foreign companies to setup their business in the US than in their home country

Make the US the most business friendly country in the world and we will once again be a net exporter, no trade embargo needed


There is lots of unity in an ant colony and look at all the technological advancements they have achieved over the centuries

Conflict and competition is needed for advancement

At a reasonable level, there is nothing wrong with inflation. A healthy rate in the U.S. is around 2% per year.

A healthy rate of inflation means increased wages and profits, which keeps money flowing through the economy. In other words, more money in peopleā€™s hands encourages more consumption, which creates jobs, which puts more money in peopleā€™s hands, and provides more tax revenue, less unemployment costsā€” and, voila, a growing economy.

In a well-balanced economy, everyone can benefit from the effects of inflation: higher wages, more jobs, lower unemployment, and steady economic growth.

And it has begun, ordinary Americanā€™s with a gripe with their government will now be labeled ā€œDomestic Terroristā€

Have you seen the movie Minority Report, you watch, Americans will be arrested not for what they have done but for what the Government says you will do in the future.

1984 has Arrived

And what exactly in the US has only increased by 2% a year, Healthcare, education, food, housing, military, the national debt. Your two percent is a lie

This reads like something Mustapha Mond would have said in the novel Brave New World

sorry Carlos, this utopia only exist in fiction

What is well-balanced about the American economy, we have growing hunger and poverty as the wealthy become more wealthy. the US economy could not be more out of balanced

The FBI warned Congress about ā€˜domestic terrorism.ā€™ Why didnā€™t anyone listen?

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Has anyone heard, definitively, WHO called in all those troops to DC?

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Duck Iā€™m amazed that you of all people would butcher the spelling of the possessive pronoun THEIR. Isnā€™t Australia an English speaking country? This coming from somebody who tells us all we are oh so stupid. OMG


FBI calls for federal law against domestic terrorism

How can far-right violence be stopped?

Silly is not the word. It is SICK.
You conveniently forgot to mention Irvana who put up with the horrible charlatan for 15 years from 1977 to 1992.
Bear with meā€¦thereā€™s more.
Then there was Marla who dumped him after 6 yearsā€¦1993 -1999 and now
the object of your idolatry Melania.
That poor girl is a saint. Sheā€™s with this pig since 2005 but watch this space.
Her time is up. 15 years in hell. Nobody could do 16.

Real patriots Tulsi Gabbard and Jesse Ventura have been warning us of the unlawful acts of our government as they take away our freedoms, but some here would prefer to listen to the lies and propaganda of yahoo

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Censorship, expanding wars, more expensive healthcare

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A comment like this one really shows just how petty and stupid you are. If you are so petty to make a comment on a simple mistake then really you have nothing intelligent to offer to to the conversation. If you had read the whole post you would have seen that I use the correct spelling of THEIR further down in the second paragraph. Hence proving that I do understand the difference between THERE and THEIR.

All you are doing is trying to be a complete smart arse and that my friend you have been a billiant success.



Oh good lordy more verbal diarrhoea.


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