Political Opinion


"Black people today have more to fear from a black person in the hood, than from a white person wearing a hood.

Jessie Jackson , speaking at an NAACP event


Al Sharpton must be so proud!


2 women charged in Capitol riot said they were ‘looking’ for Pelosi ‘to shoot her in the friggin’ brain’

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Oh you are just the little comedian arin’t you???



Just some bat s crazy ranting from our favorite US Rep Mrs. Greene.

My political opinion, and I think that for most people is that a political system should uphold and respect my human rights as stated by the UN, including my right to freedom, privacy and general access to the internet. I believe that freedom is a fundamental human necessity for every human being to live free and the way they desire in order to make meaning to their lives in an already seemingly meaningless existence. I also think that a socialist democracy is the most ideal political system where every citizen is given an equal opportunity at success in life by making education available and accessible to them and at the same time giving them freedom. Also the system should eliminate capitalist greed by making sure economic resources are fairly if not equally distributed among people.
Some of the best countries to live in in the world already have this form of government.
So I crave for a world without communism or capitalism.


We have exactly the same over here Den - from “the Feminists” - Gobby as hell when some slightly autistic Professor makes a joke - drive him completely out of meaningful employment with their dogma - Shut down free-speech in Universities

But when there are around a MILLION white English girls raped drugged and trafficked repeatedly - right here in the uk - Total silence from these “good people” Feminists !

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Great post @sprotz - Thanks for sharing how you see it - It has already made me think as you will see below - and that is what we are here for - so thanks a lot and perhaps we can take it forward ? :slightly_smiling_face:

What are those “Rights” - and where did they come from ?

Agreed - but that suite of “Rights” is now almost non-existent

What makes you think there is “meaning” - in life ? - Evolution has no such plan for the life-forms she creates.- THe sole meaning of “Life” as far as we can tell - is simply to survive long enough to pass our genes down to the next generation - and to spread them as widely as possible (just as the Chinese “Bat-flu” is doing as we converse) - :slightly_smiling_face:

The more I see of “education” as it now presents - the LESS value I see in it - Apart from for a very few highly technical subjects.

The best of luck with that one - the drive to accumulate resources is hard - wired into our very existence.- and it forms the very basis of female Breeding strategy !

SO all my life I have worked and made decisions which mean I now have my own home which I have paid for - Who precisely do you intend to give it to when you take it off me ?

I can’t think of any ! - So - perhaps I’m no understanding what you are looking for - please

name Six ! - or 4 - or 2 - 1 even and let’s take a look at them in more detail !

I think perhaps you need to define those words rather more - since I can see only evidence of a desire for Communnism in what you have written so far.

However I commend you for your post - it is written in terms which do invite some discussion and allow for us to converse and perhaps understand each other’s position a little better. :sunglasses:

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You eliminate capitalist greed and it will be replaced by socialist corruption.

Read “The Gulag Archipelago” by Alexanda Solzhenitsyn and what you seek maybe not so appealing.




how sad, are you doing anything to help those poor white english girls from being rape, drugged and trafficked. what’s the use crying about it if your not doing nothing about it. :point_right: :rage: :point_left:

Ursula Von der Leyen gets plank of the week !

2 - “Prince 'Arry”
3 - Disney

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Hate groups in decline, migrate to online networks

During one of the most politically divisive years in recent memory, the number of active hate groups in the U.S. actually declined as far-right extremists migrated further to online networks, reflecting a splintering of white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups that are more difficult to track.

The UN declared some thirty something fundamental human rights,

You mean freedom, privacy and uncensored internet? Some countries respect those rights, some don’t. Freedom especially is still widespread.

I did not say that there is a meaning to life. I said that life is seemingly meaningless or its meaning is unclear to us, and that is why people should create their own meaning to their life by living how they want.

I don’t quite understand that.

Some of these traits are part of human nature, unfortunately.

You got what you have under a capitalist system. A system where some never even get the opportunity to get theirs, where only the “fittest” survive.
On a different system you would have got it more easily.

These are mainly the Scandinavian countries like Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. With opportunities equally made available to them including education, they have some of the highest human development index, highly educated people and therefore low crime rate and high standards of living, highly developed countries.
Of course there are some capitalist countries that are also the best to live in, like Canada and New Zealand, because they understood the importance and value of education and made it easily available and accessible to everyone.

You should already know the definition of communism and capitalism. The former is where the government controls the economy with an iron fist and suppresses individual freedom, dictating how people live. The latter is where the economy is dictated by the free market, allowing the few rich to be as greedy as they like, taking most of the wealth and causing huge inequality. All evils of human nature play out here unchecked.

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Then you must be opposed to what is happening in the United States, Big tech selling our private information, Freedom of speech eliminated, and massive censoring of internet content.

this is not confined to just the US, given time it will spread worldwide including our utopian Scandinavian countries

I hope you are true to your words and you support these freedoms to all people and not just the ones you agree with

Look forward to your response


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We are back to playing Russian roulette with our stimulus checks, Where were these republicans a month ago, It is just a game to them as Americans suffer


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You are a dead set idiot. No sorry that is an insult to idiots as even an idiot has more brains than you.

It is clear that you just shoot your mouth off with nil appreciation for facts and a complete lack of understanding of what you are talking about.

What @Falstaff was refering to was the rape of young girls by Pakistane muslim gangs over many years in Britain that was completely ignored by local police forces for fear of being called racists. No consideration was given to the victims of theses atrocities.

So what do you expect @Falstaff to do to help these young girls when the police would not do anything?? Please tell me as you seem to be the smart arse in the room.

What a goose!!



he should be out there in public in the U.K. advocatIng for those girls, in other words he should be doing more then posting on this thread

This has been in existance since the beginning of time and is not only a trate of human beings but in fact the whole animal kingdom. To think that society today can erase millions of years of behavioural DNA created by evolution is ludicrous.

Even in the early tribal days where everyone worked to feed and protect the tribe, perhaps the first socialist environment, greed and a sense of survival existed. If a man wanted another man’s wife he just bashed him over the head and took is wife. When food was short they fought and killed each other so they would not starve.

Even today greed and fear drive human behaviour. Do you seriously think that if an ambitous intelligent individual that works hard and makes a lot of money is happy just to give it away to a lazy slob who wants to sit on his fat butt and do nothing?? What about you?? Tell me do you live a life where you are happy to work hard, not only to support your family, but to support a society??

You will probably say yes but in reality if you did you would soon get sick of having to work hard for others that don’t.




I see Former President Trump is still winning, as he remains in the heads of those with TDS, all they can think about is Trump 24/7

In real news

biden continues to escalate tensions in the middle east, first with unconstitutional troop movements to Syria , then with threats against Iran, this puppet of the Military Industrial Complex will soon have the blood of thousands on his hands

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