Political Opinion

Truly incredible that some with so much intelligence and intellectual ability (higher part time) would spend so much time here on a nondescript forum pontificating on matters they really no nothing about.
If they were really that intelligent they certainly wouldn’t be posting ‘gibberish’ on a forum such as this.
One of them even gets high on posting the first letter of President Biden’s name in lower case. That level of intelligence tells us all we need to know about that individual.
Might help if they got out in the fresh air a bit more and feed the ducks in the pond.



I have a little bit of a diff take on the $15 per hour. I think the big boys are already paying that. They are pushing Congress for this to drive the little mom-and-pop competition out of business. I have a lot of small business accounts. My Subway shop cannot afford to pay $15 an hour to a high school kid.

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with all the Sh-t that is going on in the world , if this is what bothers you, you got some real issues


I don’t know what the wage structure is in the USA but here in Australia that $15 an hour minimum wage is only for adults. Minors are paid on a different rate appropriate to their age.



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You are both dead on, open borders will just lead to an underground economy that pays both legal and illegal workers under the table less than min wage

Small business will die under a 15 min wage while Walmart and Amazon will just automate and grow

High School kids can kiss that summer or weekend job good by

Also, note $15 min wage is not really $15 it is 15.93 after wage taxes


It would be for everyone, and that is the problem. The other problem is geography. $15 goes a lot further in, say, Iowa, then it does in Manhattan, NYC.


I found this graph interesting, min wage in every state,

Another thing democrats are not thinking about is if every state pays $15 and you can work from home, then why live in a state with a high cost of living,


Doesn’t bother me in the slightest ‘denise’, but my uncle Warren once told me to never miss a chance to call out a charlatan who craves respectability on an internet forum.

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you do understand this is a political opinion forum and I have yet to see you offer any political opinions for discussion like the current one regarding $15 min wage. 5 people have weighed in on this discussion with very different perspective’s, how about you set aside your personal attacks and participate in a real conversation.

We all can learn something from each other

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Ah yes, blame the immigrants taking the jobs that no Americans actually want. I’d agree with you if I saw people fighting for a place in the job line at the orange grove or the milk farm or any farm for that matter.

Immigrants, i would assume, go for jobs they can actually get, which end up being labor-intensive, and low paying. And there’s room for employment, because guess what, people don’t like labor-intensive work, and they don’t like work that’s low pay.

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nobody is blaming immigrants, it is our poor immigration laws that are the issue. Note that $15 min wage will not apply to migrant farm workers.

I thought George Bush had a good idea with his Guest Worker Program, this would have gave migrant farm workers legal status to work in the US and return home, but the Republican controlled senate refused to move the bill forward

Neither party seems to want to fix the problem as they would rather keep it as a wedge issue to exploit each election year

good topic , lets keep it going and friendly

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Mussolini’s mistress moved to Switzerland 1938 and wrote the book ‘my fault’ and yes she was Jewish - well her parents were orthodox.

Mussolini chose to be racist insofar that it suited his ambitions to be allied with Hitler - thus in July 1938 “Manifesto della razza” was published - followed up by the Racial Laws in Sept.

These laws were a copy of the German laws -i.e. strip Italian Jews of citizenship etc. - horrible times.

Unlike Germany there was no prerequisite for such laws - Italian society was not anti- jewish or anti foreigner - happened therefore that despite the new laws most Italian people did not collude with the authorities.

Anyways it’s an interesting subject - many times I often wonder whether Mussolini really wanted to be rescued by Hitler’s paratroopers when he was being held in the mountain top of Gran Sasso - Hitler personally ordered that rescue - did Mussolini know by that time that his war was lost - sad tale.


Well it appears that our Mickey Bluff-it considers our questions to be far too hard for them to answer and thus construes them as “silly” so as to appear to give a reason.

But - Yes I agree with you - in the main.

As we know Presisent Trump had promised to “Bring jobs back to America” (manufacuring type jobs from asia seemed to be the implcation) and in a single Dictat - biden has made that pretty much impossible and Apple, Nike and their ilk will still be abusing slave labour in China et al, whilst Entreprenneurs in USA will be prevented by simple arithmetic put in place by Chinaphiles under this direction of “the Big Guy” by this means and by the withdrawal and imminent reversal of President Trump’s tax policy.

The increase in illegal immigrants proposed and nurtured by biden’s “team” will further exacerbate the issue and increase the occupancy of the “Democrat communes” :slightly_smiling_face:

Now these children with the crayons cannot see any of that of course - so cannot themselves either oppose the stupidity nor choose appropriate lines of action to profit from it by means of investments - Yet they haunt this site as potential “Forex traders” ! :rofl:


Brilliant chart - thanks !

  • Another thing democrats are not thinking about -

Certainly not the ones we see here ! - the Useful idiots ! :roll_eyes:

  • if every state pays $15 and you can work from home, then why live in a state with a high cost of living,

Why indeed ? - In fact why work from within USA at all ?

We have several of our own members who already work remotely from places with nice weather and friendly tax-regimes / prices and with the war on competence (Especially Male Competence) which your masters are imposing on you in the name of “Equity”, anyone with a computer and a brain, can relocate and take their income with them. :grinning:

Who is John Galt ?

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Eyy - Upp we’re “Shapeshifting” again ! - Thus speaks the Crayon Crewer who flies THIS for a flag of tolerance and unity !

~One who displays his reasonable and moderate attitude thus !

avatar 18.11.2020

.Go on Mark -

tell it to the marines !

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So supply some facts. How many low skilled farm or orange grove jobs are available that American’s won’t take and how many immigrants take up those jobs??


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One of the most sensible things you have said so far.


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do you think he has a clue to the meaning of what he just posted, I some how doubt it