Political Opinion

You would not have a clue as to what insight is otherwise you would be contibuting some worth while and interesting posts. Sadly not. Instead does this quote ring a bell??


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you are 100% correct

I rest my case.


you sure did

it is exchanges like this that bring me to the conclusion that Paul is a bot, flawed and in need of a software update


Answer ; the security camera of course , any casual viewer of one of the many crime shows knows eye witnesses are unreliable

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He did not reply so can I weigh-in, after all, it is my country.

this will be the final nail in the coffin of small business, while Amazon will just automate and eliminate jobs with robots. Walmart has already eliminated like 90% of cashier jobs with their self serve checkouts, most of the McDonalds in my area have installed touch screen order kiosk eliminating order taking at the counter

Simple answer
$15 minimum wage = less jobs

A better solution would be a UBI



Well I have been watching this thread to see whether you in the USA were actually allowed to see this - before publishing it myself. It appears that you were eventually made aware.

It seems to me that the publication of the entire conspiracy in TIME magazine - will not be deniable (plausible deniability) in the future and as such it must form the basis from which future real historians will START to put this ridiiculous situation into History.

Here is the analysis I have noted - and it is to be noted that not only did this article admit with pride exactly HOW this disgraceful manipulation of the Democratic process. It also NAMES NAMES !

This examination by Carl is the very best I have come across - and should be shared with everyone and stored in your archives for future reference.

Conspiracy FACTS revealed by their own admission.


ā€œTrump is going to fix the Elections by being POPULAR And gaining actual VOTES !ā€


Full analysis HERE :slightly_smiling_face:.

Filth - The WORLD is watching YOU !

And our very own Crayon Crew would do well to watch this and endeavour to understand exactly how each and every one of you has been manipulated - and feel very ashamed !







Duck and denise should just watch the impeachment trial of their handsome hero (sic) and take note of the decent people in that building fleeing for their lives from a mob who believe all the sh one t that THEY spout here.
Is that sad or what.?
Expecting anybody to reply to their silly questions here is the stuff of fairyland.

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The world is moving all around them and their stuck in a world that only exist in their minds.

must be hard for them knowing the world they see is not the image they see in their minds.

My uncle Warren couldnā€™t have said it better Paulā€¦ :grinning:

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I post about dozens of different subject matter on this site, while the two of you only post about Donald Trump, can you say TDS

One hollow man argument after another, is attacking other forum members all you have in your life, Sad!

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A new Congressional Budget Office report on the Biden administrationā€™s proposed $15 minimum wage hike estimates the change could cost 1.4 million jobs, lead to higher prices on some goods and increase the federal deficit.

But the report also says the minimum wage increase would pull 900,000 Americans out of poverty

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I think itā€™s hard to tell for or against.

Depends on who you believe.

I will say EquitableGrowth.org has some crazy smart people on their steering committee. Not sure how much they provide to research, but at minimum, itā€™s another perspective from people using recent data sets.

Maybe initially job losses occur, but when you factor in increased productivity, decreased turn over, and ability for wage earners to spend more, thereby creating more economic activity, that could then end up requiring businesses hire more to address demand.

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One thing you can always count on from the US government is they always under estimate the cost and over estimate the benefit. So if they are saying 1.4 million jobs lost the real number will be closer to 2.8 million, and that 900K out of poverty will be more like 450K

As I said in an earlier post, this will kill a lot of small businesses, as Walmart and Amazon will just hire more robots

Better solution is Universal Basic Income

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Sad times for America as our media is run by the CIA and real journalist are being persecuted by our government

Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 11.12.26 PM

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Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 11.51.51 PM

To make such a claim shows that Equitable Growth has a lot of crazy people working there and they are not too smart. Anyone who lives in the US can see the evidence all around as companies are eliminating jobs in preparation for a $15 MW

All of these things are likely to happen but it is impossible to know how much of each,

Another thing I do not see addressed is the likelihood of reduced hours, fewer hours could mean loss of benefits

The bottom line increasing the min wage does not increase the wage pie, it just means employers will need to be creative in how that pie is divided up

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Whilst I believe the governments heart is in the right place the proposal to raise the minimum wage will do nothing to assist those on the low end of the wage scale.

All it will do is make employers higher part time instead of full time employees. Why would you hire two people at $15 an hour when you can hire 3 casuals for $10 an hour.

The problem of unemployment and low wages lies with immigration. Simple supply and demand is a driver of higher wages. Fewer workers means employers have to pay more to get labour. That is economics 101. But if the government is letting every tom ā– ā– ā– ā–  and harry into the country this will do nothing but increase competition for jobs and subsequently lead to lower wages.




Wow it must be hell in your head mate.
