Political Opinion

Why would I support officers under investigation before details of the investigation have even been released? When I know who is being investigated, why, and what evidence there is, I will decide whether or not to give them my support.

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So, no rush to judgement, right? Good for you!

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To bad it only applies to slime ball corrupt democrats

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Here is the issue, when the US government wants to scapegoat you and destroy your life, they will and the evidence does not matter

What was so bad that these officers took their own lives, something really stinks about Jan. 6th, we are not being told the whole story and with the media under control of the democrats and CIA we never will know the whole truth

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More good news from a President who cares for the publics health.
What a pleasant change from his predecessor, who was more concerned with his ratings and lining his own pockets.
President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 response team announced Wednesday it would make 25 million masks available to Americans at community health centers and foodbanks.

“We will deliver more than 25 million masks across the country. These masks will be available in more than 1300 community health centers, and at 60,000 food pantries nationwide. Any American who needs a mask will be able to walk into these health centers or food pantries and pick up high quality American made masks,” White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeff Zients said.

“These masks will be available at no cost. There’ll be well-fitting cloth masks available in children’s and adult sizes, and they can be washed for reuse,” Zients said, with “all consistent with CDC guidance and all made in the USA.


Prosecutors Say 20-Year Veteran of NYPD Attacked Cop at Capitol ‘Like a Junkyard Dog,’ Beat Him With Metal Pole

i’m posting stories while your posting things people been complaining about for years and will continue to complain because nothing is gonna change

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How China Got Rich

China building incredible tunnel bridge across Pearl River | This is China

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I know you would mate :sunglasses:

Sometimes I find it quite touching that you keep persevering - trying to get some form of dialogue out of these Spergs ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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That reminds me - I must finish my Arithmetic post ! :rofl:

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Very interesting video @SmallPaul

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You see dennis you and your crew are living in a world that no longer exist you are living in a world that is fastly changing , you can keep talking about the same thing and forever be stuck in that world hat no longer exist because nothing you say or do is gonna stop this world from changing.

The Demographic Timebomb | Forward Thinking

Century of Enslavement - The History of The Federal Reserve

My god - is that globalist neo-Marxism what they are teaching our kids in University ? - well yes I know it is - because we’ve heard it all from one of your predecessors !

The Naivete of that “expert” from Univ London was breathtaking !

I have to say tho’ that I hadn’t realised that the Chinese only abandoned tehir disastrous “1 Child policy” until 2015 :roll_eyes:

Some of what @Dennis3450 's crew are defending - based on the traditional values of competence and self-reliance certainly does not take enough account of “the Global stage” - but that fool’s statement that “we need more education into the technocracy” is far more naive in that it assumes that “education is good” irrespective of the intelligence of the person being force fed “learning” - ie “People are interchangeable” - Classic Commie crud !

Go find a more accurate and less biased version @SmallPaul - so we can have a proper look at this stuff - that one is nothing short of dangerous Propaganda ! :roll_eyes:

just look around you, the world has change and your still stuck

Well I watched teh first 20 seconds or so - then I noticed it was from the same stable as teh one I commented on above. so I assume the same biases apply - Get us a less contaminated version @SmallPaul pllease.

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Falstaff you want america to conform to the america you want, not gonna happen buddy, enjoy your night

Now you’re being a bot again ! my comments were totally reasonable - we’ll wait for your Dad thanks !

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you said look for the truth, well the truth is right before your eyes

I’ll wait for your Dad !

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